Greasy Fork is available in English.

Kapi Hospital Helper

A UserScript that's made to help you play!

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Kapi Hospital Helper
// @description     A UserScript that's made to help you play!
// @date            28.02.2017
// @version
// @author          IreuN
// @include         http://**
// @grant           GM_getValue
// @grant           GM_setValue
// @grant           GM_addStyle
// @grant           GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @require
// @namespace
// @supportURL
// ==/UserScript==

window.addEventListener("load", function () {

    var info = "[Helper] ";

    console.log(info + "Start");

// Special Characters - DE
    var ae_de = "\u00E4";      // ä
    var oe_de = "\u00F6";      // ö
    var ue_de = "\u00FC";      // ü
    var Ae_de = "\u00C4";      // Ä
    var Oe_de = "\u00D6";      // Ö
    var Ue_de = "\u00DC";      // Ü
    var sz_de = "\u00DF";      // ß

// Special Characters - PL
    var a_pl = "\u0105";    // ą
    var c_pl = "\u0107";    // ć
    var e_pl = "\u0119";    // ę
    var l_pl = "\u0142";    // ł
    var n_pl = "\u0144";    // ń
    var o_pl = "\u00F3";    // ó
    var s_pl = "\u015B";    // ś
    var z_pl = "\u017C";    // ź
    var x_pl = "\u017A";    // ż

// Special Characters - CZ
    var a_cz = "\u00E1";    // á
    var c_cz = "\u010D";    // č
    var d_cz = "\u010F";    // ď
    var e_cz = "\u00E9";    // é
    var i_cz = "\u00ED";    // í
    var o_cz = "\u00F3";    // ó
    var r_cz = "\u0159";    // ř
    var s_cz = "\u0161";    // š
    var t_cz = "\u0165";    // ť
    var u_cz = "\u00FA";    // ú
    var y_cz = "\u00FD";    // ý
    var z_cz = "\u017E";    // ž
    var e2_cz = "\u011B";   // ě
    var u2_cz = "\u016F";   // ů
    var u3_cz = "\u00DA";   // Ú

// global definitions
    var texte = {};
    var medi = {};

    var reg2 = /http:\/\/(s\d+\.|www\.|)kapihospital\.com\/(.*)/i;
    var delimThou = ".";
    var regDelimThou = /\./g;
    var delimDeci = ",";
    var regDelimDeci = /,/;

    var ccode = [
        ["de", "de", ""],
        ["en", "uk", ""],
        ["en", "uk", ""],
        ["en", "nl", ""],
        ["en", "fr", ""],
        ["en", "tr", ""],
        ["en", "bg", ""],
        ["en", "es", ""],
        ["pl", "pl", ""],
        ["en", "ro", ""],
        ["en", "ru", ""],
        ["cz", "cz", ""],
        ["en", "se", ""],
        ["en", "pt", ""],
        ["en", "hu", ""],
        ["en", "gr", ""],
        ["en", "us", ""],
        ["en", "it", ""],
        ["en", "dk", ""],
        ["en", "br", ""],
        ["en", "ir", ""],
        ["en", "no", ""],
        ["en", "ae", ""]];

    var lng;
    var reg;
    var gamepages = {};

    ccode.forEach(function (ccode) {
        if ([1] + "") != -1) {
            lng = ccode[0];
            reg = new RegExp("http://s(\\d+)\\." + ccode[1] + "\\.kapihospital\\.com/(.*?)\\.php(.*)", "i");
            gamepages[ccode[1]] = "http://www" + ccode[2];
            console.log(info + "Setting language: " + lng);

    var scriptUrl = "";
    var Global = unsafeWindow.Global;
    var loc = reg.exec(document.location.href);
    var all = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
    var now = Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);
    var nie = 2147483000;
    var questcnt = 0;

    var server = "";
    var page = "";
    var pageZusatz = "";
    var developer = false;
    var candtable = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
    var username = "";

    var valRackLimit = "";
    var valMaxRackLimit = "";
    var valGlobalClockInTitle = "";
    var questTime = "";
    var valStartQuestAutomatic = false;
    var logindata = [];

    if (loc) {
        server = loc[1];
        page = loc[2];
        pageaddon = loc[3];
        //developer = (pageZusatz == "?dev");
        candtable = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
        username = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_username", "");

        switch (page) {
            case "main":

            case "logout":
    else {


    function do_main() {

        console.log(info + "Start do_main()");
        //if (!username) document.location.href = "http://www"+gamepage;
        // CSS
        GM_addStyle("table.hoveryellow tr:hover{background-color:yellow;}");
        GM_addStyle(".miniicon{font-weight:bold;padding:2px;border:1px inset white;}");
        GM_addStyle(".allcured{border:3px solid green!important;}");
        GM_addStyle(".needminitreatment{border:3px solid yellow;border-left:3px solid yellow!important;}");
        GM_addStyle(".unhealable{border:3px solid red;border-top:3px solid red!important;border-right:3px solid red!important;}");
        GM_addStyle(".racklow{" + GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_css_racklow", "background-color:orangered;") + "}");
        GM_addStyle(".cursorstandard{ cursor: default!important;}");

        console.log(info + "Updatecheck");
        if (GM_getValue("valUpdate", true)) {
            valLastUpdate = GM_getValue("valLastUpdate", "");
            if (valLastUpdate == "") {
                    method: "GET",
                    url: "",
                    onload: function (response) {
                        keyusoversion = /version\s+(\d.*)/;
                        serverversion = keyusoversion.exec(response.responseText)[1];
                        GM_setValue("valLastUpdate", serverversion);
            } else {
                    method: "GET",
                    url: "",
                    onload: function (response) {
                        keyusoversion = /version\s+(\d.*)/;
                        serverversion = keyusoversion.exec(response.responseText)[1];
                        if (valLastUpdate != serverversion) {
                            GM_setValue("valLastUpdate", serverversion);
                            if (confirm(texte["confirmUpdate"])) {
                                document.location.href = "";

        var documentTitle = document.title;
        try {
            var maincontainer = Select("border4").parentNode;
        } catch (err) {
            var maincontainer = all;
        try {
            var werbecontainer = document.getElementsByTagName("form")[0].parentNode;
        } catch (err) {
            var werbecontainer = all;

        var lastXmlRequest = 0;

        var rooms = [];
        var patients = [];
        var roomTimes = {};

        roomTimes["global"] = [0, 0];
        roomTimes["allrooms"] = [0, 0];
        roomTimes["emptyrooms"] = [0, 0];

        for (var v in Global.availableMedics[0]) {
            medi[Global.availableMedics[0][v]["diseases"]] = Global.availableMedics[0][v];
        var cand = document.getElementsByClassName("room");

        valRackLimit = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valRackLimit", 50);
        valMaxRackLimit = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valMaxRackLimit", 100);
        valMinRand = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valMinRand", 1);
        valMaxRand = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valMaxRand", 3);
        valGlobalClockInTitle = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valGlobalClockInTitle", true);
        questTime = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_questTime", 0);
        valStartQuestAutomatic = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valStartQuestAutomatic", true);
        valPickAutomatic = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valPickAutomatic", false);
        valSkipAnnouncement = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valSkipAnnouncement", false);

        if (developer) {
            createElement("div", {
                id: "help1",
                style: "z-index:2;position:absolute;top:15px;left:0px;background-color:#CCC;border:2px solid black;padding:3px;"
            }, all);

        console.log(info + "Points");
        // punkte
            method: "GET",
            url: "http://s" + server + "." + lng + "",
            Cookie: document.cookie,
            // synchronous: true,
            onload: function (response) {
                var text = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
                var dom = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(text["message"], "text/xml");
                var tbdy = dom.getElementsByTagName("tbody").item(0);
                var tz = tbdy.getElementsByTagName("tr");

                Select("pkt").addEventListener("mouseover", function () {
                    var punkte = parseInt(this.innerHTML.replace(/\./g, ""), 10);

                    for (var z = 0; z < tz.length; z++) {
                        if (punkte < parseInt(tz.item(z).getElementsByTagName("td").item(1).textContent.replace(/\./g, ""), 10)) {

                        this.title = texte["noch"] + " " + number_format(parseInt(tz.item(z).getElementsByTagName("td").item(1).textContent.replace(/\./g, ""), 10) - punkte);
                }, false);

        patientDiseases = {};
        console.log(info + "patientDiseases");
        // patientDiseases[patientId][diseaseNr]: heartbeat,cured,notreatment,comesnext,""=ill
        // patientDiseases[patientId][room]: current room (type)
        // patientDiseases[patientId][floor]: current floor
        // patientDiseases[patientId][roomX]: needed room to go (type)
        // patientDiseases[patientId][m]: count of needed minitreatments
        // patientDiseases[patientId][state]: 0=waitingroom,1=bed,2=nurse,3=in room,4=treatment,5=cured
        // patientDiseases[patientId][unhealable]: if not healable
        /*try{ patientDiseases = explode(GM_getValue(lng+"_"+server+"_"+username+"_patientDiseases","{}")); }catch(err){}

         for(var pat in patientDiseases)
         if(!Global.refPatients.get("p"+pat)){ delete patientDiseases[pat]; }
         else {
         if(!patientDiseases[pat]["state"]){ patientDiseases[pat]["state"]=1; }
         if(!patientDiseases[pat]["room"]){ patientDiseases[pat]["room"]=6; }
         if(!patientDiseases[pat]["floor"]){ patientDiseases[pat]["floor"]=1; }

        console.log(info + "For non Premium Players, read patient stats from Server");
        if (!Global.ISPREMIUM) {
            console.log(info + "User not premium");
            var patids = Global.refPatients.values();
            /*for (var v = 0; v < patids.length; v++) {
             refreshPatient(patids[v]["id"], false);

        if (developer) {
            console.log(info + "You are a developer");
            Select("garten_komplett").addEventListener("mouseover", function (event) {
                Select("help1").innerHTML = "";
                var roomId = 0;
                var patientId = 0;
                if (!isNaN("r", ""))) {
                    roomId ="r", "");
                    patientId = Global.refRooms.get(;
                else if (!isNaN("p", ""))) {
                    roomId = (Global.refPatients.get( + "").replace("r", "");
                    patientId ="p", "");
                if (patientId != 0) {
                    var help = Global.refPatients.get("p" + patientId);
                    for (var v in help) {
                        if (typeof(help[v]) != "function") {
                            Select("help1").innerHTML += "<br>" + v + " : " + help[v];
                    Select("help1").innerHTML += "<br>";
                    if (patientDiseases[patientId]) {
                        for (var v in patientDiseases[patientId]) {
                            Select("help1").innerHTML += "<br>" + v + " : " + patientDiseases[patientId][v];

                    Select("help1").innerHTML += "<br>"
                // console.log(roomId);

                if (roomId != 0) {
                    var help = Global.refRooms.get("r" + roomId);
                    for (var v in help) {
                        if (typeof(help[v]) != "function") {
                            Select("help1").innerHTML += "<br>" + v + " : " + help[v];
                        //else Select("help1").innerHTML += "<br>"+v+" : Fkt";
                    Select("help1").innerHTML += "<br>";
                    var help = Global.availableRooms[help["roomid"]];
                    for (var v in help) {
                        if (typeof(help[v]) != "function") {
                            Select("help1").innerHTML += "<br>" + v + " : " + help[v];

            }, false);

            help = Global.availableRooms[1];
            help = Global.availableDiseases[6];
            help = Global.availableMedics[0]["med6"];
            help = Global.availableMedics[0];

        //Mediregal durchblaetterfunktion

            function () {
                var prev = unsafeWindow.Rack._curPage - 1;
                var max = Math.ceil(unsafeWindow.Rack["_elements"].size() / 16);
                if (unsafeWindow.Rack._curPage == 1) {
                else {
            }, false);

            function () {
                var next = unsafeWindow.Rack._curPage + 1;
                var max = Math.ceil(unsafeWindow.Rack["_elements"].size() / 16);
                if (next > max) {
                else {

