Greasy Fork is available in English.


Add external search links most popular torrent sites to IMDb. Every feature can be enabled/disabled in settings.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name        IMDb+
// @namespace
// @description Add external search links most popular torrent sites to IMDb. Every feature can be enabled/disabled in settings.
// @include*
// @require
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// @version     1.0
// @author      Sergiu Negara
// @license     The MIT License (MIT)
// ==/UserScript==

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
	var m = {};
	m.Id = getMovieId();
	m.Tt = getMovieTt();
	m.TtYr = getMovieTt() + "+" + getMovieYr();
	var l = {};
	// Info = ["Kinopoisk", "" + m.Tt, ""];
	// TV Series
	l.btn = ["Broadcast", "" + m.Id, ""];
	l.btv = ["BitmeTV", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	// All
	l.rt = ["RuTracker", "" + m.TtYr, ""]; = ["Karagarga", "" + m.TtYr, ""]; = ["Cinemageddon", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	l.ct = ["Cinematik", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	l.ptp = ["PassThePopcorn", "" + m.TtYr, ""]; = ["Kinozal", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	l.rr = ["Rutor", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	l.nnm = ["NNMClub", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	l.x264 = ["x264", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	l.adc = ["AsiaDVDClub", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	// HD
	l.hdb = ["HDBits", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	l.hdc = ["HDClub", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	l.hdt = ["HDTracker", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	l.chd = ["CHD", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	l.hdw = ["HDWinG", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	l.hds = ["HDSpain", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	l.shd = ["SceneHD", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	l.bhd = ["BitHDTV", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	l.ahd = ["AwesomeHD", "" + m.TtYr, ""];
	// Functions
	function getMovieId() {
		var id = location.pathname.match(/title\/tt(.*?)\//i)[1];
		return id;

	function getMovieTt() {
		var title = document.title.replace(/^(.+) \((.*)([0-9]{4})(.*)$/gi, '$1');
		return encodeURIComponent(title);

	function getMovieYr() {
		var year = document.title.replace(/^(.+) \((.*)([0-9]{4})(.*)$/gi, '$3');
		return encodeURIComponent(year);

	function IMDbPlusStyle() {
		var s = '#title-overview-widget #IMDbPlus { padding: 5px 0 0 230px; }' + '#title-overview-widget #IMDbPlus a { margin: 5px 1px; }' + '#title-overview-widget #IMDbPlus #IMDbPlus-Feature-Settings { margin-left: 1px; }' + '#action-box #IMDbPlus #IMDbPlus-Feature-Settings { margin-top: 10px; }' + '#IMDbPlus-SettingsBox { display: none; margin-left: -404px; padding: 20px; position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 50%; width: 768px; z-index: 999; }' + '#IMDbPlus-SettingsBox > h2 { font-size: 21px }' + '#IMDbPlus-SettingsBox #IMDbPlus-Options { margin: 20px 0;}' + '#IMDbPlus-SettingsBox #IMDbPlus-Options .IMDbPlus-OptionField label { display: inline-block; width: 150px; }' + '#IMDbPlus-SettingsBox button { margin: 8px 0 0; }' + '#IMDbPlus-SettingsBox #IMDbPlus-SettingsBox-Close { float: right; }';

	function IMDbPlusInit() {
		var fh, oh;
		fh = '<div id="IMDbPlus"><hr>';
		oh = '<div id="IMDbPlus-SettingsBox" class="aux-content-widget-2"><h2>IMDb+ Options</h2><ul id="IMDbPlus-Options">';
		$.each(l, function(key, val) {
			if (GM_getValue("IMDbPlus-Option-" + val[0], 1)) {
				fh += '<a class="IMDbPlus-Button linkasbutton-secondary" id="IMDbPlus-Feature-' + val[0] + '" href="' + val[1] + '" target="_blank" title="' + val[0] + '"><img alt="' + val[0] + '" src="' + val[2] + '" width="16" height="16"></a>';
			oh += '<li id="IMDbPlus-Option-' + val[0] + '-Field" class="IMDbPlus-OptionField"><label for="IMDbPlus-Option-' + val[0] + '">' + val[0] + '</label> <input id="IMDbPlus-Option-' + val[0] + '" type="checkbox"' + ((GM_getValue("IMDbPlus-Option-" + val[0], 1)) ? ' checked' : '') + '></li>';
		fh += '<a class="IMDbPlus-Button linkasbutton-secondary" id="IMDbPlus-Feature-Settings" title="Open settings frame"><img alt="Settings" src=""></a></div>';
		oh += '</ul><hr>' + '<button id="IMDbPlus-SettingsBox-Save" class="primary">Save</button>' + '<button id="IMDbPlus-SettingsBox-Close" class="primary">Close</button>' + '</div>';
		$((location.pathname.match(/combined/)) ? '#action-box' : '#title-overview-widget').append(fh);

	function showOpts() {
		$('#wrapper').css('visibility', 'hidden').animate({
			opacity: 0
		}, 500);

	function hideOpts() {
		$('#wrapper').css('visibility', 'visible').animate({
			opacity: 1
		}, 500);

	function saveOpts() {
			$('.IMDbPlus-OptionField').each(function() {
				var inputElm = $('input', this),
					inputId = inputElm.attr('id');
				GM_setValue(inputId, (":checked") ? 1 : 0));
		// Interactions
	$(document).keyup(function(e) {
		if (e.keyCode == 27) {