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Drag & DropZones +

[userChromeJS] Drag selected character strings or image and drop to the semitransparent box displayed on web page to open search result.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
100の人 (エスパー・イーシア)
일일 설치수
총 설치수
14 0 2
Firefox와 호환됨. Chrome와 호환되지 않음. Opera와 호환되지 않음. Edge와 호환되지 않음.
동작 사이트
  • Doesn't block drag-and-drop on Webpages.
  • Always brings to front; is not affected by Webpage stylesheets or frames etc.
  • Can drop hyperlinks or images.
  • Supports dragging into browser from outside, and you can post image or audio file.
  • Search engine information doesn't leak because this script doesn't embed dropzones into Webpages.
  • Can synchronize with Search Bar engine.

This script is for userChromeJS. Choose the Tools tab from the menu bar to open Drag & DropZones+ settings. If the bar isn't displayed, press the "F10" key to display it.

▚▚▚▚▚ Settings

Create a file named drag-and-dropzones-plus.json in chrome folder. If it does not exist, a sample file will be generated when you open the Firefox window.

where Where to open the search results. One of current tab window. Name. If only this field is specified, the browser’s registered search engine of the same name will be used.
providers.search_url URL. {searchTerms} is replaced by the search terms.
providers.search_url_post_params When using the POST method, specify in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format (sent in multipart/form-data). {searchTerms} is replaced by the search terms.
providers.image_url URL for searching by image.
providers.image_url_post_params When searching by image, specify in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format. {searchTerms} is replaced with the image data.
providers.favicon_url URL of an icon starting with data:
providers.encoding Character encoding. If unspecified, UTF-8.


    "where": "tab",
    "providers": [
            "name": "Google"
            "name": "Weblio辞書"
            "name": "Weblio英和和英"
            "name": "Wikipedia (ja)"
            "name": "Google 翻訳"
            "name": "DeepL Translate"
            "name": "Google 画像で検索",
            "image_url": "",
            "image_url_post_params": "encoded_image={searchTerms}",

▚▚▚▚▚ Acknowledgement

I made this script on the basis of the idea and design of Drag & DropZones (Web Search Pro) which has quit development.

Former name

Drag & Drop Search+ (Version 1.2.4 or previous)