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Notifications on the website. When?

작성: 2022-05-27

Ever since the redesign, notifications on the website have been missing.
It's been a few years now and still we don't have notifications on the website.
So when is the notification system coming? (I don't like getting emails btw)

작성: 2022-05-28

I totally agree and I'm also waiting for it

작성: 2022-05-29

Disagree, I am not that old user of Greasy Fork, so maybe I don't know something, but every time when I get notification from website, I block them or close, because they are annoying.

작성: 2022-05-29
수정: 2022-05-29

Disagree, I am not that old user of Greasy Fork, so maybe I don't know something, but every time when I get notification from website, I block them or close, because they are annoying.

I'm not talking about notifications that go through the browser and are showing in your notification panel in Windows.
That's how the forum looked like a few years ago.
Where it asks for login/register, once logged in, there was buttons for preferences, notifications, conversations. All of those are gone after the design/layout change.

Deleted user 816112
작성: 2022-05-29
수정: 2022-05-29

fbi pressed the admin

작성: 2024-07-02

Any news on this?

작성: 2024-07-02

No news, it's in the back of my mind, but not a priority right now.

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