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I'm still using Greasemonkey ...

작성: 2014-03-06
수정: 2014-03-06

I'm still using Greasemonkey ...

... for my script loading. Whats up with some moving to Scriptish?
Is it merely because makondo had an issue with a discussion on the UserStyles forum?
Empirically, is Scriptish intrinsically any better than Greasemonkey or is it just user preference?

작성: 2014-03-07
수정: 2014-03-07

Some minor differences, such as extra buttons in Addon Manager in the User Scripts category, but functionally the same as Greasemonkey, so basically user preference.

작성: 2014-03-07

Thanks, srazzano ... I'll have to compare the two when I get some extra time this weekend.

작성: 2014-03-07
수정: 2014-03-08

Scriptish supports more URL schemes (about:, chrome:, data:, umht:) *
I wouldn't say that it's better than Greasemonkey, though.

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