Messenger Heart Reaction

React with a heart emoji instead of heart eyes on Messenger/Facebook

< Messenger Heart Reaction 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2019-12-30

Cool idea, sadly it doesn't work.

With this script installed on both and I'm still shown the heart eyes reaction and not the love heart reaction sadly.

Nikos Trts개발자
작성: 2020-01-15
수정: 2020-01-15

@wefalltomorrow said: With this script installed on both and I'm still shown the heart eyes reaction and not the love heart reaction sadly.

Yes, you see the heart eyes reaction but if you click it it will react with a heart. Mind trying again? :)

작성: 2020-01-16
수정: 2020-01-16

You're right, it works but it's a bit confusing seeing the heart eyes and not the heart haha. Is there a way to fix/change that?

There's also a minor issue when you react with heart to a message and then react again with the heart to the same message, the reaction still stays. Whereas if you react with a thumbs up for example and then a thumbs up again to the same message, the reaction is removed.


작성: 2020-03-07

Thanks for fixing that too, awesome stuff!

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