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Auto Close YouTube Ads

Close and/or Mute YouTube ads automatically!

< Auto Close YouTube Adsについてのフィードバック


投稿日: 2018/07/20

Can you modify this script for Dailymotion? I will pay for your work

投稿日: 2018/07/20

I don't need payment. Give me a link to a video with ads and I'll see if it's doable.

投稿日: 2018/07/25
編集日: 2018/07/26

I will let you a link to a playlist.

I have some codes that i use and they work but they need user input, clicks, etc

This one is a bookmarklet that skips almost any unskippable ad that works with javascript:

javascript: (function(){ void(document.querySelector('video').currentTime = document.querySelector('video').duration) })()

and this one works with chromium browser automation extension and it skips skippable ads:

body div.videoAdUi div.videoAdUiSkipContainer.html5-stop-propagation BUTTON.videoAdUiSkipButton.videoAdUiAction.videoAdUiRedesignedSkipButton

The thing is that i don't know how to make them work on autopilot. I have no clue how to code.

fuzetsu, if you can combine this two things into one script that works with tampermonkey on chrome, on dailymotion website, you will be my hero. Thanks in advance :)

This is how they look working together in chromium browser automation, extension for chrome:

{"action":[{"data":"body div.videoAdUi div.videoAdUiSkipContainer.html5-stop-propagation BUTTON.videoAdUiSkipButton.videoAdUiAction.videoAdUiRedesignedSkipButton","evType":"click","msgType":"userEvent","newValue":""},{"data":"(function(){ void(document.querySelector('video').currentTime = document.querySelector('video').duration) })()","evType":"cs-inject","msgType":"userEvent","newValue":""}],"name":"project0","level":"1","isLeaf":true,"expanded":false,"loaded":true}

@fuzetsu dijo: I don't need payment. Give me a link to a video with ads and I'll see if it's doable.

