Lute: Filename to Title JS - Add button to copy filename to title
Lute: Random Book Button JS - Add random book button to Lute
Lute: Current Page Statuses Alert Button JS - Adds a button to alert the current page term statuses
Pin Chats in ChatGPT JS - Allows pinning chats in the ChatGPT sidebar
Inoreader Article Highlighter JS - Change the background colour of article headers if they are popularity red or orange, or if the score is >100.
Lute: Word Count JS - Add word count functionality to Lute's New Book page
Lute: Current Page Statuses Display JS - Displays current page term statuses stacked vertically
Inoreader Article Sort By Popularity Button JS - Add a button to sort all articles by their popularity score in descending order.
Scroll Percentage Bar with Text JS - Adds a scroll percentage bar and text to the top of the page