게시판 » Greasy Fork 피드백


작성: 2022-10-14

按照 Greasy Fork 对外部脚本的政策

Scripts with subresource integrity hashes

Use of and with URLs with subresource integrity in the Tampermonkey format is allowed.@require@resource


작성: 2022-10-15

You are allowed to do this. This message is telling you though that you have the wrong hashes, and the JS may not be loadable.

If you think this is an error please provide the URL of your script and I can investigate.

작성: 2022-10-15

The problem is because you are using - after the hash method instead of the expected =. I'm not sure if TM allows both. I'll find that out and fix if necessary, but for now, you can get it to work with:

// @require https://github.com/lzghzr/TampermonkeyJS/raw/5fe14e0f8ac7ae8dd9a8fe8f8cbc58fe2d273112/bliveproxy/bliveproxy.js#sha256=QC/hfqL2rdtTK3GeK1ZUXDXmHU1xp42kC+ard3NKc9Q=
// @require https://github.com/lzghzr/TampermonkeyJS/raw/5fe14e0f8ac7ae8dd9a8fe8f8cbc58fe2d273112/ajax-proxy/ajax-proxy.js#sha256=gdnIAuKAoGbiVdPUVGp6xctZaZJlOwsdQ0o4LawIKzk= 
작성: 2023-05-21

The problem is because you are using - after the hash method instead of the expected =. I'm not sure if TM allows both. I'll find that out and fix if necessary,

TM supports both formats Subresource Integrity

작성: 2023-05-24

OK, I've updated Greasy Fork to be able to recognize both.

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