ao3 savior config

Config script for AO3 Savior userscript

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리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음

작성: 2017-04-27

ao3 savior config not working

Hi, I need some advice! I installed ao3 savior on my laptop not that long ago after the other version stopped working. Last night it suddenly stopping blocking my blacklisted tags and i don't know what to do. I've tried deleting and reinstalling it, i've even tried installing it on my other laptop and still no luck. Any ideas on what the problem might be? Thanks.

(Also i'm using the chrome extension if that helps at all.)

작성: 2017-04-27
수정: 2017-04-27

Hi, can you try following these steps please?

  1. Uninstall both the savior and -config scripts.
  2. Disable all other userscripts.
  3. Restart your browser and re-install both savior and -config. Don't enter your config yet or edit either script in any way - we are just testing with the placeholder blacklists for now.
  4. Visit

I'm hoping you'll see this: screenshot

Let me know what you see

작성: 2017-04-27

Okay, so finally got to the bottom of what was wrong. I did everything you said and it worked, but it seems that when you put in 'false' for "Set to false if you don't want to see the expandable "This work is hidden!" boxes" it makes the blacklisted tags appear. That was the only thing wrong.

Thanks a lot for your help.

작성: 2017-04-27

OK, great. Thanks for letting me know.

The blacklisted works should still have been blocked when you had `false` there - there just isn't any visual sign of it, which is the way that config option is supposed to work.

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