ChatGpt Material Dark

Experience ChatGPT with a sleek Material Dark theme. Enjoy a distraction-free, immersive AI interaction on

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           ChatGpt Material Dark
@version        1.4.6
@description    Experience ChatGPT with a sleek Material Dark theme. Enjoy a distraction-free, immersive AI interaction on
@author         Ameer Jamal
@license        CC BY-ND 4.0
==/UserStyle== */
 * License: Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0)
 * You are free to:
 * - Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
 * Under the following terms:
 * - Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.
 *   You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
 * - No Derivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.
 * - No Commercial Use — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
 * For the full license text, visit
 * For any questions or concerns, please reach out to the original author.
@-moz-document regexp("*)?") {
	@import url('');
	@import url('');
	@import url('');

	:root {
		--futuristic-gradient: linear-gradient(to right, #0f2027, #203a43, #2c5364);
		/* W3C, IE 10+/ Edge, Firefox 16+, Chrome 26+, Opera 12+, Safari 7+ */
		--chat-background-gradient: linear-gradient(180deg, rgb(32 33 35 / 0%), rgb(32 33 35) 58.85%);
		--all-chat-history: black;
		--main-chat-border-color: rgba(137, 126, 109, 0.35);
		--deep-space: linear-gradient(to left, #000000, #434343);
		--alerts: linear-gradient(to right, #ff512ff0, #f09819f0);
		--code-background: #1E1E1E;
		/* Vsvcode Dark+ */
		--code-topbar: radial-gradient(circle at -5.9%, #2c5364 0%, #00283a 15.9%, #1E1E1E 24.5%, #1E1E1E 100%);
		/* Vsvcode Dark+ */
		--user-input: linear-gradient(to right,
		#2c536445 0%,
		#000000 50%,
		#000000 100%);

	/* replace bg color */
	.dark body,
	.dark html {
		background-color: rgba(18, 18, 18, 1);

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > div.relative.flex.h-full.max-w-full.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > main > div.flex-1.overflow-hidden {
		background-color: rgba(18, 18, 18, var(--tw-bg-opacity));

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > div.relative.flex.h-full.max-w-full.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > main > div.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > div > div >\/\:border-gray-900\/50.dark\:bg-gray-700.dark\:text-gray-300 {
		background-color: rgba(18, 18, 18);

	/* First launch new chat suggested chat buttons */
	.dark .btn-neutral {
		background-color: rgba(18, 18, 18);
		background: var(--code-background);

	/*change the backgorund of model type*/
	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > div.relative.flex.h-full.max-w-full.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > main > div.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > div > div > header > div {
		backdrop-filter: blur(4px) saturate(100%);
		-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(1px) saturate(200%);
		background-color: rgba(18, 18, 18, 0.2);
		color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

	/* code section styling */
	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > div.relative.flex.h-full.max-w-full.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > main > div.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > div > div > div > div.relative.flex.w-\[calc\(100\%-50px\)\]\:gap-3.lg\:w-\[calc\(100\%-115px\)\] > > div > div > pre > div > {
		background: #1c1d1f;

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > div.relative.flex.h-full.max-w-full.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > main > div.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > div > div > div > div.relative.flex.w-\[calc\(100\%-50px\)\]\:gap-3.lg\:w-\[calc\(100\%-115px\)\] > > div > div > pre > div > div.p-4.overflow-y-auto {
		background: #1c1d1f;

	/* Code top bar */ {
		background: var(--code-topbar);
		border-bottom: 0.1px solid #fff9;

	/*Code background*/
	.p-4.overflow-y-auto {
		background: var(--code-background);

	/* Code snippet font and settings*/
	samp {
		letter-spacing: 0.5px;
		font-variant-ligatures: contextual;
		text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
		-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
		/* for Chrome, Safari */
		-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
		/* for Firefox */

	pre {

		font-family: 'Fira Code', monospace !important;

	/* fading cursor */
	@-webkit-keyframes fade {
		0% {
			opacity: 0;

		100% {
			opacity: 1;

	@keyframes fade {
		0% {
			opacity: 0;

