Greasy Fork is available in English.

Quizlet Match Hacker

The time will freeze and the answers will be the same color

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Quizlet Match Hacker
// @namespace    Ray D. Adams
// @version      1.1
// @description  The time will freeze and the answers will be the same color
// @author       You
// @match*/*
// @grant        none
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
//Ignore the variable gravityScore because it doesn't work any more, but I decided to keep the code here
var gravityScore,
	 href = window.location.href;
	//<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="customWaitButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>
(function() {	
	function initLoad() {
		if (href.includes("")) {
			if (href.includes("/learn")) {
				cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Learn</h2>Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit<br>Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.<br><h4>Instructions:</h4>Just wait for this script to finish!<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="learnButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>');
				getId("learnButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
			} else if (href.includes("/flashcards")) {
				cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Flashcards</h2>Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit<br>Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.<br><h4>Changelog:</h4>+ Added Match time freeze for regular match and diagrams<br>+ Added Gravity score exploit to get ANY score you want!<br>+ Added custom alert box<br>+ Fixed graphics<br>- Removed useless alert boxes.<h4>Instructions:</h4>Umm why are you here? Go cheat somewhere else...<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="flashcardsButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>');
				getId("flashcardsButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
			} else if (href.includes("/write")) {
				cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Write</h2>Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Exploit<br>Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.<br><h4>Instructions:</h4>You dont even have to wait,<br> this is my favorite one to watch!<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="writeButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>');
				getId("writeButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
			} else if (href.includes("/spell")) {
				cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Spell</h2>Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit<br>Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.<br><h4>Instructions:</h4>Hold down enter and wait.<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="spellButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>');
				getId("spellButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
			} else if (href.includes("/test")) {
				cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Test</h2>Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit<br>Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.<br><br><h4>Instructions:</h4>Right click to toggle answers.<br>(Be subtle when using)<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="testButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>');
				getId("testButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
			} else if (href.includes("/micromatch")) {
				cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Micromatch</h2>Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit<br>Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.<br><h4>Instructions:</h4>The timer will be paused when at choosen time.<br>The answers will also be highlighted for you.<br>At your leisure, solve the questions.<br><h4>Match Time: </h4><input type="text" id="matchTimeInput" value="0"></input><br><br><button class="UIButton" id="micromatchButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>');
				getId("micromatchButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
			} else if (href.includes("/match")) {
				cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Match</h2>Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit<br>Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.<br><h4>Instructions:</h4>The timer will be paused when at choosen time.<br>The answers will also be highlighted for you.<br>At your leisure, solve the questions.<br><h4>Match Time: </h4><input type="text" id="matchTimeInput" value="0"></input><br><br><button class="UIButton" id="matchButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>');
				getId("matchButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
			} else if (href.includes("/gravity")) {
				try {
					document.getElementsByClassName("UIModal is-white is-open")[0].style.display = "none"
				} catch (e) {}
				cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Gravity</h2>Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit<br>Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.<br> <h4>What score would you like?: <input type="number" id="gravityScoreInput" value="4294967295" onchange="gravityScore = parseInt(this.value);"></input></h4><br><br><button class="UIButton" id="gravityButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>');
				getId("gravityButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
			} else {
		function testMode() {
			var question = getClass("TermText notranslate lang-en");
			for (var i = 0; i < question.length; i++) {
				question[i].innerHTML += '<br><small style="font-weight: bold; display: block;" class="answers">' + findAnswerGlobal(question[i].innerHTML) + "</small>";
			window.oncontextmenu = function(e) {
				var answer = getClass("answers");
				if (answer[0].style.display == "block") {
					for (var i = 0; i < answer.length; i++) {
						answer[i].style.display = "none";
				} else {
					for (var i = 0; i < answer.length; i++) {
						answer[i].style.display = "block"
		function gravity() {
			if (gravityScore === undefined) {
				gravityScore = parseInt(prompt("Enter exact score:"));
			var t = window.QJP([], [], ["hyek"]).a,
			n = t.grader.grade.bind(t.grader);
			t._startGame(), t.dataMap = t.dataMap.update("points", function(t) {
				return gravityScore;
			for (var o = 0; o < 99; o++) t._advanceLevel();
			function s(e) {
				t.grader.grade = function(e, t, n) {
					return !0;
				}, e(), t.grader.grade = n
			s(function() {
			var a = t._promptCopyAnswer.bind(t);
			t._promptCopyAnswer = function(e) {
				a(e), setTimeout(function() {
					s(function() {
							liveTermId: e,
							answer: ""
				}, 0);
		function write() {
			//This is sad... but works better...
