Greasy Fork is available in English. - Sort by Top Quicker (past hour/24 hours/week/month/year/all time).

All the 'sort by top' options are made available for single clicking. And it actually looks good too.

// ==UserScript==
// @name - Sort by Top Quicker (past hour/24 hours/week/month/year/all time).
// @namespace			a-pav
// @description			All the 'sort by top' options are made available for single clicking. And it actually looks good too.
// @match				*://**
// @exclude-match		*://**
// @exclude-match		*://**/search?*
// @match              	*://*
// @exclude-match		*://*
// @exclude-match		*://*/search?*
// @version				1.0
// @run-at				document-end
// @author				a-pav
// @icon
// ==/UserScript==

// operates on old design.
var top_a = document.querySelector('ul.tabmenu>li>a[href*="/top/"');
if (top_a === null) {

var view = ""

if (window.location.pathname.includes("/top/")) { // we are on a */top/* url
	const re = /hour\b|24|week|month|year|all/;
	var  view = document.querySelector("div.menuarea>div>div.dropdown.lightdrop>span").innerText;
	if (re.test(view)) {
		view = view.match(re)[0]

function isView(txt) {
	return txt === view;

var html = `
	<li class='${isView("hour") ? 'selected' : ''}'>
		<a class='choice' href='${top_a.href}?sort=top&t=hour'>-1h</a>
	<li class='${isView("24") ? 'selected' : ''}'>
		<a class="choice" href='${top_a.href}?sort=top&t=day'>-24h</a>
	<li class='${isView("week") ? 'selected' : ''}'>
		<a class="choice" href='${top_a.href}?sort=top&t=week'>-W</a>
	<li class='${isView("month") ? 'selected' : ''}'>
		<a class="choice" href='${top_a.href}?sort=top&t=month'>-M</a>
	<li class='${isView("year") ? 'selected' : ''}'>
		<a class="choice" href='${top_a.href}?sort=top&t=year'>-Y</a>
	<li class='${isView("all") ? 'selected' : ''}'>
		<a class="choice" href='${top_a.href}?sort=top&t=all'>-A</a>

top_a.parentElement.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", html);