		100% {
			opacity: 1;

	.result-streaming > :not(ol):not(ul):not(pre):last-child:after,
	.result-streaming > ol:last-child li:last-child:after,
	.result-streaming > pre:last-child code:after,
	.result-streaming > ul:last-child li:last-child:after {
		-webkit-animation: fade 1s ease-in-out infinite;
		animation: fade 1s ease-in-out infinite;
		content: "▋";
		margin-left: .25rem;
		vertical-align: baseline;

	/* load chat animation*/
	@keyframes fade-in {
		0% {
			opacity: 0;

		100% {
			opacity: 1;

	@keyframes fade-out {
		0% {
			opacity: 1;

		100% {
			opacity: 0;

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > div.relative.flex.h-full.max-w-full.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > main > div.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > div > div {
		animation: fade-in 0.25s ease-in forwards;
		opacity: 0;

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > div.relative.flex.h-full.max-w-full.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > main > div.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > div > div.fade-out {
		animation: fade-out 0.25s ease-out forwards;

	/* scroll smoothly */
	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > div.relative.flex.h-full.max-w-full.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > main > div.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > div {
		scroll-behavior: smooth;

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > div.relative.flex.h-full.max-w-full.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > main >\:border-t-0.dark\:border-white\/\\:dark\\\\:\!bg-transparent.dark\:md\\\:w-\[calc\(100\%-\.5rem\)\] > form > div >\[10px\]\\:pl-4.relative.border.border-black\/\:border-gray-900\/50.dark\:text-white.dark\:bg-gray-700.rounded-xl.shadow-xs.dark\:shadow-xs {
		backdrop-filter: blur(5px) saturate(100%);
		-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(1px) saturate(200%);
		background-color: rgba(18, 18, 18, 0.2);
		border-radius: 12px;
		border: 1px solid rgba(67, 69, 71, .7);
		color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

	/*Send a message Box*/
	.dark .dark\:bg-gray-700 {
		backdrop-filter: blur(5px) saturate(100%);
		-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(1px) saturate(200%);
		background-color: rgba(18, 18, 18, 0.2);
		border-radius: 12px;
		border: 1px solid rgba(67, 69, 71, .7);
		color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

	/* regenerate response */
	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > div.relative.flex.h-full.max-w-full.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > main >\:border-t-0.dark\:border-white\/\\:dark\\\\:\!bg-transparent.dark\:md\\\:w-\[calc\(100\%-\.5rem\)\] > form > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > button {
		backdrop-filter: blur(5px) saturate(100%);
		-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(1px) saturate(200%);
		background-color: rgba(18, 18, 18, 0.2);
		border-radius: 122px;
		border: 1px solid rgba(54, 55, 57, .7);
		color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

	.rounded-sm {
		border-radius: 122px;

	/*Chat input new*/
	.dark .dark\:bg-gray-800 {
		--tw-bg-opacity: 1;
		color: #c2c2c2 !important;
		background: #000000;
		/* fallback for old browsers */
		background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to bottom, #434343, #000000);
		/* Chrome 10-25, Safari 5.1-6 */
		background: var(--user-input)!important;

	/*Chat output new*/
	.dark .dark\:bg-\[\#444654\] {
		--tw-bg-opacity: 1;
		background: black;

	/*Chat Background*/
	.dark .dark\:md\:bg-vert-dark-gradient {
		background-image: var(--chat-background-gradient)

	.text-token-text-primary {
		color: #c2c2c2 !important;
	}\[9\].w-full {
		background: #00000017;

	/** Chat input text */
	.dark .dark\:prose-invert {
		--tw-prose-headings: #fff !important;
		--tw-prose-body: #e3e3e3;
		--tw-prose-bold: #fff;
		--tw-prose-code: #E8922E;
		--tw-prose-links: #53b7ff;
		--tw-prose-quotes: #ffc7f8;
		--tw-prose-hr: #2fffd2;

	/*Chat border seperation between AI and user*/
	.dark .dark\:border-gray-900\/50 {
		border-color: var(--main-chat-border-color)