            }, true);

        var newdiv, newdiv1, newbutton;
        // Werbung
        if (werbecontainer) {
   = "";
   = "5px";
        if (Select("getcoinsnow")) {
            Select("getcoinsnow").style.display = "none";
        if (Select("nicelink")) {
            Select("nicelink").style.display = "none";
        newdiv = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
        for (var v = 0; v < newdiv.length; v++) {
            if (newdiv[v].hasAttribute("onclick") && newdiv[v].getAttribute("onclick").search("facebook") != -1) {
                newdiv[v].style.display = "none";

        // MiniIcons
        newdiv = createElement("div", {
            id: "berater_miniicons ",
            style: "color:white;height:50px;position:absolute;width:13px;z-index:10;top:186px;left:5px;"
        }, maincontainer);
        newdiv1 = createElement("div", {class: "miniicon hoverblue cursorclickable", style: "border:0;"}, newdiv, "P");
        newdiv1.addEventListener("click", function () {
        }, false);
        createElement("div", {style: "height:10px;"}, newdiv);

         var floors = 2;
         for(var v=floors;v>0;v--){
         newdiv1 = createElement("div",{id:"miniiconSelectFloor"+v,class:"miniicon hoverblue cursorclickable"},newdiv,v);
         function miniiconSelectFloor(){
         for(var v=1;v<=floors;v++) Select("miniiconSelectFloor"+v).style.backgroundColor = (v==parseInt(Global.selectedFloor,10)?"blue":"");
        console.log(info + "Button list");

        // Button-Leiste
        newdiv = createElement("div", {style: "position:absolute;top:784px;display:inline;"}, maincontainer);
        newbutton = createElement("button", {
            type: "button",
            class: "cursorclickable",
            style: "margin-left:3px;"
        }, newdiv, texte["set_ScriptHomepage"]);
        newbutton.addEventListener("click", function () {
        }, false);
        newbutton.addEventListener("mouseover", function () {
   = "#cc9";
        }, false);
        newbutton.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
   = "";
        }, false);
        newbutton = createElement("button", {
            id: "berateroptionen",
            type: "button",
            class: "cursorclickable",
            style: "margin-left:3px;"
        }, newdiv, texte["options"]);
        newbutton.addEventListener("click", function () {
            console.log(info + "Opening settings..");
        }, false);
        newbutton.addEventListener("mouseover", function () {
   = "#cc9";
        }, false);
        newbutton.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
   = "";
        }, false);

        // InfoPanel
        createElement("div", {
            id: "infoPanel",
            name: "",
            style: "position:absolute;top:184px;left:252px;width:600px;height:500px;background-image:url('');z-index:101;display:none;"
        }, all);

        // Quicklinks
        var arrQuicklinks = [
            [[texte["shop1"]], "shop1", 1, 1],
            [[texte["quildhouse"]], "guildhouse", 3, 1],
            [[texte["townhall"]], "townhall", 3, 1],
            [[texte["shop2"]], "shop2", 1, 1],
            [[texte["editoraloffice"]], "editoraloffice", 3, 1],
            [[texte["ambulancestore"]], "ambulancestore", 3, 2],
            [[texte["rcenter"]], "rcenter", 3, 2],
            [[texte["shop3"]], "shop3", 1, 2],
            [[texte["architect"]], "architect", 3, 2],
            [[texte["shop4"]], "shop4", 1, 2],
            [[texte["busstop"]], "busstop", 3, 1],
            [[texte["speakers"]], "speakers", 3, 1],
            [[texte["garage"]], "garage", 2, 1],
            [[texte["bank"]], "bank", 3, 1],
            [[texte["exchange"]], "exchange", 2, 1],
            [[texte["goodgirl"]], "goodgirl", 3, 1],
            [[texte["badboy"]], "badboy", 3, 2]

        newdiv = createElement("div", {id: "quicklinks"}, all);

        var day = (new Date()).getDay();
        var city2Allowed = (Global.ISPREMIUM || (day == 3) || (day == 6));

        for (var mode = 1; mode < 4; mode++) {
            for (var v = 1; v < arrQuicklinks.length; v++) {
                if (arrQuicklinks[v][2] == mode) {
                    newdiv1 = createElement("div", {
                        id: v,
                        class: "hoverlightblue",
                        title: arrQuicklinks[v][0]
                    }, newdiv);
                    createElement("div", {
                        class: "cursorclickable c1_a_50 c1_" + v + "_50",
                        title: arrQuicklinks[v][0]
                    }, newdiv1);

                    if ((arrQuicklinks[v][3] == 1) || city2Allowed) {
                        newdiv1.addEventListener("click", function () {
                        }, false);
                    else {
               = "0.3";

            createElement("div", {style: "clear:both;"}, newdiv);
            createElement("div", {style: "height:20px;width:100px;"}, newdiv);

        var breaker = createElement("div", {style: "height:20px;width:100px;"}, newdiv);
        createElement("hr", {style: "height:2px;color:blue; background: blue; width:100%;"}, breaker);

        // Autobuttons
        var arrQuicklinks2 = [
            [texte["autoDisposeMedi"], 3]

        for (var v = 0; v < arrQuicklinks2.length; v++) {
            newdiv1 = createElement("div", {
                id: "auto" + v,
                class: "hoverlightblue",
                title: arrQuicklinks2[v][0]
            }, newdiv);

            if (v == 0) {
                // Medi Buy Button
                createElement("div", {
                    class: "cursorclickable c1_a_50 c1_" + 15 + "_50",
                    title: arrQuicklinks2[v][0]
                }, newdiv1);
                newdiv1.addEventListener("click", function () {
                    var medstoBuy = [];
                    var price_overall = 0.00;
                    //var buytext ="";

                    var dialogdiv = createElement("div", {
                        "id": "buyquest",
                        "style": "text-align:center; background-color:white; padding: 4px; height:500px; position:absolute; left:50%; top:50%; margin-left:-200px; margin-top:-200px; widht:400px; z-index:999;font-size:normal;"
                    }, all);
                    var dialogdiv2 = createElement("div", {
                        "id": "buyquest2",
                        "style": "overflow:auto; width:400px; height:475px;"
                    }, dialogdiv);
                    var dialogdiv3 = createElement("div", {
                        "id": "buyquest3",
                        "style": "height:25px;text-align:center;"
                    }, dialogdiv);
                    createElement("h2", {}, dialogdiv2, texte["BuyingMedics"]);

                    var newtab = createElement("table", {
                        border: "1px",
                        cellspacing: "0px",
                        cellpadding: "0px",
                        style: "text-align:left;width:100%;"
                    }, dialogdiv2);
                    tabrow = createElement("tr", "", newtab);
                    createElement("td", {style: "text-align:center;"}, tabrow, texte["Buying"]);
                    createElement("td", {style: "text-align:center;"}, tabrow, texte["Dsignation"]);
                    createElement("td", {style: "text-align:center;"}, tabrow, texte["Price"]);

                    for (var i = 0; i < unsafeWindow.Rack["_elements"].length; i++) {
                        for (var k in Global.availableMedics[0]) {
                            if (Global.availableMedics[0][k]["id"] == unsafeWindow.Rack["_elements"][i]["product"]) {
                                if (Global.availableMedics[0][k]["shop"] != 0) {
                                    if (Global.availableMedics[0][k]["shop"] < 3 || city2Allowed) {
                                        if (( diff = valMaxRackLimit - parseInt(unsafeWindow.Rack["_elements"][i]["amount"], 10) ) > 0) {
                                            medprice = number_format((Global.availableMedics[0][k]["price"] * diff), 2, ',', '.');
                                            //console.log(info + "medprice >"+ medprice + "<" );

                                            price_overall += parseFloat(Global.availableMedics[0][k]["price"] * diff);
                                            console.log(info + "price_overall >" + price_overall + "<");

                                            //medstoBuy.push( { "itemid":Global.availableMedics[0][k]["id"], "amount":diff } );
                                            //buytext += diff + " x " +Global.availableMedics[0][k]["name"] + ": " + medprice + Global._KH_CURRENCY + "\n";

                                            tabrow = createElement("tr", "", newtab);
                                            tabcell = createElement("td", {style: "text-align:center;"}, tabrow);

                                            newinput = createElement("input", {
                                                "id": Global.availableMedics[0][k]["id"] + "#" + diff,
                                                "type": "checkbox",
                                                "checked": "checked",
                                                "title": Global.availableMedics[0][k]["name"],
                                                "style": "margin-right:0px;margin-left:1px;"
                                            }, tabcell);
                                            newinput.addEventListener("click", function () {

                                                price = Global.availableMedics[0]['#')[0]]["price"];
                                                price *= parseInt('#')[1]);

                                                if (this.checked) {
                                                    price_overall = parseFloat(price_overall) + parseFloat(price);
                                                else {
                                                    price_overall = parseFloat(price_overall) - parseFloat(price);

                                                if (Select('prover')) {
                                                    Select('prover').innerHTML = hT_format(price_overall);

                                            }, false);

                                            newinput = createElement("input", {
                                                "id": "am_" + Global.availableMedics[0][k]["id"],
                                                "type": "text",
                                                "maxlength": "3",
                                                "size": "3",
                                                "value": diff,
                                                "title": "Menge",
                                                "style": "width:25px;margin-left:5px;"
                                            }, tabcell);
                                            newinput.addEventListener("keyup", function () {
                                                this.value = keepDigits(this.value);

                                                if (!isNaN(this.value)) {

                                            }, false);

                                            tabcell = createElement("td", "", tabrow, Global.availableMedics[0][k]["name"]);
                                            tabcell = createElement("td", {
                                                id: "prc" + Global.availableMedics[0][k]["id"],
                                                style: "text-align:right;"
                                            }, tabrow, medprice + " " + Global._KH_CURRENCY);

                    tabrow = createElement("tr", "", newtab);
                    createElement("td", {}, tabrow, "Gesamtsumme");
                    createElement("td", {
                        id: "prover",
                        colspan: "2",
                        style: "text-align:right;font-color:red;font-weigth:bold;"
                    }, tabrow, hT_format(price_overall));

                    newbutton = createElement("button", {
                        type: "button",
                        class: "cursorclickable",
                        id: "buyok",
                        style: "width:100px;height:20px;margin:3px;"
                    }, dialogdiv3, texte["buy"]);
                    newbutton.addEventListener("click", function () {
                        var checkboxes = dialogdiv2.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]');
                        for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
                            if (checkboxes[i].checked) {
                                    "itemid": checkboxes[i].id.split('#')[0],
                                    "amount": Select('am_' + checkboxes[i].id.split('#')[0]).value

                        if (medstoBuy.length > 0) {
                            var payload = JSON.stringify(medstoBuy);
                            unsafeWindow.Cart._sendRequest("", "get", payload, true);

                    }, false);

                    newbutton = createElement("button", {
                        type: "button",
                        class: "cursorclickable",
                        id: "buycancel",
                        style: "width:100px;height:20px;margin:3px;"
                    }, dialogdiv3, texte["cancel"]);
                    newbutton.addEventListener("click", function () {
                        dialogdiv = null;

                    }, false);
                }, false);

            if (v == 1) {
                var actpat;

                // Autodispence Button
                createElement("div", {
                    class: "cursorclickable c1_a_50 c1_" + 2 + "_50",
                    title: arrQuicklinks2[v][0]
                }, newdiv1);
                newdiv1.addEventListener("click", function () {
                    rooms = Global.refRooms.values();

                    for (var v = 0; v < rooms.length; v++) {
                        if (( rooms[v].roomid == 6 )) {
                            console.log(info + "Checking room: " + rooms[v].topleft);

