Cat Cleaner+++

gives user possibility to clear website data, directly from page user uses.

< Cat Cleaner+++ 피드백


작성: 2022-10-01


I would like to know if your script cleans the website we are currently on or all the websites we have visited so far please ?

Thank you for your answer.

Google Chrome Browser with Tampermonkey

작성: 2022-10-01

@Cool722, it cleans data only on the website you are on. Scripts don't actually have access to all websites' data, only current site data.

작성: 2022-10-01

Thank you very much for having created this feature for the websites that I wanted for years because sometimes we just want to clean one website instead of the whole browser.

It's really amazing :-)

작성: 2022-10-03

@Cool722 thank you very much for your feedback!!

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