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Reddit search on Google

Adds a button to search Reddit posts with Google

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Reddit search on Google
// @version      1.3.4
// @description  Adds a button to search Reddit posts with Google
// @author       Mario O.M.
// @namespace
// @include      http*://*/search*
// @include      http*://google.*/search*
// @run-at       document-end
// ==/UserScript==

// Change this to false if you don't want an icon
const useIcon = true;
// Change this to true if you want to add the button to the right of the 'Tools' button
const appendRight = false;

const queryRegex = /q=[^&]+/g;
const siteRegex = /\+site(?:%3A|\:).+\.[^&+]+/g;
const redditUrl = '';
let redditIcon = '<svg foscusable="false" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M0 7.59c.1-.26.15-.54.28-.77.57-1 1.83-1.29 2.79-. 0A8.94 8.94 0 017.5 5c.1 0 .15-.04.19-.14l1.17-3.32.05-.15 1.23.3c.56.12 1.12.25 0 .2-.09a1.66 1.66 0 013.06 1.02c-.06.8-.72 1.46-1.5 1.52-.85.06-1.6-.47-1.77-1.28-.04-.17-.1-.23-.27-.27L9.54 2.5l-.88 2.48c. 1.07.14 1.05.17 2.04.5 2.96 0a1.99 1.99 0 012.34 3.2c-.04.04-.08.11-.08.17a3.67 3.67 0 01-.9 2.73 6.36 6.36 0 01-2.9 1.92c-2.47.86-4.93.8-7.35-.22a5.89 5.89 0 01-2.48-1.9A3.56 3.56 0 01.8 9.5c0-.04 0-.1-.03-.11a2.1 2.1 0 01-.76-1.32v-.01-.47zm7.72 6.22c1.5 0 2.67-.21 3.73-.66a5.2 5.2 0 002.15-1.54c.83-1.06.85-2.3.06-3.38-.4-.56-.93-.97-1.52-1.3a8.15 8.15 0 00-3.44-.97 9.04 9.04 0 00-4.17.63c-.83.35-1.58.82-2.15 1.54a2.66 2.66 0 00-.08 3.38c. 1.55 1.32 1.29.7 2.68.97 3.87.98zm5.7-11.63a.7.7 0 00-.7.7c0 . 0 00.72-.72.7.7 0 00-.72-.7zm1.44 6.2a1 1 0 00-.05-1.22c-.29-.34-.79-.48-1.14-. 1.19 1.53zM1.12 8.38c.3-.6.7-1.09 1.19-1.52-.35-.16-.81-.03-1.1.29-.3.33-.34.83-.09 1.23z"/><path d="M7.98 13.1a4.77 4.77 0 01-1.99-.45 3.58 3.58 0 01-.65-.45c-.24-.2-.24-.5-.04-.7.19-.2.47-. 1.52.11 2.24-.17.24-.1.45-.24.66-.38.22-.16.5-. 9.04a1.3 1.3 0 01-2.6 0 1.3 1.3 0 012.6 0zM4.46 9.04c0-.73.6-1.3 1.32-1.3a1.3 1.3 0 11-1.32 1.3z"/></svg>';
const isImageSearch = /[?&]tbm=isch/.test(;

if (typeof trustedTypes !== 'undefined') {
    const policy = trustedTypes.createPolicy('html', { createHTML: input => input });
    redditIcon = policy.createHTML(redditIcon);

(function () {
    // Creating the element
    let el = document.createElement('div');
    el.className = 'hdtb-mitem';
    const link = document.createElement('a');

    // Adding the svg icon
    if (useIcon) {
        const span = document.createElement('span');
        span.className = isImageSearch ? 'm3kSL' : 'bmaJhd iJddsb'; = 'height:16px;width:16px';
        span.innerHTML = redditIcon;

    // Hyperlink to add '' to the query
    link.href = window.location.href.replace(queryRegex, (match) => {
        // Replaces the existing `site` flags
        return >= 0 ? match.replace(siteRegex, redditUrl) : match + redditUrl;
    if (isImageSearch) {
        el = link;
    } else {

    // Inserting the element into Google search
    if (appendRight) {
        const toolsBtn = document.querySelector(isImageSearch ? '.ssfWCe' : '.t2vtad');
        toolsBtn.parentNode.insertBefore(el, toolsBtn.nextSibling);
    } else {
        const menuBar = document.querySelector(isImageSearch ? '.T47uwc' : '.MUFPAc');
        if (isImageSearch) {
            menuBar.insertBefore(el, menuBar.children[menuBar.childElementCount - 1]);
        } else {