IMod[Brand New,] Anti Insta - Fast Insta - Fast Heal [By AFK]

Script [Fixed And Public]

< IMod[Brand New,] Anti Insta - Fast Insta - Fast Heal [By AFK] 피드백

리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음

작성: 2022-02-21

It looks good enough at first glance, fix this monstrosity /^https?\:\/\/(sandbox\.)?moomoo\.io\/([?#]|$)/ and add normal too not just sandbox. But i wont download, just a message to the kids about to install this, it will not work rn and i dont feel like checking if its safe so dont download rn, AFK reply to me when its fixed and ill look over it then ok?

작성: 2022-03-09

I shall work on that now

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