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div copy content

작성: 2017-12-19
수정: 2017-12-23

div copy content

There are two divs, one with class="articlemagazinetitle" and the other with class="articlemagazinecontent"

How could I copy the first string till the " @ " starts from the class="articlemagazinecontent" div, (in my example "RSS Circus") and paste/inject it in the class="articlemagazinetitle" div?

<div class="article_magazine_title" dir="ltr">
<a class="article_magazine_title_link" href="https://twitter.com/RSSCircus/status/943033603855998978" onmouseup="return toggle_articleview('14130930314',false,event,{dont_scroll:true})" id="at_14130930314">It’s a sad day, but Minimal Reader has officially shut down</a>

<div id="article_magazine_content_14130930314" class="article_magazine_content" dir="ltr">
RSS Circus@RSSCircus
It’s a sad day, but Minimal Reader has officially shut down

this condition should apply only if the anchor contained in the div contains href="https://twitter.com/*"

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