게시판 » Greasy Fork 피드백

Warning if you change title of script when updating

작성: 2021-07-07

Is it possible to add an extra warning when updating your userscript?
I accidentally pasted the wrong script into the update field and didn't notice it when submitting.
Since the version of the wrong script was higher than the original script I didn't get a warning.

Is it possible to also add a warning when the script title has changed? That would prevent silly mistakes like mine in the future.

작성: 2021-07-21

I think many script installers also treat name change as a new script, so expect for the mistake mentioned, changing name could always merit a warning. Right?

작성: 2021-07-21
수정: 2021-07-21


Yes! I've already reported that and it seems like my suggestion/report was ignored.


I agree with Cptmathix

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