			var remaining = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("LearnModeProgressBar-value")[0].innerHTML);
			for (var i = 0; i < remaining; i++) {
				getId("user-answer").value = Math.random();
			var buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button"),
				 span = document.querySelectorAll("span");
			if (getId("user-answer")) {
				getId("user-answer").disabled = true;
				getId("user-answer").value = findAnswerGlobal(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML);
				for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
					if (buttons[i].childNodes[0].innerHTML == "Answer") {
			try {
				for (var i = 0; i < span.length; i++) {
					if (span[i].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML == "Override: I was right") {
			} catch (e) {}
			} else {
				for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
					if (buttons[i].innerHTML == "Press any key to continue") {
					} else if (buttons[i].innerHTML == "Start Over") {
						return 1;
				setTimeout(write, 0);
		function spell() {
			if (getClass("SpellModeControls-progressValue")[0].innerHTML == "100%") {
				return 1;
			if (getId("js-spellInput") !== null) {
				getId("js-spellInput").value = findAnswerGlobal(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML);
				setTimeout(spell, 10);
		function match() {
			button = getClass("UIButton UIButton--hero")[0], button &&;
			setTimeout(function() {
				var matchLoop = setInterval(function() {
				}, 0);
				function waitForMatch() {
					if (getClass("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile") || getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")) {
						for (var F = setTimeout(";"), i = 0; i < F; i++) clearTimeout(i);
						var tiles = getClass("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile");
						var colors = ["#FF0000", "#FF0000", "#FF6600", "#FF6600", "#FFFF00", "#FFFF00", "#00FF00", "#00FF00", "#00FFFF", "#00FFFF", "#0033FF", "#0033FF", "#FF00FF", "#FF00FF", "#CC00FF", "#CC00FF", "#6E0DD0", "#6E0DD0", "#C0C0C0", "#C0C0C0", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#A52A2A", "#A52A2A", "#F6CFFF", "#F6CFFF", "#CFD9FF", "#CFD9FF", "#FBFFA3", "#FBFFA3", "#FFD1A3", "#FFD1A3", "#710000", "#710000"];
						for (var i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
							tiles[i].style.backgroundColor = colors[i];
							for (var j = 0; j < tiles.length; j++) {
								if (tiles[j].childNodes[0].innerHTML == findAnswerGlobal(tiles[j].childNodes[0].innerHTML)) {
									tiles[j].style.backgroundColor = colors[i];
			}, 500);
		function micromatch() {
			button = getClass("UIButton UIButton--hero")[0], button &&;
			setTimeout(function() {
				setTimeout(function() {
					for (var F = setTimeout(";"), o = 0; o < F; o++) clearTimeout(o);
				}, 0);
				var tiles = getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridTile-text"); //[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML
				for (var i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
					if (getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridTile")[i].classList[1] != "is-selected") {
						click(getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")[i].childNodes[0], "pointerdown");
					for (var j = 0; j < tiles.length; j++) {
						if (tiles[j].childNodes[0].innerHTML == findAnswerGlobal(tiles[i].childNodes[0].innerHTML)) {
							if (getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridTile")[j].classList[1] != "is-selected") {
								click(getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")[j].childNodes[0], "pointerdown");
								j = tiles.length;
				function click(e, t) {
					if (e.fireEvent) e.fireEvent("on" + t);
					else {
						var n = document.createEvent("Events");
						n.initEvent(t, !0, !1), e.dispatchEvent(n);
			}, 500);
		function learn() {
			if (getClass("ProgressSegmentedSemicircle-percent")[0].innerHTML = "100%") {
				return 1;
			if (getClass("AssistantMultipleChoiceQuestionPromptView-inner")[0] !== undefined) {
				var answer = findAnswerGlobal(getClass("FormattedText notranslate TermText lang-en")[0].innerHTML);
				var q1 = getClass("FormattedText notranslate TermText lang-en")[1];
				var q2 = getClass("FormattedText notranslate TermText lang-en")[2];
