View Full Twitter Image

Undo Twitter's insistence to down-res images when viewing on its dedicated page and add a button to download the full image without the weird file extensions which don't count as actual images.

< View Full Twitter Image 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2019-08-20

New URL redirection not working - url being treated as string

Was having some issues for a while with some new URLs not redirecting properly using tampermonkey on Brave, haven't tested out other browsers to see if it's Brave-exclusive.

Figured out that the url was being set as a string, so it didn't have a search parameter. It was working previously, so something other than the script must have changed.

Anyway, assigning it as

let url = new URL(location.href);

fixes the issue on my end.

작성: 2019-09-02

Whoops. That bug certainly won't be Brave-exclusive, and indeed your code should fix it. Truth be told, I wrote that without testing it, because I haven't seen any URLs in the new format yet. Could you send an example URL for me to test future updates with?

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