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Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars

< HeroWarsHelper 피드백


작성: 2024-01-05

Similar to the auto expedition feature, would you please add a feature to auto DO ALL with, in that sense, we can have the the script refresh every day and do the tedious jobs and collect rewards daily. I can install a auto refresh plugin into Chrome to help.

작성: 2024-01-05

Similar to the auto expedition feature, would you please add a feature to auto DO ALL with, in that sense, we can have the the script refresh every day and do the tedious jobs and collect rewards daily. I can install a auto refresh plugin into Chrome to help.

I believe that pressing the DO ALL button should be conscious because in some situations it can ruin daily progress.

작성: 2024-01-06

The case is that when I have a long vacation like 2 weeks without internet , I would be kicked out my guild automatically due to no activity, with auto do all setup, I can comfortably leave the game running without much care, yes it might be messing up daily activities progress, still better than no activity for the day. Plus we can tone the do all activities and only run the ones that is suitable for unattended run

작성: 2024-01-06

The case is that when I have a long vacation like 2 weeks without internet , I would be kicked out my guild automatically due to no activity, with auto do all setup, I can comfortably leave the game running without much care, yes it might be messing up daily activities progress, still better than no activity for the day. Plus we can tone the do all activities and only run the ones that is suitable for unattended run

If you don’t have the Internet, this is a completely different task that requires other tools and this script is not suitable for solving it.
In any case, the script’s task is not to play for you, but to help you perform basic actions in the game.

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