                            //If pateint has a room
                            if (rooms[v].patient != 0) {
                                console.log(info + "Room " + rooms[v].topleft + " belongs to patient: " + rooms[v].patient);
                                refreshPatient(rooms[v].patient, true);


                }, false);

            //Clean rooms button
            if (v == 2) {
                createElement("div", {
                    class: "cursorclickable c1_a_50 c1_" + 8 + "_50",
                    title: arrQuicklinks2[v][0]
                }, newdiv1);
                newdiv1.addEventListener("click", cleaningfunc, false);

            //MEdis verteilen
            if (v == 3) {
                createElement("div", {
                    class: "cursorclickable c1_a_50 c1_" + 1 + "_50",
                    title: arrQuicklinks2[v][0]
                }, newdiv1);
                newdiv1.addEventListener("click", medifunc, false);

        createElement("div", {style: "clear:both;"}, newdiv);
        createElement("div", {style: "height:20px;width:100px;"}, newdiv);

        // Hotkeys
        if (GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valHotkey", true)) {
            window.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) {
                if (event.altKey) {
                    switch (event.keyCode) {
                        case 49:
                            if (Select("floor_jump_1")) {
                            break; // Ebene 1
                        case 50:
                            if (Select("floor_jump_2")) {
                            break; // Ebene 2
                        case 51:
                            if (Select("floor_jump_3")) {
                            break; // Ebene 3
                        case 52:
                            if (Select("floor_jump_4")) {
                            break; // Ebene 3
                        case 66:
                            break; // B:Boerse
                        case 71:
                            break; // G:Garage
                        case 80:
                            break; // P:Patients
            }, false);

        window.setInterval(function () {
            now = Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);
            rooms = Global.refRooms.values();
            patients = Global.refPatients.values();

            var currPatientId = 0;
            var currRoom = null;

            if (!roomTimes[Global.selectedFloor]) {
                roomTimes[Global.selectedFloor] = {};
            var calcGlobalTime = false;
            roomTimes["allrooms"][Global.selectedFloor] = 0;

            // Rooms
            var cand = document.getElementsByClassName("room");

            /* room states far
             2: ready
             3: treatment
             6: cleaning
             7: dirty

            if (Global.nonEmptyFields[0]) {
                for (var v = 0; v < cand.length; v++) {
                    if ((currRoom = Global.refRooms.get(cand[v].id) )) {
                        if (currRoom["roomid"] == 6) {
                            // Bed
                            if (currPatientId = parseInt(currRoom["patient"], 10)) {
                                if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]) {
                                    if (!Select("p" + currPatientId)) {
                                        patientDiseases[currPatientId]["state"] = 2;
                                        patientDiseases[currPatientId]["floor"] = 1;
                                        patientDiseases[currPatientId]["room"] = 6;
                                else {

                                if (Select("treatmentr" + currRoom["topleft"])) {
                                    if ((!roomTimes[Global.selectedFloor][currRoom["topleft"]]) || (currRoom["ends"] != roomTimes[Global.selectedFloor][currRoom["topleft"]][0])) {
                                        roomTimes[Global.selectedFloor][currRoom["topleft"]] = [currRoom["ends"], now + currRoom["ends"], 3];

                                    if (!Select("timeinfo_" + currRoom["topleft"])) {
                                        createElement("div", {
                                            id: "timeinfo_" + currRoom["topleft"],
                                            style: "position:absolute;top:0px;left:1px;background-color:white;"
                                        }, Select("r" + currRoom["topleft"]));

                                    //console.log( time2str(roomTimes[Global.selectedFloor][currRoom["topleft"]][1]-now, 2) );
                                    Select("timeinfo_" + currRoom["topleft"]).innerHTML = time2str(roomTimes[Global.selectedFloor][currRoom["topleft"]][1] - now, 2);
                                else {
                                    if (Select("timeinfo_" + currRoom["topleft"])) {
                                        removeElement(Select("timeinfo_" + currRoom.topleft));

                        else if ((Global.availableRooms[currRoom["roomid"]] ) && (Global.availableRooms[currRoom["roomid"]]["diseases"].length > 0)) { // Behandlungsraum

                            if (currRoom["state"] == 3 || currRoom["state"] == 6) {

                                if ((!roomTimes[Global.selectedFloor][currRoom["topleft"]]) || (currRoom["ends"] != roomTimes[Global.selectedFloor][currRoom["topleft"]][0])) {
                                    roomTimes[Global.selectedFloor][currRoom["topleft"]] = [currRoom["ends"], now + currRoom["ends"], 3];

                                    if (currRoom["state"] == 3) {
                                        calcGlobalTime = true;

                                if (!Select("timeinfo_" + currRoom["topleft"])) {
                                    createElement("div", {
                                        id: "timeinfo_" + currRoom["topleft"],
                                        style: "position:absolute;bottom:23px;left:13px;font-weight:bold;background-color:white;"
                                    }, Select("r" + currRoom["topleft"]));
                                Select("timeinfo_" + currRoom["topleft"]).innerHTML = time2str(roomTimes[Global.selectedFloor][currRoom["topleft"]][1] - now);

                                // treatment?
                                if (Select("gradient_r" + currRoom["topleft"])) {
                                    if (currRoom["state"] == 3) {
                                        if (currPatientId = parseInt(currRoom["patient"], 10)) {
                                            if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]) {
                                                patientDiseases[currPatientId]["state"] = 4;
                                                patientDiseases[currPatientId]["floor"] = Global.selectedFloor;
                                                patientDiseases[currPatientId]["room"] = currRoom["roomid"];
                                            } else {

                                        // Medis
                                        if (Select("alert" + currRoom.topleft)) {
                                            var currDisease = null;
                                            if (currDisease = calcCurrDisease(currRoom["patient"])) {
                                                if (!Select("mediinfo_" + currRoom.topleft)) {
                                                    createElement("div", {
                                                        id: "mediinfo_" + currRoom.topleft,
                                                        style: "position:absolute;top:5px;left:5px;font-weight:bold;background-color:white;-moz-border-radius:5px;"
                                                    }, Select("r" + currRoom.topleft));
                                                Select("mediinfo_" + currRoom.topleft).setAttribute("class", "m_a_30 m_" + medi[currDisease]["id"] + "_30");
                                        } else {
                                            if (Select("mediinfo_" + currRoom.topleft)) {
                                                removeElement(Select("mediinfo_" + currRoom.topleft));

                                } else {
                                    if (currRoom["state"] == 3) {
                                        if (Select("timeinfo_" + currRoom.topleft)) {
                                            removeElement(Select("timeinfo_" + currRoom.topleft));
                                        if (Select("mediinfo_" + currRoom.topleft)) {
                                            removeElement(Select("mediinfo_" + currRoom.topleft));
                            } else {

                                if ((!roomTimes[Global.selectedFloor][currRoom["topleft"]]) || (currRoom["state"] != roomTimes[Global.selectedFloor][currRoom["topleft"]][2])) {
                                    calcGlobalTime = true;
                                roomTimes[Global.selectedFloor][currRoom["topleft"]] = [0, 0, currRoom["state"]];
                                if (Select("timeinfo_" + currRoom.topleft)) {
                                    removeElement(Select("timeinfo_" + currRoom.topleft));
                                if (Select("mediinfo_" + currRoom.topleft)) {
                                    removeElement(Select("mediinfo_" + currRoom.topleft));

            if (roomTimes["global"][0] <= now) {
                calcGlobalTime = true;

            if (calcGlobalTime) {
                roomTimes["global"][0] = nie;
                //roomTimes["allrooms"][0] = 0;
                roomTimes["emptyrooms"][0] = 0;
                roomTimes["global"][Global.selectedFloor] = nie;
                for (var floor = 1; floor < roomTimes["global"].length; floor++) {
                    roomTimes["global"][floor] = nie;
                    roomTimes["emptyrooms"][floor] = 0;
                    for (var help in roomTimes[floor]) {
                        if (roomTimes[floor][help][1] <= now) {
                        else {
                            roomTimes["global"][floor] = Math.min(roomTimes["global"][floor], roomTimes[floor][help][1]);
                    roomTimes["global"][0] = Math.min(roomTimes["global"][0], roomTimes["global"][floor]);
                    //roomTimes["allrooms"][0] += roomTimes["allrooms"][floor];
                    roomTimes["emptyrooms"][0] += roomTimes["emptyrooms"][floor];
            if (valGlobalClockInTitle) {
                document.title = (roomTimes["global"][0] < nie ? time2str(roomTimes["global"][0] - now) : texte["fertig"].toUpperCase()) + " - " + roomTimes["emptyrooms"][0] + " - " + documentTitle;
            } else {
                if (!Select("globalclock")) {
                    createElement("div", {
                        id: "globalclock",
                        title: texte["GlobalTime"],
                        style: "position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;font-weight:bold;background-color:white;"
                    }, all);
                Select("globalclock").innerHTML = (roomTimes["global"][0] < nie ? time2str(roomTimes["global"][0] - now) : texte["fertig"].toUpperCase()) + " - " + roomTimes["emptyrooms"][0];
            if (!Select("floorclock")) {
                createElement("div", {
                    id: "floorclock",
                    title: texte["FloorTime"],
                    style: "position:absolute;top:5px;left:20px;font-weight:bold;background-color:white;"
                }, Select("hospital_content"));
            Select("floorclock").innerHTML = ((roomTimes["allrooms"][Global.selectedFloor] > 0) ? (roomTimes["global"][Global.selectedFloor] < nie ? time2str(roomTimes["global"][Global.selectedFloor] - now) : texte["fertig"].toUpperCase()) : "---") + " - " + roomTimes["emptyrooms"][Global.selectedFloor];

            // Patients Divs
            var canddiv = Select("hospital_content").getElementsByClassName("patient");
            for (var pat = 0; pat < canddiv.length; pat++) {
                currPatientId = parseInt(canddiv[pat].id.replace("p", ""), 10);
                if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]) {
                    patientDiseases[currPatientId]["floor"] = Global.refPatients.get("p" + currPatientId)["floor"];
                    var classStr = canddiv[pat].getAttribute("class").replace(" allcured", "").replace(" unhealable", "").replace(" needminitreatment", "");

                    //dont remove, its flickring to much
                    if (Select("mcont_" + currPatientId)) {
                        //removeElement( Select("mcont_"+currPatientId) );

                    // 0=waitingroom
                    // 1=bed
                    // 2=nurse
                    // 3=in room
                    // 4=treatment
                    // 5=cured
                    if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]["state"] != 5) {
                        if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]["state"] == 2) {
                        else if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]["state"] == 4) {

                        patientDiseases[currPatientId]["room"] = Global.refRooms.get(Global.refPatients.get("p" + currPatientId)["room"])["roomid"];

                        if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]["room"] == 6) { // Is under nurse treatment
                            patientDiseases[currPatientId]["state"] = 1;

                            //in bed
                            if (!Select("mcont_" + currPatientId)) {
                                createElement("div", {
                                    id: "mcont_" + currPatientId,
                                    style: "float:right;background-color:white;margin-right:2px;"
                                }, canddiv[pat]);

                                for (var m = 0; m < patientDiseases[currPatientId]["m"]; m++) {
                                    createElement("div", {style: "width: 7px; height: 7px; margin: 1px;background-color:green;"}, Select("mcont_" + currPatientId));

                                for (; m < 4; m++) {
                                    createElement("div", {style: "width: 7px; height: 7px; margin: 1px;background-color:red;"}, Select("mcont_" + currPatientId));
                        else {
                            patientDiseases[currPatientId]["state"] = 3;