				var q3 = getClass("FormattedText notranslate TermText lang-en")[3];
				var q4 = getClass("FormattedText notranslate TermText lang-en")[4];
				if (answer == q1.innerHTML) {;
				} else if (answer == q2.innerHTML) {;
				} else if (answer == q3.innerHTML) {;
				} else if (answer == q4.innerHTML) {;
				} else {
					console.error("ERROR: Unable to find / click answer");
					return 0;
				setTimeout(learn, 10);
			} else {
				setTimeout(learn, 100);
		function checkCheckbox() {
			document.getElementsByClassName("UIButton UIButton--whiteBorder UIButton--fill")[0].click();
			if (document.getElementsByClassName("UICheckbox-input")[3].checked && document.getElementsByClassName("UICheckbox-input")[2].checked !== true && document.getElementsByClassName("UICheckbox-input")[4].checked !== true) { 
				document.getElementsByClassName("UIButton UIButton--inverted")[0].click();
				return 1;
			if (document.getElementsByClassName("UICheckbox-input")[4].checked === true) {
			if (document.getElementsByClassName("UICheckbox-input")[2].checked === true) {
			if (document.getElementsByClassName("UICheckbox-input")[3].checked === false) {
			document.getElementsByClassName("UIButton UIButton--inverted")[0].click();
		function findAnswerGlobal(question) {
			if (Quizlet.assistantModeData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.assistantModeData.terms
				return getAnswer(Quizlet.assistantModeData.terms, question);
			} else if (Quizlet.learnGameData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.learnGameData.allTerms
				return getAnswer(Quizlet.learnGameData.allTerms, question);
			} else if (Quizlet.testModeData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.testModeData.terms
				return getAnswer(Quizlet.testModeData.terms, question);
			} else if (Quizlet.spellModeData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.spellModeData.spellGameData.termsById
				return getAnswer(Quizlet.spellModeData.spellGameData.termsById, question);
			} else if (Quizlet.matchModeData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.matchModeData.terms
				return getAnswer(Quizlet.matchModeData.terms, question);
			} else if (Quizlet.gravityModeData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.gravityModeData.terms
				return getAnswer(Quizlet.gravityModeData.terms, question);
			} else {
				return 0;
			function getAnswer(s, t) {
				var e = s;
				if (t.indexOf("_") != "-1") {
					if (t.slice(-1) == "_") { //Underscore at end
						for (var i=0; i<e.length; i++) {
							if (e[i].definition.indexOf(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_")[0]) != "-1") {
								return e[i].word;
							} else if (e[i].word.indexOf(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_")[0]) != "-1") {
								return e[i].definition;
					} else if (t[0] == "_") {
						for (var i=0; i<e.length; i++) { //Underscore at start
							if (e[i].definition.indexOf(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_").slice(-1)[0]) != "-1") {
								return e[i].word;
							} else if (e[i].word.indexOf(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_").slice(-1)[0]) != "-1") {
								return e[i].definition;
					} else {
						for (var i=0; i<e.length; i++) { //Underscore in middle
							if (e[i].definition.indexOf(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_").slice(-1)[0]) != "-1" && e[i].definition.indexOf(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_")[0]) != "-1") {
								return e[i].word;
							} else if (e[i].word.indexOf(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_").slice(-1)[0]) != "-1" && e[i].word.indexOf(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_")[0]) != "-1") {
								return e[i].definition;
				var answers = [];
				for (var i=0; i<e.length; i++) {
					e[i].definition = e[i].definition.replace("\n", "<br>");
					e[i].word = e[i].word.replace("\n", "<br>");
					if (t == e[i].word) {
					} else if (t == e[i].definition) {
				return answers[Math.floor(Math.random() * answers.length)];
	function cAlert(message) {
