A more fullscreen experience for theater mode
These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.
- Set documentElement scrollTop to 0 after adding watchCSS
- #panels-full-bleed-container now matches chat width - Fixed ytd-live-chat-frame#chat top
- #player-full-bleed-container was put inside #full-bleed-container, a simple search replace worked- Fixed a small issue where when the live chat is below the video the video suggestions were offset downwards
- Fixed a small issue with the search bar in when the window is wide enough for the live chat to be below the video
- Changed #player-wide-container to #player-full-bleed-container
- Hovering over thumbnails to reveal a video preview will no longer trigger the script
- YouTube changed #player-theater-container to #player-wide-container so I did too, should work again- Finally fixed the problem where waiting room chat was all messed upTODO: Make interacting with ytc filter less jank
Changes:- Fixed an issue with the search bar extending too far right while in theater modeKnown issues:- Chat doesn't display to the right properly in waiting rooms/while there's no video present on the page- Some problems interacting with ytcFilter while the script is active
Fixed an issue with the video not being centered properly (I did it the right way with object-fit/object-contain this time unlike YouTube who position it with JavaScript or previous me who did it another dumb way that didn't even work)