Greasy Fork is available in English.

LibraryThing make author combining easier

This script moves the "Improve this author" box to the top, always shows "(never)" links, always shows the search box, prepopulates it with the author name, etc.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name        LibraryThing make author combining easier
// @namespace
// @description This script moves the "Improve this author" box to the top, always shows "(never)" links, always shows the search box, prepopulates it with the author name, etc.
// @include     http*://*librarything.tld/author/*
// @include     http*://**
// @version     2
// ==/UserScript==

// Set up some stuff here that's used in multiple features (in case users want to delete/comment some features)
var improveAuthBox = getImproveAuth();
function getImproveAuth(){
  el = document.getElementById("searchcombine"); // a unique ID within the box we want
  if (el) {
    while (el = el.parentNode) {
      if ((" " + el.className + " ").indexOf(" greenbox ") > -1) { // the class of the top element we want
        return el;
  return null;
var searchInput = document.getElementsByName("searchbox")[0];
var searchDiv = document.getElementById("searchcombine");
var nevers = document.getElementsByClassName("nevercombinelink");
var combineWith = document.getElementById("combinewith");
// Don't remove any of the above code.  If you want to delete or comment sections, start from here on down.

// Make the "Impove this author" the top box at right
var rightCol = document.getElementsByClassName("cColumn")[0];
if (rightCol && improveAuthBox) rightCol.insertBefore(improveAuthBox, rightCol.firstChild);

// Instead of the Header "Combine/separate works" followed by a link of the author's name, remove the header 
// and replace the link with the "Combine/separate works" text.
if (improveAuthBox) {
  var combSep = improveAuthBox.getElementsByTagName("h3")[0];
  var combSepLink = combSep.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName("a");
  if (combSepLink.length == 1) { // Skips this feature if it's disambiguated page, which has two links
    combSepLink[0].textContent = combSep.textContent; = "none";

// Always have the "Search for the author" input box showing instead of having to click "Search" each time
if (searchDiv) = "block";
// in which case we don't really need that "Search" link anymore
if (combineWith) {
  var combineLinks = combineWith.getElementsByTagName("li");
  combineLinks[combineLinks.length - 1].style.display = "none";
// Always show the "(never combine)" links (especially because the above code hides the "Never?" link)
for (i=0; i<nevers.length; i++) nevers[i].style.display = "inline";

// If we're in English, shorten "never combine"  to "never" so that that we don't have so much wrapping
if (nevers.length && nevers[0].textContent.indexOf("never combine") > -1) {
  for (i=0; i<nevers.length; i++) {
    nevers[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].textContent = "never";

// Right-align the "never" links to get through them more quickly while lowering the risk of clicking "combine"
for (i=0; i<nevers.length; i++) {
  par = nevers[i].parentNode;
  par.insertBefore(nevers[i], par.firstChild);
  nevers[i].style.cssFloat = "right";
  nevers[i].style.marginLeft = "10px"; // I think this is necessary in certain cases dues to some textIndent business

// Don't limit the search box to just 30 characters
if (searchInput) searchInput.removeAttribute("maxlength");

// Prepopulate the search box with the displayed author name
var authNameInVal = document.getElementsByName("combinewithfullname")[0]; // better than h1, which might have dates or disambiguation stuff
if (searchInput && authNameInVal) searchInput.setAttribute("value",authNameInVal.value); // .value here since certain pages error if authNameInVal not found

// Don't show combining options on disambiguated pages, as a reminder not to combine from there
var authorString = document.URL.match(/.*\/author\/\w*(-\d*)?(?:$|.*)/); // captures a disambiguation number if it exists
if (authorString[1] != undefined) { // testing if on a split page (i.e. if there was a disambiguation number in the URL)
  // Hide the search input
  if (searchDiv) = "none";
  // Hide the "Combine with ..." section
  if (combineWith) { = "none"; = "none";