Netflix - Hide skip buttons and post-play

This script removes interruptions from playback so that you can watch from beginning to end (including credits) without things like the "SKIP INTRO" button, the post-play screen, or the "WATCH CREDITS"/"NEXT EPISODE IN X" buttons

< Netflix - Hide skip buttons and post-play 피드백

리뷰: 나쁨 - 동작하지 않음

작성: 2017-11-18

Can't install script

Unlike every other script I've tried on this site, when I select "install" for this script, I just get a plaintext rendering of the script rather than an install prompt. I've tried saving the script locally and opening with Firefox, but same result. Is there something off about the way the file is encoded or how it's posted here that prevents it from being installed?

작성: 2017-11-18

Here's a screenshot of what happens after trying to install the script.

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