Reddit visited link remover

hides links you already visited on reddit and offers keyboard navigatin

< Reddit visited link remover 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2014-07-25
수정: 2014-11-04

Where does it store hidden links list ? (sometimes forgets them)

Hey, I noticed links I had hidden sometimes display again when I come back to reddit. The counter reads "0 links cached" so I assume the script has somehow lost trace of the links. Where does the script store hidden links?

Asking this because it may have a link with my cookie/localstorage settings, and also because I'd like to sync hidden links between computers sometimes soon.

작성: 2014-08-04

Hi pzk,
yes the script saves the links in the localstorage.
So as soon as you delete it the links will get visible again.


작성: 2014-11-04

Thanks sxe.
Great script.

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