                        //ist zu testen

                    if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]["state"] != 5) {
                        if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]["m"] < 4) {
                            classStr += " needminitreatment" + (patientDiseases[currPatientId]["unhealable"] ? " unhealable" : "");
                        else if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]["unhealable"]) {
                            classStr += " unhealable";
                    else {
                        classStr += " allcured";

                    canddiv[pat].setAttribute("class", classStr);
                else {

            // waiting patients
            canddiv = Select("waitingroom").getElementsByClassName("waitingpatient");
            for (var pat = 0; pat < canddiv.length; pat++) {
                canddiv[pat].style.opacity = ((Global.refPatients.get(canddiv[pat].id).referred != 0) ? "0.4" : "1"); //verkaufte
                var currPatientId = parseInt(canddiv[pat].id.replace("p", ""), 10);
                if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]) {
                    patientDiseases[currPatientId]["floor"] = 0;
                    patientDiseases[currPatientId]["room"] = 0;
                    if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]["unhealable"]) {
                        canddiv[pat].setAttribute("class", canddiv[pat].getAttribute("class").replace(" unhealable", "") + " unhealable");
                    if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]["state"] > 0) {
                        patientDiseases[currPatientId]["state"] = 0;
                } else {
            canddiv = null;

            // QuestClock
            if (!Select("questclock")) {
                createElement("div", {
                    id: "questclock",
                    title: texte["QuestTime"],
                    style: "position:absolute;bottom:0px;right:0px;font-weight:bold;background-color:white;"
                }, Select("waitingroom"));

            Select("questclock").innerHTML = ( (questTime > now) ? time2str(questTime - now) : texte["fertig"].toUpperCase() );

        }, 1000);

        window.setInterval(function () {
            var now = Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);

            if (valStartQuestAutomatic) {
                if (!(questTime > now) && questcnt < 8) {
                    console.log(info + questTime);
        }, 3000);

        window.setInterval(function () { // leaving patient
            var cand = Select("goingpatient").getElementsByClassName("patient");
            for (var v = 0; v < cand.length; v++) {
                var currPatientId = parseInt(cand[v].id.replace("p", ""), 10);
                if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]) {
                    delete patientDiseases[currPatientId];
            //<div style="position: absolute; left: 46px; width: 25px; height: 36px; top: 31px;
            //background-image: url(&quot;;); z-index: 1000;"
            //class="patient cursordrag allcured" id="p9233468"></div>
        }, 500);

        window.setInterval(function () {
            var cand = Select("rackItems").getElementsByClassName("medamount");
            for (var v in cand) {
                if (cand[v].nodeType === 1) {
                    var help = cand[v].getAttribute("class");

                    if (parseInt(cand[v].innerHTML, 10) < valRackLimit) {
                        if (" racklow") == -1) {
                            cand[v].setAttribute("class", help + " racklow");
                    else {
                        if (" racklow") != -1) {
                            cand[v].setAttribute("class", help.replace(" racklow", ""));
            for (var pat in patientDiseases) {
                if ((patientDiseases[pat]["state"] == 0) && (!Select("p" + pat))) { // waiting+gone
                    delete patientDiseases[pat];
            GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_patientDiseases", implode(patientDiseases));
            cand = null;
        }, 5000);

        // Patient-MouseOver Diseases
        var beraterDiseaseBubble = createElement("div", {
            id: "beraterDiseaseBubble",
            style: "z-index:2000;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;background-color:#CCC;-moz-border-radius:10px;border:2px solid black;padding:3px;margin-left:40px;"
        }, all);
        hiddenPatientDiv = createElement("div", {id: "hiddenPatientDiv", style: "display:;"}, all);

        Select("garten_komplett").addEventListener("mouseover", function (event) {
            Log("MOUSEOVER " +;
            var patientId = 0;
            if (!isNaN("r", ""))) {
                // TODO Unhide these
                // log(info + "Evemt is: " + event);
                // Log(;
                var currRoom = 0;
                if (!isNaN("r", ""))) {
                    currRoom ="r", "");
                else if (!isNaN("p", ""))) {
                    currRoom = (Global.refPatients.get( + "").replace("r", "");

                currRoom = "r" + currRoom;

                patientId = currRoom.patient;
            else if (!isNaN("p", ""))) {
                patientId ="p", "");
            beraterDiseaseBubble.innerHTML = "";
            if (patientId != 0) {
       = "block";
                beraterDiseaseBubble.setAttribute("name", patientId);

                if (Global.ISPREMIUM) {
                    var patdetail = Select("treatico");
                    if (patdetail.childNodes.length > 0) {
                        patientDiseases[patientId]["m"] = 4;
        }, false);
        Select("garten_komplett").addEventListener("mousemove", function (event) {
   = event.pageX + "px";
   = event.pageY + "px";
        }, false);
        Select("garten_komplett").addEventListener("mouseout", function (event) {
   = "none";
        }, false);

        // Frame Observer
        newswindowObserver = window.setInterval(function () {
            if ((Select("newswindow").style.display != "none") && (!Select("newswindowObserver"))) {
                createElement("h1", {id: "newswindowObserver"}, Select("newswindow"));
                if (Select("msgwindow")) {
                    var help = Select("msgwindow").getAttribute("style");
                    if ("medicalrecord_1.png") != -1) {
                    else if ("bg_exchange2.jpg") != -1) {
                    else if ("bg_notes.png") != -1) {
                    else if ("bg_questfinished") != -1) {
                    else if ("bg_garage") != -1) {
                    else if ("quest_bg") != -1) {
                    else if ("bg_shop") != -1) {
                    else if ("bg_mail") != -1) {
        }, 200);

        // Rack
        Select("rackItems").addEventListener("dblclick", function (event) {
            var shop = Global.availableMedics[0]["medid")]["shop"];
            if ((shop < 3) || city2Allowed) {
                unsafeWindow.show_page("shop" + shop);
            } else {
        }, false);

        newdiv = null;
        newdiv1 = null;
        newbutton = null;

    console.log(info + "End do_main()");

    /*************************** end do_main() ******************************************/

    /*************************** definition helper functions ****************************/
    function loadLanguage(lang) {
        switch (lang) {
            case "en":
                texte["berater"] = "Adviser";
                texte["autologin1"] = "Checking active sessions.  Please wait 5 seconds<br>...";
                texte["autologin2"] = "All accounts logged in.";
                texte["options"] = "Options";
                texte["fertig"] = "Done";
                texte["shopNotAvailable"] = "The shop is not available";
                texte["noch"] = "Left";
                texte["QuestTime"] = "Quest time";
                texte["FloorTime"] = "Floor time";
                texte["GlobalTime"] = "Global time";
                // options panel
                texte["set_ScriptHomepage"] = "Script Homepage";
                texte["set_AutoLogin"] = "Automatic login";
                texte["set_Update"] = "Update";
                texte["set_RackLow"] = "Minimal rackamount";
                texte["set_RackMax"] = "Automatic buying limit";
                texte["set_Rand"] = "Picking range";
                texte["info_Rand"] = "Picking rage for the lottery, in case of wrong number, it will not save itself. If You'd like to to always pick the same card, just type the same number in both field.";
                texte["set_valPickAutomatic"] = "AutoLottery";
                texte["info_valPickAutomatic"] = "Check this box, if You'd like the Helper to pick the lottery for You.";
                texte["set_valSkipAnnouncement"] = "Skip announcements";
                texte["info_valSkipAnnouncement"] = "Check this box, if You'd like the Helper to skip the announcements.";
                texte["set_valGlobalClockInTitle"] = "Time in page title";
                texte["set_valStartQuestAutomatic"] = "AutoQuest";
                texte["info_AutoLogin"] = "Once username and password information is given, all accounts will be logged in";
                texte["info_Update"] = "Checks whether an updated version of this Advisor script is available.";
                texte["info_RackLow"] = "A product is marked if its amount in your rack is falling below this value.";
                texte["info_RackMax"] = "By Automatic buying product will be purchased until reaching this number.";
                texte["info_valGlobalClockInTitle"] = "Global clock in title";
                texte["info_valStartQuestAutomatic"] = "Should the next quest start automaticly, if the previous ends?";
                texte["confirmUpdate"] = "There is new version of Kapi Hospital Berater. Would You like to install it?";
                texte["zeigePasswoerter"] = "Show password";
                texte["autoLogin"] = "Automatic loging in";
                texte["accountAktiv"] = "Account is acrive";
                texte["server"] = "Server";
                texte["ungueltigerServer"] = "Wrong server";
                texte["name"] = "Name";
                texte["passwort"] = "Password";
                texte["speichern"] = "Save";
                texte["loeschen"] = "Erase";
                texte["buy"] = "Buy";
                texte["cancel"] = "Cancel";
                texte["autoBuy"] = "Buy medics";
                texte["autoClean"] = "Clean rooms";
                texte["autoNurse"] = "Call nurse";
                texte["autoDisposeMedi"] = "Dispose medics";
                // patients panel
                texte["zeigeGeheilteKrankheiten"] = "Show cured of the disease";
                texte["minipics"] = "Minipics";
                texte["Beschreibung"] = "untreated/overall";
                texte["Beschreibung2"] = "helptext to understand this window: Number of untreated diseases without those currently treated/overall number";
                texte["frei"] = "Hospital beds";
                texte["inBehandlung"] = "in a room";
                texte["waitingroom"] = "Waiting room";
                texte["Gesamt"] = "Overall";
                texte["Patients"] = "Patients";
                texte["Rooms"] = "Rooms";
                // Buy medics view
                texte["BuyingMedics"] = "Buying medics";
                texte["Buying"] = "Buying";
                texte["Dsignation"] = "Designation";
                texte["Price"] = "Price";
                // Exchange
                texte["showUncurable"] = "Show uncurable";
                texte["waehrung"] = "hT"; //Global._KH_CURRENCY
                texte["coins"] = "Coins";
                // Quicklinks
                texte["shop1"] = "";
                texte["quildhouse"] = "";
                texte["townhall"] = "";
                texte["shop2"] = "";
                texte["editoraloffice"] = "";
                texte["ambulancestore"] = "";
                texte["rcenter"] = "";
                texte["shop3"] = "";
                texte["architect"] = "";
                texte["shop4"] = "";
                texte["busstop"] = "";
                texte["speakers"] = "";
                texte[""] = "";
                texte["garage"] = "";
                texte["bank"] = "";
                texte["exchange"] = "";
                texte["goodgirl"] = "";
                texte["badboy"] = "";
                //TODO: Add English translation

