MTurk HIT Database Mk.II

Keep track of the HITs you've done (and more!). Cross browser compatible.

< MTurk HIT Database Mk.II 피드백


작성: 2015-11-27

Importing on Firefox

I changed my database script to this on Chrome with no problem and everything works great. I have not used Firefox in a while because of being unable to get the HIT database to work so I decided to install the script on Firefox since I prefer it to Chrome. I have tried to create a backup on Chrome and importing on Firefox and it just keeps going and going. I tried to export as a CSV file and import on Firefox and the same thing happens. I thought maybe my database was too large (130000 HITs) so I tried breaking it up and importing three months at a time. Still keeps going and going. I finally tried to import only one day of HITs just to see if the file size was the problem. It's still going after about 10 minutes. I have tried everything I can think of. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The balls at the bottom are going back and forth but there's no text at all. I understand from the other comments that there should be?

작성: 2015-12-01

Apologies for the late response; I was away for the holidays.

I've just tested this and had no issues on my end. When this fails for you, please open the console (ctrl+shift+K in Firefox) and let me know what's logged there.

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