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Wanikani Self-Study Quiz

Quiz yourself on Wanikani items

< Wanikani Self-Study Quiz 피드백


작성: 2021-04-24

When I use this script to study items, does it update the status of those items for when I do normal wanikani reviews?

Also, is there some sort of documentation for this script that I could read to learn more about how exactly it works? I couldn't find any.

Robin Findley개발자
작성: 2021-04-24
수정: 2021-04-24

This script is independent of Wanikani's review system. It's just for your own practice on whatever schedule you decide.
Sorry, the only documentation is the hover-tips that pop up when you hover your cursor over the various controls.

Also, as a side note: It's best to post any questions in the Wanikani forums (in the Self-Study Quiz thread), since Greasyfork usually doesn't notify me when someone posts a question/comment. I think this is actually the first time I've been notified of a comment on my scripts.

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