Dead Frontier - Scrapping

Alternate scrapping method.

< Dead Frontier - Scrapping 피드백

리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음

작성: 2024-08-16

I found a bug in an item in the game.

Well the bug is that it stays in Loading... when you have the Ck97b mc pistol in your inventory (I don't know if it also happens with those that don't have mastercraft), you discard it in normal scrap and you can now open the scrapping tab

작성: 2024-08-18

I found a bug in an item in the game.

Well the bug is that it stays in Loading... when you have the Ck97b mc pistol in your inventory (I don't know if it also happens with those that don't have mastercraft), you discard it in normal scrap and you can now open the scrapping tab

I was unable to replicate this error. If you do have problems with loading, open up your web console (Ctrl+Shift+I on most web browsers) and look for any error messages. Post the error message along with your report.

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