YouTube - whitelist channels in Adblock Plus

Helps whitelist YouTube channels in Adblock Plus

< YouTube - whitelist channels in Adblock Plus 피드백


작성: 2014-08-18

I have a similar script that's been up for a while

It uses the Channel ID instead of the Username, but essentially works the same way. It even uses the same example with TotalBiscuit. Hey, I'm even in that Adblock Plus Forum topic you linked!

Anyways, I haven't tried out your script, but I hope it works out. My Visual Aids make it pretty easy to see how to do use the script, so I would recommend maybe adding some to yours as well in the directions.

Gingerbread Man개발자
작성: 2014-08-18

That one only reloads video pages with &user=… added at the end, whereas mine rewrites links to ensure the Back button works correctly whenever possible. See the discussion for an explanation of why this script exists:

작성: 2014-08-18

Understood. Hey, if you're free, think you could help me out with another Youtube issue?

I don't like Youtube auto-starting the next vid whenever I go to a vid from the Channel page. Since your script rewrites part of a link, maybe you could make a script that rewrite the links on the Videos page to exclude the &list stuff?

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