Roblox 2008-2011 theme

Makes look like it did in the golden years

< Roblox 2008-2011 theme 피드백

리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음

Please add the old badge page and the Robux button is broken

Lego Savant개발자
작성: 2022-12-06

finally an actual good suggestion, adding soon

작성: 2022-12-08

Hey Lego savant! i love so much your scripts! but can you make a roblox texture to bring back old 2011 textures inside the game please? i already have one, but is outdated and have some bugs, but can you make a texture for this theme? a texture to apply in roblox folders to load inside the game.

Lego Savant개발자
작성: 2022-12-24

you cant modify most textures on roblox client, the leaderboard and chat are entirely untouchable and the background effects of the escape menu are untouchable

this is about how much you can change:

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