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Google Images direct links 2

Add direct links to the picture to the Google Image Search results.

< Google Images direct links 2 피드백


작성: 2021-10-24

Give an option to open in new tab when click?

작성: 2022-02-14


Benjamin Philipp개발자
작성: 2022-02-14

Give an option to open in new tab when click?


Hi! Would you like a GUI option? I'm not too familiar with giving users ad-hoc switchable options in TamperMonkey and consorts, I might have to look into that, or write something custom. Otherwise, I could put a variable prominently at the top of the code, for users to change.

If you would just like the ability to do this on the fly, you can hold CTRL when you click on the arrow: This will open the pages/images in a new tab.

Let me know what you think

작성: 2022-02-14

I think defaulting to new tab would probably be preferred. No need to custom GUI I don't think. When searching for images, the first click isn't always the best result and it's easier to close the new tab instead of hitting back which puts you back to the top of the results. But you could have the option at the top of the code somewhere for those that might wanna change it. Good tip on using ctrl for now. Thanks!

Benjamin Philipp개발자
작성: 2022-02-15
수정: 2022-02-15

I think defaulting to new tab would probably be preferred

I think I changed it to the former behavior because there was specific demand for it ^^

No need to custom GUI I don't think

Meh, I decided to look into neat ways to include graphical user configs anyway, because I was interested in general.
Found GM_config and was happy enough with it to not want to implement something of my own for the sport of it :)
Update's out, and as always available at for "insider builds" :)

작성: 2022-02-16
수정: 2022-02-16

nice, thanks. the new tab option is working and I see the new Settings button, but when i click it, nothing seems to open. im on chrome 98.0.4758.82

edit: disregard. apparently i wasnt on the latest tampermonkey, doh!

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