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작성: 2022-04-21

Please update "" (via HTML shortlink) to the script. It can be bypassed on some sites but some faucet sites don't give me credit knowing you are using a script. Also it's not working automatically as it used to be when I went to the shortlink site while script disabled and then re-enabled the script.

작성: 2022-04-21

I get that too some sites work for some shortlinks and others will detect a speeder or ad blocker. I didn't take a note on which sites it was tho.
Try to take notes of the websites doing that and let the author know, maybe he can check where its working and then where its not working and see whats the issue, probably a different detection script, more enforced but could be possibly spoofed, maybe.

작성: 2022-04-21
수정: 2022-04-21

Needs some kind of delay before clicking on the links, script seems to click too fast and not allowing links to be generated (refreshing page before)
they works 80-90% of the time but takes a LONG time for it to complete because of the page reloads.

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