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Twitter Media Downloader

Save Video/Photo by One-Click.

< Twitter Media Downloader 피드백

리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음

작성: 2024-03-07

The script no longer downloads media as of 2024-03-06. I can press the download button to send it into the download queue but the download never initiates.

작성: 2024-03-09

The script works fine! ! ! It is recommended to reinstall (please save the download record locally before installation, and then restore the download record after reinstalling)

작성: 2024-03-12

Hello, I am having the same problem. How do I save the download record locally?

작성: 2024-03-12

The script works fine! ! ! It is recommended to reinstall (please save the download record locally before installation, and then restore the download record after reinstalling)

How do I save the download record locally?

작성: 2024-03-13

The script works fine! ! ! It is recommended to reinstall (please save the download record locally before installation, and then restore the download record after reinstalling)

How do I save the download record locally?

Save to text document

작성: 2024-03-14

"STORAGE" doesn't show up in the Tampermonkey menu. Unless I am in the wrong options.

작성: 2024-03-14

change it

작성: 2024-03-14


작성: 2024-05-06

Same thing happens but only on Violent monkey brave

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