            case "de":
                texte["berater"] = "Berater";
                texte["autologin1"] = "Ermittle aktive Sessions. Bitte 5 Sekunden warten<br>...";
                texte["autologin2"] = "Alle Accounts eingeloggt.";
                texte["options"] = "Optionen";
                texte["fertig"] = "Fertig";
                texte["shopNotAvailable"] = "Shop heute nicht erreichbar";
                texte["noch"] = "noch";
                texte["QuestTime"] = "Quest time";
                texte["FloorTime"] = "Etage time";
                texte["GlobalTime"] = "Global time";
                // options panel
                texte["set_ScriptHomepage"] = "Scripthomepage";
                texte["set_AutoLogin"] = "Automatisch einloggen";
                texte["set_Update"] = "Update";
                texte["set_RackLow"] = "Minimaler Lagerbestand";
                texte["set_RackMax"] = "Maximaler Lagerbestand";
                texte["set_Rand"] = "Picking range";
                texte["info_Rand"] = "Picking rage for the lottery, in case of wrong number, it will not save itself. If You'd like to to always pick the same card, just type the same number in both field.";
                texte["set_valPickAutomatic"] = "AutoLottery";
                texte["info_valPickAutomatic"] = "Check this box, if You'd like the Helper to pick the lottery for You.";
                texte["set_valSkipAnnouncement"] = "Skip announcements";
                texte["info_valSkipAnnouncement"] = "Check this box, if You'd like the Helper to skip the announcements.";
                texte["set_valGlobalClockInTitle"] = "Time in page title";
                texte["set_valGlobalClockInTitle"] = "Globale Zeit im Titel";
                texte["set_valStartQuestAutomatic"] = "Quests automatisch";
                texte["info_AutoLogin"] = "Sobald Nutzerdaten und Passwort eingegeben sind, werden die Accounts wieder eingeloggt. Es m" + ue_de + "ssen Popups erlaubt werden bei mehreren Accounts.";
                texte["info_Update"] = "Es wird gepr" + ue_de + "ft, ob eine neuere Version dieses Scriptes verf" + ue_de + "gbar ist.";
                texte["info_RackLow"] = "Ein Medikament wird markiert, falls der Lagerbestand unter diese Grenze f" + ae_de + "llt.";
                texte["info_RackMax"] = "Es werden beim automatischen Einkauf die Medikamente bis zu diesem Lagerbestand afgef" + ue_de + "llt.";
                texte["info_valGlobalClockInTitle"] = "Die globale Zeit wird im Fenstertitel angezeigt. Ansonsten im Fenster.";
                texte["info_valStartQuestAutomatic"] = "Soll sofort die n" + ae_de + "chste Quest gestartet werden, wenn eine beended wurde ( max. 8 )?";
                texte["confirmUpdate"] = "Es liegt eine neue Script-Version vor. Diese installieren?";
                texte["zeigePasswoerter"] = "zeige Passw" + oe_de + "rter";
                texte["autoLogin"] = "Automatischer Login";
                texte["accountAktiv"] = "Account aktiv";
                texte["server"] = "Server";
                texte["ungueltigerServer"] = "Ungueltiger Server";
                texte["name"] = "Name";
                texte["passwort"] = "Passwort";
                texte["speichern"] = "speichern";
                texte["loeschen"] = "l" + oe_de + "schen";
                texte["buy"] = "Kaufen";
                texte["cancel"] = "Abbrechen";
                texte["autoBuy"] = "automatische Lagerauff" + ue_de + "llung";
                texte["autoClean"] = "R" + ae_de + "ume s" + ae_de + "ubern";
                texte["autoNurse"] = "Krankenschwester rufen";
                texte["autoDisposeMedi"] = "Medikamente verteilen";
                // patients panel
                texte["zeigeGeheilteKrankheiten"] = "Zeige geheilte Krankheiten";
                texte["minipics"] = "Minipics";
                texte["Beschreibung"] = "unbehandelt/Gesamt";
                texte["Beschreibung2"] = "Hilfetext um dieses Fenster zu verstehen: Anzahl dieser Krankheit unbehandelt ohne gerade in Behandlung befindliche/Anzahl Gesamt";
                texte["frei"] = "Krankenbetten";
                texte["inBehandlung"] = "in Behandlung";
                texte["waitingroom"] = "Warteraum";
                texte["Gesamt"] = "Gesamt";
                texte["Patients"] = "Patients";
                texte["Rooms"] = "R" + ae_de + "ume";
                // Buy medics view
                texte["BuyMedics"] = "Medis kaufen";
                texte["Buying"] = "Kaufen";
                texte["Dsignation"] = "Bezeichnung";
                texte["Price"] = "Preis";
                // Exchange
                texte["showUncurable"] = "Zeige Unheilbare";
                texte["waehrung"] = "hT"; //Global._KH_CURRENCY
                texte["coins"] = "Coins";
                // Quicklinks
                texte["shop1"] = "Apotheke Pillenexpress";
                texte["quildhouse"] = Ae_de + "rztevereinigung und Wettbewerb";
                texte["townhall"] = "Rathaus";
                texte["shop2"] = "Medizinischer Gro";
                texte["editoraloffice"] = "Zeitungsredaktion";
                texte["ambulancestore"] = "Autoh" + ae_de + "ndler";
                texte["rcenter"] = "Forschungszentrum";
                texte["shop3"] = "Internetcafe";
                texte["architect"] = "Architekturb" + ue_de + "ro";
                texte["shop4"] = "Tante-Emma-Laden";
                texte["busstop"] = "Bushaltestelle";
                texte["speakers"] = "Speakers Corner";
                texte["garage"] = "Garage";
                texte["bank"] = "Bank";
                texte["exchange"] = "Patientenb" + oe_de + "rse";
                texte["goodgirl"] = "Fr" + ae_de + "ulein Rosenwasser";
                texte["badboy"] = "Dr. Knievel";

            case "pl":
                texte["berater"] = "Doradca";
                texte["autologin1"] = "Sprawdzanie aktywnych sesji. Prosz" + e_pl + "odczekac 5 sekund...";
                texte["autologin2"] = "Wszystkie konta zalogowane.";
                texte["options"] = "Opcje";
                texte["fertig"] = "Gotowe";
                texte["shopNotAvailable"] = "Sklep jest teraz niedost" + e_pl + "pny";
                texte["noch"] = "Pozosta" + l_pl + "o";
                texte["QuestTime"] = "Czas questu";
                texte["FloorTime"] = "Czas piętra";
                texte["GlobalTime"] = "Czas globalny";
                // options panel
                texte["set_ScriptHomepage"] = "Strona domowa skryptu";
                texte["set_AutoLogin"] = "Automatyczne logowanie";
                texte["set_Update"] = "Aktualizacja";
                texte["set_RackLow"] = "Minimalna ilo" + s_pl + c_pl + " lekarstw w regale";
                texte["set_RackMax"] = "Limit zakupu";
                texte["set_Rand"] = "Przedział losowania";
                texte["info_Rand"] = "Przedział losowania dla latorii, przy wpisaniu złej liczby ta się nie zapisze. Jeśli chcesz losować zawsze tą samą kartę wpisz w oba pola taką samą liczbę.";
                texte["set_valPickAutomatic"] = "AutoLoteria";
                texte["info_valPickAutomatic"] = "Zaznacz to pole, jeśli chcesz, żeby pomocnik losował za Ciebie.";
                texte["set_valSkipAnnouncement"] = "Pomijanie ogłoszeń";
                texte["info_valSkipAnnouncement"] = "Zaznacz to pole, jeśli chcesz, żeby bot pomijał ogłoszenia.";
                texte["set_valGlobalClockInTitle"] = "Czas w tytule karty.";
                texte["set_valStartQuestAutomatic"] = "AutoQuest";
                texte["info_AutoLogin"] = "Po wprowadzeniu nazwy u" + z_pl + "ytkownika i has" + l_pl + "a nast" + e_pl + "puje automatyczne logowanie. Pozwala to zachowa" + c_pl + " " + c_pl + "iaglosc grania. Przy wielu kontach musi by" + c_pl + "dozwolone wyskakiwanie okienek.";
                texte["info_Update"] = "Automatycznie sprawdza czy jest nowsza wersja tego skryptu.";
                texte["info_RackLow"] = "Produkt zostanie zaznaczony, gdy jego ilo" + s_pl + c_pl + " w regale spadnie poni" + z_pl + "ej tego poziomu";
                texte["info_RackMax"] = "Poprzez automnatyczny zakup, produkt b" + e_pl + "dzie zape" + l_pl + "niany do tego limitu.";
                texte["info_valGlobalClockInTitle"] = "Czas globalny jest wy" + s_pl + "wietlany w pasku tytu" + l_pl + "owym okna.";
                texte["info_valStartQuestAutomatic"] = "Czy kolejny quest powinien si" + e_pl + " zacz" + a_pl + c_pl + " zaraz po tym, gdy sko" + n_pl + "czy" + l_pl + " si" + e_pl + " poprzedni?";
                texte["confirmUpdate"] = "Jest nowa wersja skryptu Doradca Kapi Hospital. Czy chcesz j" + a_pl + " zainstalowa" + c_pl + "?";
                texte["zeigePasswoerter"] = "Poka" + z_pl + " has" + l_pl + "o";
                texte["autoLogin"] = "Automatyczne logowanie";
                texte["accountAktiv"] = "Konto aktywne";
                texte["server"] = "Serwer";
                texte["ungueltigerServer"] = "B" + l_pl + e_pl + "dny serwer";
                texte["name"] = "Login";
                texte["passwort"] = "Has" + l_pl + "o";
                texte["speichern"] = "Zapisz";
                texte["loeschen"] = "Usu" + n_pl;
                texte["buy"] = "Kup";
                texte["cancel"] = "Anuluj";
                texte["autoBuy"] = "Kup leki";
                texte["autoClean"] = "Wyczy" + s_pl + c_pl + " pokoje";
                texte["autoNurse"] = "Zadzwo" + n_pl + " po piel" + e_pl + "gniark" + e_pl + ".";
                texte["autoDisposeMedi"] = "Rozprowad" + x_pl + " leki";
                // patients panel
                texte["zeigeGeheilteKrankheiten"] = "Poka" + z_pl + " wyleczone choroby";
                texte["minipics"] = "Małe obrazki";
                texte["Beschreibung"] = "untreated/overall";
                texte["Beschreibung2"] = "helptext to understand this window: Number of untreated diseases without those currently treated/overall number";
                texte["frei"] = "Wolni";
                texte["inBehandlung"] = "Leczony";
                texte["waitingroom"] = "Poczekalnia";
                texte["Gesamt"] = "Og" + o_pl + l_pl + "em";
                texte["Patients"] = "Pacjenci";
                texte["Rooms"] = "Pomieszczenia";
                // Buy medics view
                texte["BuyMedics"] = "Kupowanie leków";
                texte["Buying"] = "Kupowanie";
                texte["Dsignation"] = "Nazwa";
                texte["Price"] = "Cena";
                // Exchange
                texte["showUncurable"] = "Poka" + z_pl + " nieuleczalnych";
                texte["waehrung"] = "hT"; //Global._KH_CURRENCY
                texte["coins"] = "Monety";
                // Quicklinks
                texte["shop1"] = "Apteka Sza" + l_pl + "pigu" + l_pl;
                texte["quildhouse"] = "Zwi" + a_pl + "zek lekarzy i konkursy";
                texte["townhall"] = "Ratusz";
                texte["shop2"] = "Hurtownia G.Rypa";
                texte["editoraloffice"] = "3";
                texte["ambulancestore"] = "Autokomis";
                texte["rcenter"] = "Instytut badawczy";
                texte["shop3"] = "Kafejka internetowa";
                texte["architect"] = "Biuro architektoniczne";
                texte["shop4"] = "Sklepik pani Wandzi";
                texte["busstop"] = "Przystanek autobusowy";
                texte["speakers"] = "Mr. Gafon";
                texte["garage"] = "Gara" + z_pl;
                texte["bank"] = "Bank";
                texte["exchange"] = "Gie" + l_pl + "da pacjent" + o_pl + "w";
                texte["goodgirl"] = "Panienka z okienka";
                texte["badboy"] = "Dr S. Raczek";

