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JR Mturk Panda Crazy

Collects panda's for you at a certain cycle instead of timers. Lot of organizing of panda's and grouping them together to start and stop them at once.

< JR Mturk Panda Crazy 피드백

리뷰: 나쁨 - 동작하지 않음

작성: 2018-05-05
수정: 2018-05-05

Intermittently working. more not than otherwise.

I use the search feature and I've noticed when HITs are just standing (uploaded to mTurk and waiting to be accepted) PC does NOT work. Scripts will run and collect nothing. When HITs are actively being uploaded, PC will SOMETIMES collect them. None the less, about 75% of the PC is NOT collecting HITs. Again, I use the search function (if this makes a difference) and i'm on firefox with tampermonkey. and yes, PC is in it's own window.

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