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Flight Rising Archeology (Tweaked)

Automatically digs for you! Does Precise or Rugged work. Various completion/repeat options available. Based on the original by Triggernometry

< Flight Rising Archeology (Tweaked) 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2023-09-30

Tragically, something about an update broke this for Google Chrome around the end of September, 2023. I believe it was around the 25th, give or take a few days? I've realized that without this I am absolute bollocks at keeping up with my dig-sites, so it truly is a shame.

작성: 2023-11-15

It should be working again, now!

작성: 2023-11-15
수정: 2023-11-15

Can confirm the script is working beautifully once more! Excited to start working on the new digsite with my 200+ of each tool type, LOL!

Thank you so much! I only wish I could edit my initial comment to indicate the change!

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