Redirect Wikimedia Projects from Mobile Version to Desktop Version

Redirect wiki projects from mobile version to desktop version with ManifestV3. Including wikipedia, wikibooks, wiktionary, wikiquote, wikimedia, wikisource, wikiversity, wikispecies, wikidata, wikivoyage and wikinews.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name        Redirect Wikimedia Projects from Mobile Version to Desktop Version
// @version     1.0.0
// @description Redirect wiki projects from mobile version to desktop version with ManifestV3. Including wikipedia, wikibooks, wiktionary, wikiquote, wikimedia, wikisource, wikiversity, wikispecies, wikidata, wikivoyage and wikinews.
// @namespace   AmaniNakupendaWeWe
// @match       *://**
// @match       *://**
// @match       *://**
// @match       *://**
// @match       *://**
// @match       *://**
// @match       *://**
// @match       *://**
// @match       *://**
// @match       *://**
// @match       *://**
// @run-at      document-start
// @grant       none
// @license     MIT
// ==/UserScript==

const re = /m.wik(.+)\.org/;

    .replace(re, location.href.match(re)[0].slice(2))