Google Images direct links 2

Add direct links to the picture to the Google Image Search results.

< Google Images direct links 2 피드백


작성: 2024-02-27

I think this just died again.
Google has changed the look of the images pages,
so I think they did something else along with that
that killed the script.


Benjamin Philipp개발자
작성: 2024-04-13
수정: 2024-04-13

I've finally been seeing the changes myself lately.
I updated the script, let me know if it works again for you :)

작성: 2024-04-15

I sent you an e-mail.

Benjamin Philipp개발자
작성: 2024-04-15

I can't see it 🤔 Where did you send it to? Maybe try using the private message function on GreasyFork

작성: 2024-04-15

I sent them again. If you don't get them, I can publish them here.

There are some issues.

작성: 2024-04-15

Here is the e-mail I sent you:

I noticed it died again last week or so.
I checked a bit and it looked like Google had instituted CSP (Content Security Policy),
which can sometimes kill bookmarklets and Gm UserScripts,
so I thought we were screwed. And then I forgot about it,
and forgot to contact you.

The new changes you made work again (+/-), though. (Thanks!)

• There were two images that did not work, one on ebay, and
one on an AI image generator site.
(the only two I noticed with a quick test)

So I did an F12 and looked at the JS (Error) Console, and this is what it said:

This Link won't come up with a good fragment: .... {snip}

I've never seen the Script not work for a specific image before.
I don't think I've ever looked at the Error Console to see any error messages before.

HOWEVER, when I specifically searched for the text of that ebay listing, and the
image was the FIRST image in Google, it then WORKED when I clicked on the arrow,
which is VERY ODD.
{the original search was 'sexy girl', which will probably show different results for you }
{ this is the ebay link: }

The AI Image Generator site gave this error message on clicking the arrow:

"This Link won't come up with a good fragment:"

I have no idea what those error messages mean.

• When I do the Google Images search for 'sexy girls', or refresh the page,
these are all of the errors given: (at least some are due to the UserScript, maybe all??)

Content Security Policy: Couldn’t parse invalid host 'report-sample'
Content Security Policy: Ignoring “'unsafe-inline'” within script-src: ‘strict-dynamic’ specified
Content Security Policy: Ignoring “https:” within script-src: ‘strict-dynamic’ specified
Content Security Policy: Ignoring “http:” within script-src: ‘strict-dynamic’ specified
GM_config failed to read saved settings!
Empty string passed to getElementById().
Empty string passed to getElementById().
Content Security Policy: Ignoring ‘x-frame-options’ because of ‘frame-ancestors’ directive.
Content Security Policy: Couldn’t process unknown directive ‘require-trusted-types-for’
Content Security Policy: Ignoring “'unsafe-inline'” within script-src or style-src: nonce-source or hash-source specified
Empty string passed to getElementById().

• ALSO, when you click on the actual thumbnail image now, it does nothing.
Which is not the best thing. Default behavior would be ideal.

Thanks, again.

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