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Help : Script broken after last Greasemonkey version 2.2 Update (no action posible on links)

작성: 2014-09-10

Help : Script broken after last Greasemonkey version 2.2 Update (no action posible on links)

I want understand what's wrong now in a script i use a lot.

I have posted to the greasemonkey forum but there is no response....
See my post , with all the infos:
Script broken after last Greasemonkey version 2.2 Update (no action posible on links)

작성: 2014-09-11

I had a similar problem with the new version of GM. In my case the problem was that GM 2.2 cannot any longer interpret expressions like


where b is a boolean variable. GM quits work without any error message, it just stops.

Perhaps this helps you to find the problem.

작성: 2014-09-12
수정: 2014-09-12
I had a similar problem with the new version of GM. In my case the problem was that GM 2.2 cannot any longer interpret expressions like


where b is a boolean variable. GM quits work without any error message, it just stops.

Perhaps this helps you to find the problem.

You need to add

//@grant GM_log
작성: 2014-09-15

No, GM_log was granted and if was not, GM shows an error message in the console. In the case I had there was nothing, it just didn't work, although GM_log was granted

작성: 2014-11-24

A news idea ??? ....
I want really solve this problem.

작성: 2014-11-25
수정: 2014-11-25

function GM_log(x){console.log(x)}
it seems GM_log is obsolete now

작성: 2014-11-26

Yes GM_log is deprecated...

But if , for Flickr Functional Suite - NEW (by C. Tilford) , i delete //@grant GM_log,
i can now click in the user name but i don't get the popup where i can configure the color flag.
And that's i want....
So what i need to correct in this script , hmmmmm...?

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