Youtube shorts redirect

Youtuebe shorts > watch redirect

< Youtube shorts redirect 피드백


작성: 2022-03-21

Why redirect to '/watch/' instead of '/watch?v=' when the former redirects to the latter anyway?

작성: 2022-03-31

I tried replacing '/watch/' with '/watch?v=', but the script ended inserting /watch?v=%2F instead of /watch?v= so probably the script ended including "" part in the url

작성: 2022-04-01

Almost exactly what he said, the %2F in a / from the /shorts/ because I'm an idiot and forgot the '' in the '/shorts/', using '/watch?v=' you ended up with '//watch?v=/' which doesn't exist, but using '/watch/' gives you '//watch//', the browser just treats '//' as '/' so it didn't cause any issue, I'm making it work properly now.

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