            case "cz":
                texte["berater"] = "Poradce";
                texte["autologin1"] = "Kontroluji aktivn" + i_cz + " relace. " + c_cz + "ekejte pros" + i_cz + "m 5 sekund<br>...";
                texte["autologin2"] = "V" + s_cz + "echny " + u_cz + c_cz + "ty p" + r_cz + "ihl" + a_cz + s_cz + "eny.";
                texte["options"] = "Mo" + z_cz + "nosti";
                texte["fertig"] = "Hotovo";
                texte["shopNotAvailable"] = "Obchod nen" + i_cz + " dostupn" + y_cz;
                texte["noch"] = "Zb" + y_cz + "v" + a_cz;
                texte["FloorTime"] = "Floor time";
                texte["GlobalTime"] = "Global time";
                // options panel
                texte["set_ScriptHomepage"] = "Domovsk" + a_cz + " str" + a_cz + "nka Scriptu";
                texte["set_AutoLogin"] = "Automatick" + e_cz + " p" + r_cz + "ihla" + s_cz + "ov" + a_cz + "n" + i_cz;
                texte["set_Update"] = "Aktualizace";
                texte["set_RackLow"] = "Minim" + a_cz + "ln" + i_cz + " z" + a_cz + "soba l" + e_cz + "k" + u2_cz;
                texte["set_RackMax"] = "Automatic buying limit";
                texte["set_Rand"] = "Picking range";
                texte["info_Rand"] = "Picking rage for the lottery, in case of wrong number, it will not save itself. If You'd like to to always pick the same card, just type the same number in both field.";
                texte["set_valPickAutomatic"] = "AutoLottery";
                texte["info_valPickAutomatic"] = "Check this box, if You'd like the Helper to pick the lottery for You.";
                texte["set_valSkipAnnouncement"] = "Skip announcements";
                texte["info_valSkipAnnouncement"] = "Check this box, if You'd like the Helper to skip the announcements.";
                texte["set_valGlobalClockInTitle"] = "Time in page title";
                texte["set_valGlobalClockInTitle"] = c_cz + "as v n" + a_cz + "zvu karty.";
                texte["set_valStartQuestAutomatic"] = "AutoQuest";
                texte["info_AutoLogin"] = "Jakmile zad" + a_cz + "te sv" + e_cz + " u" + z_cz + "ivatelsk" + e_cz + " jm" + e_cz + "no a heslo, v" + s_cz + "echny " + u_cz + c_cz + "ty budou p" + r_cz + "ihl" + a_cz + s_cz + "eny.";
                texte["info_Update"] = "Automaticky kontroluje, zda je k dispozici nov" + e2_cz + "j" + s_cz + i_cz + " verze tohoto Poradce.";
                texte["info_RackLow"] = "Ozna" + c_cz + i_cz + " l" + e_cz + "ky, jejich" + z_cz + " mno" + z_cz + "stv" + i_cz + " klesne pod zadanou hodnotu.";
                texte["info_RackMax"] = "By Automatic buying product will be purchased until reaching this number.";
                texte["info_valGlobalClockInTitle"] = "Zobraz" + i_cz + " glob" + a_cz + "ln" + i_cz + " " + c_cz + "as v titulku okna.";
                texte["info_valStartQuestAutomatic"] = "Soll sofort die n" + ae_de + "chste Quest gestartet werden, wenn eine beended wurde ( max. 8 )?";
                texte["confirmUpdate"] = "Je kdispozici nov" + a_cz + " verze R" + a_cz + "dce Kapi Hospital. Chcete ji nainstalovat?";
                texte["zeigePasswoerter"] = "Uk" + a_cz + "zat heslo";
                texte["autoLogin"] = "Automatick" + e_cz + " p" + r_cz + "ihla" + s_cz + "ov" + a_cz + "n" + i_cz;
                texte["accountAktiv"] = u3_cz + c_cz + "et je aktivn" + i_cz;
                texte["server"] = "Server";
                texte["ungueltigerServer"] = "Neplatn" + y_cz + " server";
                texte["name"] = "Login";
                texte["passwort"] = "Heslo";
                texte["speichern"] = "Ulo" + z_cz + "it";
                texte["loeschen"] = "Vymazat";
                texte["buy"] = "kaufen";
                texte["cancel"] = "Abbrechen";
                texte["autoBuy"] = "automatische Lagerauff" + ue_de + "llung";
                texte["autoClean"] = "R" + ae_de + "ume s" + ae_de + "ubern";
                texte["autoNurse"] = "Krankenschwester rufen";
                texte["autoDisposeMedi"] = "Medikamente verteilen";
                // patients panel
                texte["zeigeGeheilteKrankheiten"] = "Zobrazit vyl" + e_cz + c_cz + "iteln" + e_cz;
                texte["minipics"] = "Miniobr" + a_cz + "zky";
                texte["Beschreibung"] = "unbehandelt/Gesamt";
                texte["Beschreibung2"] = "Hilfetext um dieses Fenster zu verstehen: Anzahl dieser Krankheit unbehandelt ohne gerade in Behandlung befindliche/Anzahl Gesamt";
                texte["frei"] = "Voln" + e_cz;
                texte["inBehandlung"] = "Vyl" + e_cz + c_cz + "eno";
                texte["waitingroom"] = c_cz + "ek" + a_cz + "rna";
                texte["Gesamt"] = "Gesamt";
                texte["Rooms"] = "Rooms";
                texte["Patients"] = "Patients";
                // Buy medics view
                texte["BuyingMedics"] = "Buying medics";
                texte["Buying"] = "Buying";
                texte["Dsignation"] = "Designation";
                texte["Price"] = "Price";
                // Exchange
                texte["showUncurable"] = "Zobrazit nevyl" + e_cz + c_cz + "iteln" + e_cz;
                texte["waehrung"] = "hT"; //Global._KH_CURRENCY
                texte["coins"] = "Mince";
                // Quicklinks
                texte["shop1"] = "";
                texte["quildhouse"] = "";
                texte["townhall"] = "";
                texte["shop2"] = "";
                texte["editoraloffice"] = "";
                texte["ambulancestore"] = "";
                texte["rcenter"] = "";
                texte["shop3"] = "";
                texte["architect"] = "";
                texte["shop4"] = "";
                texte["busstop"] = "";
                texte["speakers"] = "";
                texte[""] = "";
                texte["garage"] = "";
                texte["bank"] = "";
                texte["exchange"] = "";
                texte["goodgirl"] = "";
                texte["badboy"] = "";

    function Select(ID) {
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    function removeElement(node) {

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    function click(A) {
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        B.initEvent("mousedown", true, true);

    function mousemove(A) {
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        B.initEvent("mousemove", true, true);

    function number_format(number, decimals, dec_point, thousands_sep) {
        // +   original by: Jonas Raoni Soares Silva (
        // +   improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
        // +     bugfix by: Michael White (
        // +     bugfix by: Benjamin Lupton
        // +     bugfix by: Allan Jensen (
        // +    revised by: Jonas Raoni Soares Silva (
        // +     bugfix by: Howard Yeend
        // +    revised by: Luke Smith (
        // +     bugfix by: Diogo Resende
        // +     bugfix by: Rival
        // %        note 1: For 1000.55 result with precision 1 in FF/Opera is 1,000.5, but in IE is 1,000.6
        // *     example 1: number_format(1234.56);
        // *     returns 1: '1,235'
        // *     example 2: number_format(1234.56, 2, ',', ' ');
        // *     returns 2: '1 234,56'
        // *     example 3: number_format(1234.5678, 2, '.', '');
        // *     returns 3: '1234.57'
        // *     example 4: number_format(67, 2, ',', '.');
        // *     returns 4: '67,00'
        // *     example 5: number_format(1000);
        // *     returns 5: '1,000'
        // *     example 6: number_format(67.311, 2);
        // *     returns 6: '67.31'

        var n = number, prec = decimals;
        n = !isFinite(+n) ? 0 : +n;
        prec = !isFinite(+prec) ? 0 : Math.abs(prec);
        var sep = (typeof thousands_sep == "undefined") ? delimThou : thousands_sep; // changed!
        var dec = (typeof dec_point == "undefined") ? delimDeci : dec_point; // changed!

        var s = (prec > 0) ? n.toFixed(prec) : Math.round(n).toFixed(prec); //fix for IE parseFloat(0.55).toFixed(0) = 0;

        var abs = Math.abs(n).toFixed(prec);
        var _, i;

        if (abs >= 1000) {
            _ = abs.split(/\D/);
            i = _[0].length % 3 || 3;

            _[0] = s.slice(0, i + (n < 0)) +
                _[0].slice(i).replace(/(\d{3})/g, sep + '$1');

            s = _.join(dec);
        else {
            s = s.replace('.', dec);

        return s;

    function hT_format(number) {
        return number_format(number, 2) + "&nbsp;" + Global._KH_CURRENCY;

    function hT_formatgr(number) {
        return number_format(number, 0) + "&nbsp;" + Global._KH_CURRENCY;

    function keepDigits(str) {
        return str.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "");

    function calc_overall() {
        var checkboxes = Select('buyquest2').querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]');
        var overall = 0.00;

        for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
            if (checkboxes[i].checked) {
                var medid = checkboxes[i].id.split('#')[0];
                var amount = Select('am_' + medid).value;

                var medprice = number_format((Global.availableMedics[0][medid]["price"] * amount), 2, ',', '.');
                Select('prc' + medid).innerHTML = medprice + " " + Global._KH_CURRENCY;

                overall += parseFloat(Global.availableMedics[0][medid]["price"] * amount);

        if (Select('prover')) {
            Select('prover').innerHTML = hT_format(overall);

    function time2str(time, mode) {
        str = "";
        time = Math.max(0, time);
        tmp = "";

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                str += ":" + Math.floor(time % 60);
            else {
                str += ":0" + Math.floor(time % 60);

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            tmp = ":";

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            else {
                str = tmp + "0" + Math.floor(time % 60) + str;
        else {
            str = tmp + "00" + str;

        if (mode != 2) {
            time /= 60;
            if (time >= 1) {
                str = Math.floor(time % 24) + str;
            else {
                str = "0" + str;

            time /= 24;

            if (time >= 1) {
                str = Math.floor(time) + "d " + str;

        return str;

    function uhrzeit(time, mode) {
        var help = new Date(time * 1000);

        if (help.getHours() < 10) {
            var str = "0" + help.getHours();
        else {
            var str = help.getHours();

        if (help.getMinutes() < 10) {
            str += ":0" + help.getMinutes();
        else {
            str += ":" + help.getMinutes();

        if (!mode) {
            if (help.getSeconds() < 10) {
                str += ":0" + help.getSeconds();
            else {
                str += ":" + help.getSeconds();

        return str;

    function explode(str) {
        //console.log(info + "Begin explode "+ str);
        if (str == "") {
            throw("Explode error Argument empty");

        if (str == "undefined") {
            throw ("Explode error Argument is undefined");

        if (typeof str != "string") {
            throw ("Explode error Argument not a String");

        try {
            return eval('(' + str + ')');
        } catch (err) {
            console.log(info + "Explode error : " + err);
            throw ("Explode error : " + err);

    console.log(info + "Start implode(arr)");

    function implode(arr) {//--- function written by Jan-Hans
        try {
            var line = String();
            var InternalCounter = -1;
            var NoKey = Boolean(false);

            if (typeof arr != "object") {
                throw("Argument not a Object or Array" + typeof arr + "<br>");

            var type = (arr instanceof Array); //true->array | false->object

            line = (type) ? "[" : "{";
            for (var i in arr) {
                if (typeof arr[i] == "function")

                if (type) {
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                } else { //arr == object
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                    line += ":";

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                } else if (typeof arr[i] == "string") {
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                } else if (typeof arr[i] == "undefined") {
                    line += '';
                } else {
                    line += implode(arr[i]);

                line += ",";

            var endChar = line.substring(line.length - 1, line.length);

            return line.substring(0, line.length - 1) + (("{[".indexOf(endChar) != -1) ? endChar : "") + ((type) ? "]" : "}");
        } catch (err) {
            console.log(info + "Implode error : " + err);
            throw (info + "Implode error : " + err);

    function Log(obj, pre) {
        if (developer) {
            if (typeof(pre) == "undefined") {
                pre = "";

            if (typeof(obj) == "object") {
                //console.log(info + "______________________________ object");
                for (var v in obj) {
                    Log(obj[v], pre + v + " : ");
                //console.log(info + "______________________________ object end");
            } else {
                // TODO Unhide these
                // console.log(pre + obj);

    function closeInfoPanel() {
        Select("infoPanel").setAttribute("name", "");
        Select("infoPanel").style.display = "none";

    function buildInfoPanel(mode) {

        if (mode == Select("infoPanel").getAttribute("name")) {
        else {
            Select("infoPanel").setAttribute("name", mode);
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            divInfo = createElement("div", {style: "position:absolute;left:20px;top:80px;width:570px;height:400px;overflow:auto;"}, Select("infoPanel"));
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            if (mode == "options") {
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                // Update
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                createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["set_Update"]);
                createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["info_Update"]);

