Greasy Fork is available in English.

Direct download from Google Play

Adds APK-DL, APKPure, APKCombo, APKPremier, APKMirror and Evozi download buttons to Google Play Store when browsing apps.

< Direct download from Google Play 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2022-06-22

This script works, and it works very well, including with the new layout, which is monumentally different than the old one. I had a question though, I looked in the code and found 5 versions of the Google Play Store. I was wondering if those were still necessary options because the only layout accessible now is layout 5, 2022ui. Maybe the other layouts are still accessible, but from my testing, only layout 5 is accessible.

작성: 2022-06-22
수정: 2022-06-22

Hi, thank you! Good question, I was wondering as well. I was tempted to remove the support for the oldest site (the one wrote in proper HTML language), but as long as the code for it doesn't interfere with the new pages, i prefer to keep it: I don't know if someone browsing from an obscure, outdated browser, might still see the old interface and thus need to download apps from there using my script. By the way, if the code will ever interfere, I'll probably just remove the old code.

작성: 2022-06-22

Thanks for the quick reply! I understand it is a lot of work to maintain this script. I have done more research into this, and found that the old design was removed May 26, 2022. Even using the IE6 user agent displays the new layout. Using an old Android 2.3 user agent, it loads the old design, but it completely blocks you from doing anything by giving you a 403 error and saying that you need to update your browser. So, the old layout is completely gone.

작성: 2022-06-22

Great, thank you for the help! Now I can finally get rid of a large amount of the script.

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