grid++ IMDb, MetaCritic & RottenTomatoes movie ratings + links

Inserts movie ratings from IMDb, RottenTomatoes and Metacritic ratings in any grid view

< grid++ IMDb, MetaCritic & RottenTomatoes movie ratings + links 피드백


작성: 2022-04-21
수정: 2022-04-21

Developer wrote "on line 22: edit the code - replace the eight @ symbols, which look like this @@@@@@@@, with your API".

Can you be MORE specific, please?

What EXACTLY is to be entered?

Client ID ?
Client Secret ?
Redirect URI ?

Or a combination of all/some ?

Maybe post a screenshot...


Benedict Harris개발자
작성: 2022-05-07


read the line above that....I write that you should go to this website and register a free acount:

Thats where the film data is pulled from.

once you do that, you get a code, which you put in my code at the @@@@@@@@

작성: 2022-05-09

Thank you! I entered the OMDB Api KEy and now the pages look complete ugly and no ratings are shown.
I quit now, thank you.
Your script does not work here/for me.

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