Greasy Fork is available in English.

Instagram Reloaded

View or download the full-size Instagram image/video. Super simple: press alt+f or shift & click to view media - alt & click saves file. Read for more options.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Instagram Reloaded
// @namespace
// @homepageURL
// @version      2.30
// @description  View or download the full-size Instagram image/video. Super simple: press alt+f or shift & click to view media - alt & click saves file. Read for more options.
// @author       despecial
// @match        *://**
// @icon
// @require
// @grant        GM_download
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==

var ig = '#react-root section main article header ~ div._97aPb > div[role="button"] .FFVAD'; // single photo
    ig+= ', #react-root section main article .tWeCl'; // single video
    ig+= ', div[role="dialog"] article ._97aPb > div[role="button"] .FFVAD'; // popup photo
    ig+= ', div[role="dialog"] article .tWeCl'; // popup video
    ig+= ', #react-root section main article .vi798'; // new carousel photo
    ig+= ', div[role="dialog"] .vi798'; // new popup carousel photo
    // ig+= ', #react-root section main article video'; // igtv video
    // ig+= ', div[role="dialog"] article header + div > div div div div video'; // popup igtv video
    ig+= ',.EmbedFrame.EmbedMedia';
var alt_trigger = ig;
alt_trigger += ', #react-root section main article[role="presentation"] div[aria-label="Control"]'; // click fix for videos
alt_trigger += ', div[role="dialog"] article[role="presentation"] div[aria-label="Control"]'; // click fix for popup video


function despecial_ig(e,$this,a) {
  if(!e) e = window.event;
  if(e.shiftKey && e.altKey || a == "rm") {
	var p,v,vf,bloburl;

    // carousel photos
    if ($('.vi798 .Ckrof img.FFVAD').length) {
      var curr = getCurrentItem();
      var carouselImages = $('.Ckrof img.FFVAD');
      var currpos = (curr == $(".Yi5aA").length) ? 2 : 1;
      p = (curr + 1 <= 2) ? getBestImage(carouselImages[curr]) : getBestImage(carouselImages[currpos]);
    // get single photo
    else {
            p = getBestImage($this);

    var parent = $this.parent();
    if($('div[role="dialog"] article header + div').length && a == "rm") {
        if (parent.find('video + img').length) return; // only visible video
	    v = parent.find('video').attr('videourl');
 if(!v) v = parent.find('video').attr('src');
 if(!v)vf = parent.find('video');
 if(!p) p = parent.find('img').last().attr('src');
   	} else {
        if (parent.find('video + img').length) return; // only visible video
	    v = parent.find('video').attr('videourl');
 if(!v) v = parent.find('video').attr('src');
 if(!v) v = $("meta[property='og:video']").attr("content");
 if(!v)vf = $this.closest('div').find('video');
 if(!v && !vf.attr("poster") && !p) p = $this.siblings().find('img').attr('src');
	var ep = $this.find('.efImage').css('background-image'),
	 rplcd = new Array('XXXXXX'),
	     t = (e.altKey) ? '_self' : '_blank',
	    fs = (typeof ep === "string" || ep instanceof String) ? ep.replace(/^url\(['"]?([^'"]+)['"]?\)/,'$1') : p;
	for (var i = 0; i < rplcd.length; ++i) {
	  var r = new RegExp(rplcd[i],'ig');
	  if( r.test(fs) ) fs=fs.replace(r,'');
	var isChrome = !! && !!;
   if(isChrome && e.altKey) {
	  if(fs) direct_download(fs);
	  if(vf) video_download(vf);
   } else {
     if(v) {
       if(!v.startsWith('blob')) {, t);
         window.setTimeout(stopVideo, 100);
         console.log("Video opening");
       } else {
         bloburl = fetchVideoURL(window.location.href, $this.parent().find('video')[0],t);
         console.log("Blob video loading");
     if(!v && vf.isArray) {
         if(!vf[0].getAttribute('src').startsWith('blob')) {
           console.log("Video2 opening");
         } else {
           bloburl = fetchVideoURL(window.location.href, $this.parent().find('video')[0],t);
           console.log("Blob2 video loading");
     if(fs && !v && !bloburl) {, t); console.log("FS"); }


/* dynamic download link */
function direct_download(url) {
    var filename = url.match('[^/]*$')[0];
    var arg = { url: url, name: filename };

var csrf_token = $("body").html().match(/\"csrf_token\":(?:"[^"]*"|^[^"]*$)/)[0].replace(/\"/g, "").split(":")[1];

function video_download(obj) {
        url: window.location,
        type: 'GET',
        success: function(res) {
            var video = $(res).filter("meta[property='og:video']").attr("content");
            if(video) {
             $('video').each(function() { $(this).get(0).pause(); $(this).get(0).currentTime = 0; });
        error: function(res) {

function getBestImage(el) {
    el = (el.jquery) ? el : $(el);
    var img;
    var srcset = el.attr('srcset').split('w,');
    if(srcset) {
        img = srcset.slice(-1)[0].split(' ')[0];
        // console.log("SrcSet P",img);
    } else {
        img = el.attr("src");
        // console.log("Normal P",img);
   return img;

function cleanFilename(file) {
   return file.replace("jpg","mp4").split("?")[0].split('/').pop();

function stopVideo() {
    $('video').each(function() { $(this).get(0).pause(); $(this).get(0).currentTime = 0; });

/* credits: @jomifepe */
function getCurrentItem(el) {
    var allitems = document.querySelectorAll(".Yi5aA");
    for (let i = 0; i < allitems.length; i++) {
        if (allitems[i].classList.contains('XCodT')) {
            return i;
    return -1;

function fetchVideoURL(baseUrl,videoElem,t) {
        method: "GET",
        url: baseUrl.split("?")[0]+"?__a=1",
        synchronous: false,
        onload: function(response) {
            var result = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
            let postData = result?.graphql?.shortcode_media;
            var current = getCurrentItem();
            if(current>=0) postData = postData?.edge_sidecar_to_children?.edges?.[current]?.node;
            if (!postData) throw 'No post data found';
            if (!postData.is_video) throw 'Post is not a video';
            if (!postData.video_url) throw 'No video url found';
            let videoUrl = postData.video_url;
            videoElem.setAttribute('videoURL', videoUrl)
            return true;

/* left-click and hold shift key to open desired item */
$(document).on('click',alt_trigger,function(e,a) {
    e = window.event? event : e;
	if (e.shiftKey) despecial_ig(e,$(this),"rm");

/* keyboard shortcut alt+f(ullsize) works on video popup, single photo, single video pages */
$(document).on('ig_press',ig,function(e,a) {

document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
    e = window.event? event : e;
    if (e.keyCode == 70 && e.altKey) $(ig).trigger('ig_press',['rm']);
