Facebook Messenger Dark Theme Night Mode

Facebook Messenger Dark Theme Night Mode - currently undergoing build

< Facebook Messenger Dark Theme Night Mode 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2019-06-25

Photos & emojis are inverted / White box when someone is typing

Minor bug, but the photos & emojis are inverted and I've noticed when someone is typing, that box tuns white.

With these bugs fixed, it would be the best messenger dark mode 👌

Ben Pushka개발자
작성: 2019-07-23

Hello - thanks for letting me know - FB is always changing, and most of the time I'm using a bunch of filters which make the page look completely different -

I have fixed the things you mentioned - let me know if there's any other weird things you notice ~

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