MouseHunt AutoBot UPDATED

Script automating MH horn sounding and gifting, mostly functional as of 14/04/2024; updating the outdated script from nobodyrandom, who adapted the original versions by CnN and Ooi.

< MouseHunt AutoBot UPDATED 피드백

리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음

작성: 2022-11-04

Hello, I had received a proclamation from the King. It detected that I'm using an automatic refresh script or browser plugin(This autoBOT).
anyone please help me to resolve this matter? many thanks

작성: 2022-11-30

Hello, I had received a proclamation from the King. It detected that I'm using an automatic refresh script or browser plugin(This autoBOT).
anyone please help me to resolve this matter? many thanks

Hey Power Salt -- as mentioned in the disclaimer, there is a chance to get banned by using this script, especially if you leave it on excessively (e.g. 24/7, or on Aggressive Mode (less delay between horns). You can try to submit an appeal to the MH Devs, but not sure how else to help you there.

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