Fanatical Keys Backup

Displays a text area with game titles and keys so you can copy them out easily.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Fanatical Keys Backup
// @namespace    Lex@GreasyFork
// @version      0.2.4
// @description  Displays a text area with game titles and keys so you can copy them out easily.
// @author       Lex
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    // Formats games array to a string to be displayed
    // Games is an array [ [title, key], ... ]
    function formatGames(games) {
        // Ignore games which do not have keys revealed
        games = games.filter(e => e[1]);
        // Format the output as tab-separated
        games = => e[0]+"\t"+e[1]);
        return games.join("\n");

    function getGames(bundle) {
        let is = bundle.querySelectorAll(".new-order-item");
        return, i => {
            const gameTitleElement = i.getElementsByClassName("game-name");
            const gameTitle = gameTitleElement.length > 0 ? gameTitleElement[0].textContent.trim() : "";
            const keyElement = i.querySelector("[aria-label='reveal-key']");
            const gameKey = keyElement ? keyElement.value : "";
            return [gameTitle, gameKey];

    function revealAllKeys(bundle) {
        const revealButtons = bundle.querySelectorAll(".key-container button.btn-block");
        revealButtons.forEach(b => { }); = "none";

    function createRevealButton(bundle) {
        let btn = document.createElement("button");
        btn.type = "button"; // no default behavior
        btn.innerText = "Reveal this bundle's keys";
        btn.onclick = revealAllKeys.bind(btn, bundle);
        return btn;

    // Adds a textarea to the bottom of the games listing with all the titles and keys
    function handleBundle(bundle) {
        const bundleName = bundle.querySelector(".bundle-name") ? bundle.querySelector(".bundle-name").textContent.trim() : "No Title";
        let games = getGames(bundle);
        const gameCount = games.length;
        const keyCount = games.filter(e => e[1]).length;
        const gameStr = formatGames(games);

        let notify = bundle.querySelector(".ktt-notify");
        if (!notify) {
            notify = document.createElement("div");
            notify.className = "ktt-notify";
            if (gameCount != keyCount) {
                const btn = createRevealButton(bundle);

        const color = gameCount == keyCount ? "" : "red";
        let newInner = `Dumping keys for ${bundleName}: Found ${gameCount} items and <span style="background-color:${color}">${keyCount} keys</span>.`;
        if (gameCount != keyCount) {
            newInner += " Are some keys not revealed?";
        if (notify.innerHTML != newInner) {
            notify.innerHTML = newInner;

        let area = bundle.querySelector(".ktt");
        if (!area) {
            area = document.createElement("textarea");
            area.className = "ktt";
   = "100%";
            area.setAttribute('readonly', true);
        if (area.value != gameStr) {
            area.value = gameStr;
            // Adjust the height so all the contents are visible
   = "";
   = area.scrollHeight + 20 + "px";

    var loopCount = 0;
    function handleOrderPage() {
        // There can be more than one bundle in an order
        const bundles = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".single-order > section > section"));
        if (bundles.length > 0) {
            //console.log(`Found ${bundles.length} bundle(s)`);
            setTimeout(handleOrderPage, 500);
        } else {
            if (loopCount++ < 100) {
                setTimeout(handleOrderPage, 100);