                // Clock in title
                newtr = createElement("tr", "", newtable);
                newtd = createElement("td", {align: "center"}, newtr);
                inp = createElement("input", {
                    id: "inputvalGlobalClockInTitle",
                    type: "checkbox",
                    class: "link",
                    checked: valGlobalClockInTitle
                }, newtd);
                inp.addEventListener("click", function () {
                    valGlobalClockInTitle = this.checked;
                    GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valGlobalClockInTitle", valGlobalClockInTitle);
                }, false);
                createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["set_valGlobalClockInTitle"]);
                createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["info_valGlobalClockInTitle"]);

                // Rack Limit
                newtr = createElement("tr", "", newtable);
                newtd = createElement("td", {align: "center"}, newtr);
                newinput = createElement("input", {
                    id: "inputvalRackLimit",
                    value: valRackLimit,
                    maxlength: "5",
                    size: "5px",
                    style: "background-color:transparent;"
                }, newtd);
                newinput.addEventListener("focus", function () {
           = "lightblue";
                }, false);
                newinput.addEventListener("blur", function () {
           = "transparent";
                }, false);
                newinput.addEventListener("keyup", function () {
                    valRackLimit = parseInt(this.value, 10);
                    if (!isNaN(valRackLimit)) {
                        GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valRackLimit", valRackLimit);
                    this.value = (isNaN(valRackLimit) ? "" : valRackLimit);
                }, false);
                createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["set_RackLow"]);
                createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["info_RackLow"]);

                // Max Rack Limit
                newtr = createElement("tr", "", newtable);
                newtd = createElement("td", {align: "center"}, newtr);
                newinput = createElement("input", {
                    id: "inputvalMaxRackLimit",
                    value: valMaxRackLimit,
                    maxlength: "5",
                    size: "5px",
                    style: "background-color:transparent;"
                }, newtd);
                newinput.addEventListener("focus", function () {
           = "lightblue";
                }, false);
                newinput.addEventListener("blur", function () {
           = "transparent";
                }, false);
                newinput.addEventListener("keyup", function () {
                    valMaxRackLimit = parseInt(this.value, 10);
                    if (!isNaN(valMaxRackLimit)) {
                        GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valMaxRackLimit", valMaxRackLimit);
                    this.value = (isNaN(valMaxRackLimit) ? "" : valMaxRackLimit);
                }, false);
                createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["set_RackMax"]);
                createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["info_RackMax"]);

                newtr = createElement("tr", "", newtable);
                newtd = createElement("td", {align: "center"}, newtr);
                inp = createElement("input", {
                    id: "inputvalPickAutomatic",
                    type: "checkbox",
                    class: "link",
                    checked: valPickAutomatic
                }, newtd);
                inp.addEventListener("click", function () {
                    valPickAutomatic = this.checked;
                    GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valPickAutomatic", valPickAutomatic);
                    if (!valPickAutomatic) {
                        Select("inputvalMinRand").disabled = true;
                        Select("inputvalMaxRand").disabled = true;
                        Select("lotterySettings").style = "opacity: 0.4";
                    } else {
                        Select("inputvalMinRand").disabled = false;
                        Select("inputvalMaxRand").disabled = false;
                        Select("lotterySettings").style = "";
                }, false);
                createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["set_valPickAutomatic"]);
                createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["info_valPickAutomatic"]);

                // Rolling the dice
                newtr = createElement("tr", {
                    id: "lotterySettings"
                }, newtable);
                newtd = createElement("td", {align: "center"}, newtr);

                newinput = createElement("input", {
                    id: "inputvalMinRand",
                    value: valMinRand,
                    maxlength: "1",
                    size: "1px",
                    style: "background-color:transparent;"
                }, newtd);
                newinput.addEventListener("keyup", function () {
                    valMinRand = parseInt(this.value, 10);
                    if (valMinRand > 3 || valMinRand < 1) {
                        valMinRand = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valMinRand", valMinRand)
                    if (valMinRand > valMaxRand) {
                        valMinRand = valMaxRand;
                    if (!isNaN(valMinRand)) {
                        GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valMinRand", valMinRand);
                        valMinRand = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valMinRand", valMinRand)
                    this.value = (isNaN(valMinRand) ? "" : valMinRand);
                }, false);

                newinput = createElement("input", {
                    id: "inputvalMaxRand",
                    value: valMaxRand,
                    maxlength: "1",
                    size: "1x",
                    style: "background-color:transparent;"
                }, newtd);
                newinput.addEventListener("keyup", function () {
                    valMaxRand = parseInt(this.value, 10);
                    if (valMaxRand > 3 || valMaxRand < 1) {
                        valMaxRand = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valMaxRand", valMaxRand)
                    if (valMinRand > valMaxRand) {
                        valMaxRand = valMinRand;
                    if (!isNaN(valMaxRand)) {
                        GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valMaxRand", valMaxRand);
                        valMaxRand = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valMaxRand", valMaxRand)
                    this.value = (isNaN(valMaxRand) ? "" : valMaxRand);
                }, false);

                newinput.addEventListener("focus", function () {
           = "lightblue";
                }, false);
                newinput.addEventListener("blur", function () {
           = "transparent";
                }, false);

                createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["set_Rand"]);
                createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["info_Rand"]);

                newtr = createElement("tr", "", newtable);
                newtd = createElement("td", {align: "center"}, newtr);
                inp = createElement("input", {
                    id: "inputvalSkipAnnouncement",
                    type: "checkbox",
                    class: "link",
                    checked: valSkipAnnouncement
                }, newtd);
                inp.addEventListener("click", function () {
                    valSkipAnnouncement = this.checked;
                    GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valSkipAnnouncement", valSkipAnnouncement);
                }, false);
                createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["set_valSkipAnnouncement"]);
                createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["info_valSkipAnnouncement"]);

                newtr = createElement("tr", "", newtable);
                newtd = createElement("td", {align: "center"}, newtr);
                inp = createElement("input", {
                    id: "inputvalStartQuestAutomatic",
                    type: "checkbox",
                    class: "link",
                    checked: valStartQuestAutomatic
                }, newtd);
                inp.addEventListener("click", function () {
                    valStartQuestAutomatic = this.checked;
                    GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valStartQuestAutomatic", valStartQuestAutomatic);
                }, false);
                createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["set_valStartQuestAutomatic"]);
                createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["info_valStartQuestAutomatic"]);

                createElement("div", {
                    align: "center",
                    style: "line-height:30px;margin-top:20px;font-weight:bold;"
                }, divInfo, texte["autoLogin"]);
                newtable = createElement("table", {id: "tableAutologin", align: "center"}, divInfo);


                newdiv = createElement("div", {align: "center"}, divInfo);
                newinput = createElement("input", {type: "checkbox", class: "cursorclickable", checked: false}, newdiv);
                newinput.addEventListener("click", function () {
                }, false);
                newspan = createElement("span", "", newdiv, texte["zeigePasswoerter"]);

                var cssArr = {};
                cssArr["css_racklow"] = [
                createElement("div", {
                    align: "center",
                    style: "line-height:30px;margin-top:20px;font-weight:bold;"
                }, divInfo, "CSS");
                newtable = createElement("table", {align: "center"}, divInfo);
                for (var v in cssArr) {
                    newtr = createElement("tr", "", newtable);
                    createElement("td", "", newtr, v);
                    newtd = createElement("td", "", newtr);
                    var help = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_" + v, cssArr[v][1]);
                    newinput = createElement("input", {id: v, value: help, style: "width:300px;"}, newtd);
                    newinput.addEventListener("keyup", function () {
                        if (this.value == "") {
                            this.value = cssArr[][1];
                        GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_" +, this.value);
                        cssArr[][1] = this.value;
                        var help = cssArr[][1];
                        for (var w = 0; w < cssArr[][0].length; w++) {
                            help = cssArr[cssArr[][0][w]][1] + help;
                        this.parentNode.nextSibling.firstChild.setAttribute("style", help);
                    }, false);
                    newtd = createElement("td", "", newtr);
                    for (var w = 0; w < cssArr[v][0].length; w++) {
                        help = cssArr[cssArr[v][0][w]][1] + help;
                    newdiv = createElement("div", {style: help}, newtd, "test");

            if (mode == "patients") {
                buildPatientsTable(1, true, false);

    function saveLogin() {
        GM_setValue("logindata", implode(logindata));

    function buildLoginTable(showPW) {

        try {
            logindata = explode(GM_getValue("logindata", "[]"));
        catch (err) {
            logindata = [];

        newtable = createElement("table", {align: "center"});
        Select("tableAutologin").parentNode.replaceChild(newtable, Select("tableAutologin")); = "tableAutologin";
        newtable.addEventListener("change", saveLogin, false);
        newtr = createElement("tr", {}, newtable);
        createElement("th", {}, newtr, texte["server"]);
        createElement("th", {}, newtr, texte["name"]);
        createElement("th", {}, newtr, texte["passwort"]);

        for (var v = 0; v < logindata.length; v++) {
            newtr = createElement("tr", "", newtable);
            newtd = createElement("td", "", newtr);
            newinp = createElement("input", {
                id: "loginActive" + v,
                type: "checkbox",
                title: texte["accountAktiv"],
                checked: logindata[v][4]
            }, newtd);
            newinp.addEventListener("change", function () {
                logindata["loginActive", "")][4] = this.checked;
            }, false);
            newinp = createElement("input", {id: "loginServer" + v, style: "width:20px", maxlength: "2"}, newtd);

            if (isNaN(logindata[v][1])) {
                logindata[v][1] = "0";

            if (logindata[v][1] != "0") {
                newinp.value = logindata[v][1];

            newinp.addEventListener("change", function () {
                var readin = parseInt(this.value, 10);
                if (isNaN(readin) || (readin < 1)) {
                    this.value = "";
                else {
                    this.value = readin;
                    logindata["loginServer", "")][1] = readin;
            }, false);

            newselect = createElement("select", {id: "loginLng" + v}, newtd);
            for (var w in gamepages) {
                createElement("option", {value: w}, newselect, w);
            newselect.value = logindata[v][0];
            newselect.addEventListener("change", function () {
                logindata["loginLng", "")][0] = this.value;
            }, false);

            newtd = createElement("td", "", newtr);
            newinput = createElement("input", {
                id: "loginName" + v,
                style: "width:150px",
                value: logindata[v][2],
                maxlength: "20"
            }, newtd);
            newinput.addEventListener("change", function () {
                logindata["loginName", "")][2] = this.value;
            }, false);

            newtd = createElement("td", {}, newtr);
            newinput = createElement("input", {
                id: "loginPW" + v,
                style: "width:150px",
                value: logindata[v][3],
                maxlength: "20"
            }, newtd);

            if (!showPW) {
                newinput.type = "password";

            newinput.addEventListener("change", function () {
                logindata["loginPW", "")][3] = this.value;
            }, false);

            newtd = createElement("td", "", newtr);
            if (v > 0) {
                newdiv = createElement("div", {
                    id: "loginUp" + v,
                    class: "link2",
                    style: "width:14px;height:10px;"
                }, newtd);
                createElement("img", {
                    src: "",
                    style: "width:14px;height:10px;"
                }, newdiv);
                newdiv.addEventListener("mouseover", function () {
           = "blue"
                }, false);
                newdiv.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
           = "transparent"
                }, false);
                newdiv.addEventListener("click", function () {
                    var currLine = parseInt("loginUp", ""), 10);
                    logindata.splice(currLine - 1, 2, logindata[currLine], logindata[currLine - 1]);
                }, false);