	#__next > div >\:pl-\[260px\] > main > div.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > div > div.w-full.h-48.flex-shrink-0 {
		background-color: rgba(18, 18, 18, var(--tw-bg-opacity));

	#__next > div >\:pl-\[260px\] > main > div.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > div > div > div > div.relative.flex.w-\[calc\(100\%-50px\)\].md\:flex-col.lg\:w-\[calc\(100\%-115px\)\] > > div {
		font-size: 26px

	/* new chat button*/
	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > > div > div > div > nav > > a {
		background: var(--futuristic-gradient);
		border-radius: 10px;
		font-size: 0.9rem;
		transition: box-shadow 0.3s;
		text-align: center;

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > > div > div > div > nav > > a:hover {
		box-shadow: 1px 1px 10px rgba(38, 198, 218, 0.9);

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > > div > div > div > nav > {
		width: 8px!important;

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > > div > div > div > nav > > a {
		padding-right: 7.3rem;
		border-color: black;

	/* hide sidebar icon */
	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > > div > div > div > nav > > span {
		background: var(--futuristic-gradient);
		border-radius: 10px;
		font-size: 0.9rem;
		transition: box-shadow 0.3s;
		text-align: center;

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > > div > div > div > nav > > span:hover {
		box-shadow: 1px 1px 10px rgba(38, 198, 218, 0.9);

	/* Current Selected Chat*/
	.bg-gray-800 {
		background: var(--futuristic-gradient);

		box-shadow: 1px 1px 0 rgba(38, 198, 218, 0);
		transition: background 0.1s;

	.hover\:bg-\[\#2A2B32\]:hover {
		background: var(--deep-space);

	.from-gray-800 {
		--tw-gradient-from: rgba(18, 18, 18, 0) var(--tw-gradient-from-position);
		--tw-gradient-to: rgba(52, 53, 65, 0) var(--tw-gradient-to-position);
		--tw-gradient-stops: var(--tw-gradient-from), var(--tw-gradient-to);

	.from-gray-900 {
		--tw-gradient-from: rgba(32, 33, 35) var(--tw-gradient-from-position);
		--tw-gradient-to: rgba(32, 33, 35, 0) var(--tw-gradient-to-position);
		--tw-gradient-stops: var(--tw-gradient-from), var(--tw-gradient-to);

	.group:hover .group-hover\:from-\[\#2A2B32\] {
		--tw-gradient-from: #0000 var(--tw-gradient-from-position);
		--tw-gradient-to: rgba(42, 43, 50, 0) var(--tw-gradient-to-position);
		--tw-gradient-stops: var(--tw-gradient-from), var(--tw-gradient-to);

	.hover\:bg-gray-800:hover {
		--tw-bg-opacity: 1;
		background-color: rgba(50, 50, 52, var(--tw-bg-opacity));

	#__next > div >\\\\:w-\[260px\].md\:flex-col > div > div > nav >\:bg-gray-500\/10.transition-colors.duration-200.text-white.cursor-pointer.text-sm.mb-2.flex-shrink-0.border.border-white\/20:hover {
		opacity: 90%

	#__next > div >\\\\:w-\[260px\].md\:flex-col > div > div > nav >\:bg-gray-500\/10.transition-colors.duration-200.text-white.cursor-pointer.text-sm.mb-2.flex-shrink-0.border.border-white\/20 span {
		color: white;
		font-size: 18px;
		font-weight: 100;

	#__next > div >\:pl-\[260px\] > main > div.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > div > div > div > div > div.relative.flex.w-\[calc\(100\%-50px\)\].md\:flex-col.lg\:w-\[calc\(100\%-115px\)\] > {
		color: white;
		font-size: 18px;
		font-weight: 400;

	body {
		font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;

	::-moz-selection {
		/* Code for Firefox */
		background: #c2c2ce2b;

	::selection {
		background: #c2c2ce2b;

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > div.relative.flex.h-full.max-w-full.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > main > div.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > div > div {
		padding-top: 5px;
		margin-left: 5px;
		font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > > div > div > div {
		padding-left: 5px;
		width: 300px !important;
		background: transparent;
		padding-top: 5px;
		font-family: 'JetBrains Mono', sans-serif;

