

// ==UserScript==
// @name         淘宝详情、天猫详情、阿里巴巴详情,主图、主图视频、SKU图一键打包下载,淘宝链接、天猫链接、阿里巴巴链接精简
// @version      2024.11.23
// @description  一键打包下载详情、主图、SKU和视频
// @author       Suren_Chan
// @match        https://detail.tmall.com/*
// @match        https://item.taobao.com/*
// @match        https://detail.1688.com/*
// @match        https://chaoshi.detail.tmall.com/*
// @match        https://detail.tmall.hk/*
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// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/786427
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
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	// 定义全局变量
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	// 创建JSZip实例
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	// 获取产品名称
	function ObtainPN() {
		Product_Name = document.querySelector('title').textContent;
		Product_Name = Product_Name.replace(/\|/g, '_');

	// 获取 SKU 名称
	function ObtainSN() {
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			const replacedText = el.textContent.trim().replace(/\//g, '每').replace(/\*/g, 'x');

	// 获取图片 URL 并清洗
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	// 清洗页面链接
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    function ActiveVideo() {
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					opacity: 0;
		// 动画结束后删除容器和样式
		setTimeout(() => {
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	// 获取主视频
	function ObtainMV() {
		const videoElement = document.querySelector('.lib-video video');
		if (videoElement) Main_Video = videoElement.src.split('?')[0];

	// 获取主图
	function ObtainMI() {
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			element.querySelectorAll('img').forEach(img => Main_Image.push(cleanImageUrl(img.src)));
	// 获取 SKU 图
	function ObtainSD() {
		document.querySelectorAll('img[class*="valueItemImg--"], div.sku-item-image').forEach(element => {
			let imageUrl = element.tagName === 'IMG' ? cleanImageUrl(element.src) : cleanImageUrl(element.style.backgroundImage?.match(/url\(["']?([^"']+)["']?\)/)?.[1]);
			if (imageUrl) SKU_Diagram.push(imageUrl);

	// 获取详情页图
	function ObtainDP() {
		const contentDiv = document.querySelector('.desc-root') || document.querySelector('.content-detail');
		if (contentDiv) {
			contentDiv.querySelectorAll('img').forEach(img => {
				let src = img.src.split('?')[0];
			if (img.width >= 700 && src.match(/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/)) Details_Page.push(src);

	async function MDLong() {
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		longCanvas.width = 790;
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		const imagesForLongImg = [];
		for (const imgSrc of Details_Page) {
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			totalHeight += img.height * (790 / img.width);
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		let currentHeight = 0;
		for (const img of imagesForLongImg) {
			ctx.drawImage(img, 0, currentHeight, 790, img.height * (790 / img.width));
			currentHeight += img.height * (790 / img.width);
		return new Promise(resolve => longCanvas.toBlob(resolve, "image/png"));


  // 创建下载按钮
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	// 下载并打包所有图片
	async function DownloadALL() {
		await ActiveVideo();
		await autoScrollAndLoadImages();
		await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));
		const { container, progressFill } = createProgressBar();
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		const mainFolder = zip.folder("主图");
		const skuFolder = zip.folder("SKU");
		const slicesFolder = zip.folder("切片");
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		ObtainPN(); ObtainSN(); ObtainMV(); ObtainMI(); ObtainSD();  ObtainDP();
		progressFill.style.width = '15%';
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			mainFolder.file("主图视频.mp4", videoBlob);
			progressFill.style.width = '30%';
		// 处理主图
		for (let i = 0; i < Main_Image.length; i++) {
			const imgBlob = await fetch(Main_Image[i]).then(res => res.blob());
			mainFolder.file(`主图${i + 1}.${Main_Image[i].split('.').pop()}`, imgBlob);
			progressFill.style.width = '45%';
		// 处理 SKU 图
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			const fileExtension = SKU_Diagram[i].split('.').pop();
			const fileName = SKU_Diagram.length === SKU_Name.length
			? `${SKU_Name[i]}.${fileExtension}`
			: `SKU${(i + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0')}.${fileExtension}`;
			skuFolder.file(fileName, imgBlob);
			progressFill.style.width = '60%';
		// 处理详情图
		for (let i = 0; i < Details_Page.length; i++) {
			const imgBlob = await fetch(Details_Page[i]).then(res => res.blob());
			const paddedIndex = (i + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0');
			const fileName = `image${paddedIndex}`;
			const fileExtension = Details_Page[i].split('.').pop();
			slicesFolder.file(`${fileName}.${fileExtension}`, imgBlob);
			progressFill.style.width = '80%';
		const longImgBlob = await MDLong();
		zip.file(`${Product_Name}.png`, longImgBlob);
		progressFill.style.width = '90%';
		// 生成并保存 ZIP 文件
		const zipContent = await zip.generateAsync({ type: "blob" });
		saveAs(zipContent, `${Product_Name}.zip`);
		progressFill.style.width = '100%';
		container.style.display = 'none';


	async function DownloadVD() {
		await ActiveVideo();
		ObtainPN(); ObtainMV(); 

		try {
		// 检查是否有视频地址
			if (Main_Video) {

				// 获取视频Blob对象
				const res = await fetch(Main_Video);
				if (!res.ok) {
					throw new Error(`Failed to fetch video: HTTP status ${res.status}`);
				const videoBlob = await res.blob();
				// 创建一个可下载的视频链接
				const videoUrl = URL.createObjectURL(videoBlob);
				const downloadLink = document.createElement('a');
				downloadLink.href = videoUrl;
				downloadLink.download = `${Product_Name}.mp4`; // 使用全局变量Product_Name设置下载文件名
				document.body.appendChild(downloadLink); // 将链接添加到页面中
				downloadLink.click(); // 触发下载
				document.body.removeChild(downloadLink); // 下载后移除链接
				URL.revokeObjectURL(videoUrl); // 释放创建的URL对象
			} else {
				// 如果没有视频地址,弹出对话框
		} catch (error) {
	// 捕获到错误时弹出对话框

	async function DownloadLD() {
		await autoScrollAndLoadImages();
		await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));
		ObtainPN(); ObtainDP();

		// 调用MDLong函数获取合成图片的Blob对象
		const longImgBlob = await MDLong();
		const longImgUrl = URL.createObjectURL(longImgBlob);
		const downloadLink = document.createElement('a');
		downloadLink.href = longImgUrl;
		downloadLink.download = `${Product_Name}.png`; // 使用Product_Name变量设置下载文件名
		document.body.appendChild(downloadLink); // 将链接添加到页面中
		downloadLink.click(); // 触发下载
		document.body.removeChild(downloadLink); // 下载后移除链接
		URL.revokeObjectURL(longImgUrl); // 释放创建的URL对象


	// 创建下载按钮和触发下载过程
	const downloadButton = createDownloadButton();
	window.addEventListener('load', ActiveVideo);