		var html = '<div class="UIModal is-white is-open" id="customMessageContainer" role="document" tabindex="-1"> <div class="UIModal-box"> <div class="UIModalHeader"> <div class="UIModalHeader-wrapper"> <span class="UIModalHeader-close"> <div class="UIModalHeader-closeIconButton"> <span class="UIIconButton"> <button class="UIButton UIButton--inverted" type="button" id="customCloseButton" onclick="document.getElementById(&quot;customMessageContainer&quot;).remove();"> <span class="UIButton-wrapper"> <svg class="UIIcon UIIcon--x-thin"> <noscript></noscript> <use xlink:href="#x-thin"></use> <noscript></noscript> </svg> </span> </button> </span> </div> </span> <div class="UIModalHeader-childrenWrapper"> <h3 class="UIHeading UIHeading--three"><span id="customTitle">Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit</span></h3> </div> </div> </div> <div class="UIModalBody"> <div class="UIDiv SetPageEmbedModal-content"> <div> <p class="UIParagraph"><span id="customMessage">'+message+'</span></p></div></div></div></div></div>';
		var j = document.createElement('div');
		j.innerHTML = html;
function getId(id) {
	return document.getElementById(id);
function getClass(id) {
	return document.getElementsByClassName(id);
//var learnInsertJs = "function figure(match) {termsWord = window.Quizlet.assistantModeData.terms.filter(function z(x) {return x.word == match}); termsDefinition = window.Quizlet.assistantModeData.terms.filter(function z(x) {return x.definition === match}); if (termsWord.length > 0) {return termsWord[0].definition;}; if (termsDefinition.length > 0) {return termsDefinition[0].word;}}; function solve() {input = document.querySelector('#AssistantModeTarget > div > div > div > div.ModeLayout-content > div > span:nth-child(2) > div > div > div.AssistantScrollableViewLayout-content > div > div.AssistantMultipleChoiceQuestionPromptView-promptArea > div > div > div > span').innerHTML; output = figure(input); outs = document.querySelectorAll('.AssistantMultipleChoiceQuestionPromptView-termOptionInner > div > span'); for (var i = 0; i < outs.length; i++) {if (outs[i].innerText === output) {outs[i].click();}}; document.querySelector('#AssistantModeTarget > div > div > div > div.ModeLayout-content > div > span:nth-child(3) > div > div.AssistantFixedActionLayout-action > div > button').click(); if (document.querySelector('#AssistantModeTarget > div > div > div > div.ModeLayout-controls > div > div > div > div.ModeControls-main > div.ModeControls-progress > div > div > div > svg > text.ProgressSegmentedSemicircle-text.ProgressSegmentedSemicircle-progressText > tspan').innerHTML.slice(0, -1) !== '100') {setTimeout(solve, 10);};}; solve();"
//backupOptionsSet = "/*document.querySelector('#AssistantModeTarget > div > div > div > div.ModeLayout-controls > div > div > div > div.ModeControls-main > div.ModeControls-actions > div > button > span > span').click(); if (document.querySelector('body > div:nth-child(4) > > div > div.UIModalBody > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > div > div > div > div:nth-child(3) > label > input').checked) {document.querySelector('body > div:nth-child(4) > > div > div.UIModalBody > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > div > div > div > div:nth-child(3) > label > input').click();}; if (document.querySelector('body > div:nth-child(4) > > div > div.UIModalBody > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > label > input').checked) {document.querySelector('body > div:nth-child(4) > > div > div.UIModalBody > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > label > input').click();}; document.querySelector('body > div:nth-child(4) > > div > div.UIModalHeader > div > span > div > span > button > span').click();*/"
function solveLearn() {
    script = document.createElement('script');
    script.textContent = learnInsertJs;
  function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
    if ( == "write") {
      iters = parseInt($(".LearnModeProgressBar-value").html())
      for (var i = 0; i < iters; i++) {
        $("#user-answer")[0].value = "*"; 
        document.evaluate('//*[@id="js-learnModeInner"]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/span/a', document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null);
      sendResponse({out: 0});
    else if ( === "learn") {
      sendResponse({out: 0});
    else {
      sendResponse({out: 1});