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > {
		width: 300px !important;

	/*All Chat history general */
	nav[aria-label="Chat history"] {
		background: var(--all-chat-history);

	/* hide chat icon in chat history */
	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > > div > div > div > nav > div.flex-col.flex-1.transition-opacity.duration-500.overflow-y-auto > div > div > span > div > ol > li > a > svg {
		display: none;

	#__next > div >\:pl-\[260px\] > main > div.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div {
		background: #121212;

	.dark .dark\:bg-gray-800\/75 {
		background-color: rgb(185 185 185 / 25%);

	#headlessui-dialog-panel-\:r8\: {
		backdrop-filter: blur(5px) saturate(100%);
		-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(1px) saturate(100%);
		background-color: rgba(18, 18, 18, 0.2);
		border-radius: 12px;
		border: 1px solid rgba(67, 69, 71, .7);
		color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex >\\:w-\[260px\].md\:flex-col > div > div > nav > a:nth-child(4) > span >\.5.px-1\.5.text-xs.font-medium.uppercase.text-gray-800 {
		display: none;

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex >\\:w-\[260px\].md\:flex-col > div > div > nav > a:nth-child(3) {
		font-size: 0;
		width: 60px;

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex >\\:w-\[260px\].md\:flex-col > div > div > nav > a:nth-child(4) {
		font-size: 0;
		width: 60px;

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex >\\:w-\[260px\].md\:flex-col > div > div > nav > a:nth-child(5) {
		font-size: 0;
		width: 60px;

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex >\\:w-\[260px\].md\:flex-col > div > div > nav > a:nth-child(6) {
		font-size: 0;
		width: 60px;

	/* .result-streaming {display: none;} */
	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex >\\:w-\[260px\].md\:flex-col > div > div > nav > a:nth-child(7) {
		font-size: 0;
		width: 60px;

	.h-4 w-4 {
		display: none;

	/*hide disclaimer and version */
	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex.z-0 > div.relative.flex.h-full.max-w-full.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > main >\:border-t-0.dark\:border-white\/\\:dark\\\\:\!bg-transparent.dark\:md\\:-left-2 > div > span {
		display: none;

	/* chatgpt title */
	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex > div.flex.h-full.max-w-full.flex-1.flex-col > main > div.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > div > div >\:max-w-2xl.lg\\\\:flex-col.px-6.dark\:text-gray-100 > h1 {
		font-size: 0px;

	#__next > div.overflow-hidden.w-full.h-full.relative.flex > div.flex.h-full.max-w-full.flex-1.flex-col > main > div.flex-1.overflow-hidden > div > div > div >\:max-w-2xl.lg\\\\:flex-col.px-6.dark\:text-gray-100 > div {
		display: none;

	/* Chat history backgroud plus remove gradient*/
	.bg-gradient-to-l {
		display: none;

	.bg-gray-900 {
		background-color: transparent;

	/* Current Chat edit or "remove" current chat buttons*/
	button.p-1.hover\:text-white svg {
		stroke: black;

	button.p-1.hover\:text-white svg:hover {
		stroke: white;

	/* Current Chat edit or "remove" current chat buttons*/
	div[role="alert"] {
		background: var(--alerts);
		border: transparent;

	.border-white\/20 {
		border-color: transparent
	} {
		background-color: black;

	/*Scroll Bars*/
	/* Hide the entire scrollbar by default */
	::-webkit-scrollbar {
		opacity: 0;
		transition: opacity 0.5s;

	/* The width for vertical and height for horizontal scrollbars */
	::-webkit-scrollbar:vertical {
		width: 10px;

	::-webkit-scrollbar:horizontal {
		height: 10px;

	/* Show the entire scrollbar on hover over the body or any scrollable container */
	.scrollable-container:hover::-webkit-scrollbar {
		opacity: 1;

	/* The draggable scrolling handle */
	::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
		background: var(--futuristic-gradient);
		border-radius: 5px;

	/* The empty space “below” the scrollbar bar */
	::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
		background-color: transparent;