Invidious (All Instances) Player And Tabs v.3

Invidious ( player with Tabs for Description / Comments / Videos Related

< Feedback on Invidious (All Instances) Player And Tabs v.3

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 17.10.2022

What a user-style! Can't imagine how much time you lost creating it!

By the way, there seem to be some unused selectors (lines 422-431).

Posted: 19.10.2022

Thanks for your comment!
Yes that's take some time to make it, but it's like a game...
If you enjoy it:
fine :-)

these selectors unused are here to just keep in mind them...

Posted: 19.10.2022

I appreciate too your Userscript/userstyle:
Better Icons for Invidious
Fine work:
Their original icons was a little bit too basics...

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