            if (v < logindata.length - 1) {
                newdiv = createElement("div", {
                    id: "loginDown" + v,
                    class: "link2",
                    style: "width:14px;height:10px;"
                }, newtd);
                createElement("img", {
                    src: "",
                    style: "width:14px;height:10px;"
                }, newdiv);
                newdiv.addEventListener("mouseover", function () {
           = "blue"
                }, false);
                newdiv.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
           = "transparent"
                }, false);
                newdiv.addEventListener("click", function () {
                    var currLine = parseInt("loginDown", ""), 10);
                    logindata.splice(currLine, 2, logindata[currLine + 1], logindata[currLine]);
                }, false);

            newtd = createElement("td", {
                title: texte["loeschen"],
                id: "loginDelete" + v
            }, newtr);
            createElement("img", {
                src: "",
                class: "link2",
                style: "width: 16px; height: 16px;"
            }, newtd);
            newtd.addEventListener("mouseover", function () {
       = "blue"
            }, false);
            newtd.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
       = "transparent"
            }, false);
            newtd.addEventListener("click", function () {
                var currLine ="loginDelete", "");
                logindata.splice(currLine, 1);
            }, false);

        newtr = createElement("tr", "", newtable);
        newtd = createElement("td", {
            colspan: "5",
            class: "link",
            style: "font-weight:bold;font-size:16px;text-align:right;"
        }, newtr, "+");
        newtd.addEventListener("mouseover", function () {
   = "blue"
        }, false);
        newtd.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
   = "transparent"
        }, false);
        newtd.addEventListener("click", function () {
            logindata.push([lng, "0", "", "", "true"]); // New empty line
        }, false);

    function buildPatientsTable(mode, showCured, minipic) {
        divInfo.innerHTML = "";
        patients = Global.refPatients.values();
        newtable = createElement("table", {border: "1", width: "100%"}, divInfo);
        newtablehead = createElement("thead", "", newtable);
        newtablebody = createElement("tbody", {style: "overflow-y:auto;overflow-x:hidden;height:365px;"}, newtable);

        newtr = createElement("tr", "", newtablehead);
        newth = createElement("th", {colspan: "5"}, newtr);
        newspan = createElement("span", {style: "margin-right:3px"}, newth);
        newinput = createElement("input", {type: "checkbox", checked: showCured, class: "cursorclickable"}, newspan);
        newinput.addEventListener("click", function () {
            buildPatientsTable(mode, this.checked, minipic);
        }, false);
        createElement("span", "", newspan, texte["zeigeGeheilteKrankheiten"]);
        newspan = createElement("span", {style: "margin-right:3px"}, newth);
        newinput = createElement("input", {type: "checkbox", checked: minipic, class: "cursorclickable"}, newspan);
        newinput.addEventListener("click", function () {
            buildPatientsTable(mode, showCured, this.checked);
        }, false);
        createElement("span", "", newspan, texte["minipics"]);
        newinput = createElement("input", {
            type: "button",
            style: "margin-right:3px",
            value: texte["Patients"],
            class: "cursorclickable"
        }, newth);
        newinput.addEventListener("click", function () {
            buildPatientsTable(1, showCured, minipic);
        }, false);
        newinput = createElement("input", {
            type: "button",
            style: "margin-right:3px",
            value: texte["Rooms"],
            class: "cursorclickable"
        }, newth);
        newinput.addEventListener("click", function () {
            buildPatientsTable(2, showCured, minipic);
        }, false);

        if (mode == 1) {
            for (var posi = 0; posi < 3; posi++) {
                for (var pat in patientDiseases) {
                    switch (patientDiseases[pat]["state"]) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            if (posi == 0) {
                                newtr = createElement("tr", {
                                    "id": pat,
                                    "class": "cursorclickable",
                                    "onclick": 'show_page("medical",this)'
                                }, newtablebody);
                                newtr.addEventListener("click", closeInfoPanel, false);
                                createElement("td", "", newtr, pat);
                                createElement("td", {colspan: "2"}, newtr, Global.availableRooms[6]["name"]);
                                newtd = createElement("td", {style: "padding-right:30px"}, newtr);
                                plotPatient(newtd, pat, showCured, minipic);
                        case 3:
                        case 4:
                            if (posi == 1) {
                                newtr = createElement("tr", {
                                    "id": pat,
                                    "class": "cursorclickable",
                                    "onclick": 'show_page("medical",this)'
                                }, newtablebody);
                                newtr.addEventListener("click", closeInfoPanel, false);
                                createElement("td", "", newtr, pat);
                                createElement("td", "", newtr, patientDiseases[pat]["floor"]);
                                createElement("td", "", newtr, Global.availableRooms[patientDiseases[pat]["room"]]["name"]);
                                newtd = createElement("td", {style: "padding-right:30px"}, newtr);
                                plotPatient(newtd, pat, showCured, minipic);
                        case 0:
                            if (posi == 2) {
                                newtr = createElement("tr", {
                                    "id": pat,
                                    "class": "cursorclickable",
                                    "onclick": 'show_page("medical",this)'
                                }, newtablebody);
                                newtr.addEventListener("click", closeInfoPanel, false);
                                createElement("td", "", newtr, pat);
                                createElement("td", {colspan: "2"}, newtr, texte["waitingroom"]);
                                newtd = createElement("td", {style: "padding-right:30px"}, newtr);
                                plotPatient(newtd, pat, showCured, minipic);
                newtr = createElement("tr", "", newtablebody);
                createElement("td", {colspan: "4"}, newtr, "");
        } else if (mode == 2) {
            var sumDiseases = {};
            for (var pat in patientDiseases) {
                for (var disease in patientDiseases[pat]) {
                    if (!isNaN(disease)) {
                        var currRoom = Global.availableDiseases[0][disease]["room"][0];

                        if (!sumDiseases[currRoom]) {
                            sumDiseases[currRoom] = {};

                        if (!sumDiseases[currRoom][disease]) {
                            sumDiseases[currRoom][disease] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];

                        switch (patientDiseases[pat]["state"]) {
                            case 1:
                            case 2:
                                if ((patientDiseases[pat][disease] != "cured") && (patientDiseases[pat][disease] != "heartbeat")) {
                            case 3:
                            case 4:
                                if ((patientDiseases[pat][disease] != "cured") && (patientDiseases[pat][disease] != "heartbeat")) {
                            case 0:
                                if ((patientDiseases[pat][disease] != "cured") && (patientDiseases[pat][disease] != "heartbeat")) {

            newtr = createElement("tr", "", newtablebody);
            newtd = createElement("td", {title: texte["Beschreibung2"]}, newtr, texte["Beschreibung"]);
            newtd = createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["frei"]);
            newtd = createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["inBehandlung"]);
            newtd = createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["waitingroom"]);
            newtd = createElement("td", "", newtr, texte["Gesamt"]);

            for (var r in sumDiseases) {
                newtr = createElement("tr", "", newtablebody);
                newtd = createElement("td", "", newtr, Global.availableRooms[r].name);
                var totalTotalTime = 0;

                for (var v = 0; v < 4; v++) {
                    var totalTime = 0;
                    newtd = createElement("td", {style: (v == 3 ? "padding-right:30px;" : "")}, newtr);

                    for (var disease in sumDiseases[r]) {
                        if (sumDiseases[r][disease][2 * v + ( 1 - showCured )] > 0) {
                            newdiv = createElement("div", {style: "float:left;margin-right:2px;"}, newtd);
                            createElement("div", {class: "d_a_30 d_" + disease + "_30"}, newdiv);
                            createElement("div", "", newdiv, time2str(Global.availableDiseases[0][disease]["basetime"], 1));
                            createElement("div", "", newdiv, sumDiseases[r][disease][2 * v + 1] + "/" + sumDiseases[r][disease][2 * v]);
                            totalTime += sumDiseases[r][disease][2 * v + 1] * Global.availableDiseases[0][disease]["basetime"];

                    totalTotalTime += totalTime;
                    if (v == 3) {
                        newdiv = createElement("div", {style: "margin-right:2px;font-weight:bold;padding-top:20px;"}, newtd, time2str(totalTotalTime, 1));
                    else {
                        newdiv = createElement("div", {style: "margin-right:2px;font-weight:bold;padding-top:20px;"}, newtd, time2str(totalTime, 1));

// Cleaner Function
    function cleaningfunc() {
        var cleaner = Select("cleaner");
        var cur_floor = Global.selectedFloor;
        var floor = 1;

        for (var max_floor = 1; Select("floor_jump_" + max_floor); max_floor++);

        function initfloor(nfloor) {
            Select('floor_jump_' + nfloor).click();

                function () {
                    rooms = Global.rooms;

                    for (var v = 0; v < rooms.length; v++) {
                        if (( rooms[v].cleanup ) && ( rooms[v].ends == 0 ) && ( rooms[v].roomid != 6 )) {
                            var croom = Global.refRooms.get("r" + rooms[v].topleft);
                            console.log(info + "Cleaning room: " + rooms[v].topleft);
                            croom._onDrop(cleaner, "", "");

                    if (floor < max_floor) {
                    else {
                        if (floor != cur_floor) {
                            Select('floor_jump_' + cur_floor).click();
                }, 1000);


    function medifunc() {
        var cur_floor = Global.selectedFloor;
        var floor = 1;

        for (var max_floor = 1; Select("floor_jump_" + max_floor); max_floor++);

        function initmedi(nfloor) {
            Select('floor_jump_' + nfloor).click();

                function () {
                    rooms = Global.rooms;

                    for (var v = 0; v < rooms.length; v++) {
                        if (( currRoom = Global.refRooms.get("r" + rooms[v].topleft) )) {
                            if (currRoom["roomid"] != 6) {
                                if ((Global.availableRooms[currRoom["roomid"]] ) && (Global.availableRooms[currRoom["roomid"]]["diseases"].length > 0 )) { // Behandlungsraum

                                    if (currRoom["state"] == 3) {
                                        if (Select("gradient_r" + currRoom["topleft"]) && Select("alert" + currRoom.topleft)) {
                                            // Medis

                                            var currDisease = null;
                                            currDisease = calcCurrDisease(currRoom["patient"]);

                                            if (currDisease) {
                                                if (Select("mediinfo_" + currRoom.topleft)) {
                                                    //console.log( Select('rackItem'+medi[currDisease]["id"] ) );

                                                    for (var i = 0; i < unsafeWindow.Rack["_elements"]; i++) {
                                                        if (unsafeWindow.Rack["_elements"][i]["product"] == medi[currDisease]["id"])

                                                    var med = createElement("div", {
                                                        id: "rackItem" + medi[currDisease]["id"],
                                                        class: "med ri_a",
                                                        medid: medi[currDisease]["id"],
                                                        amount: unsafeWindow.Rack["_elements"][i]["amount"],
                                                        rlevel: unsafeWindow.Rack["_elements"][i]["rlevel"]
                                                    }, null);

                                                    currRoom._onDrop(med, "", "");

                    if (floor < max_floor) {
                    else {
                         * error window is shown, close it and start again
                         * (its when disease array is not complete)
                        if (Select("dlg_message").style.display != "none" && Select("btn_info")) {
                            floor = 1;

                        if (floor != cur_floor) {
                            Select('floor_jump_' + cur_floor).click();
                , 1500);


    function initPatient(patientId) {
        if (!patientDiseases[patientId]) {
            //console.log(info + "initPatient "+patientId);
            patientDiseases[patientId] = {};
            patientDiseases[patientId]["m"] = 0;
            patientDiseases[patientId]["floor"] = 1;
            //patientDiseases[patientId]["xml"] = 0;

            var help = Global.refPatients.get("p" + patientId);
            if (help) {
                patientDiseases[patientId]["floor"] = help["floor"];

            for (var v = 0; v < help["diseases"].length; v++) {
                patientDiseases[patientId][help["diseases"][v]] = "";
                patientDiseases[patientId]["room" + Global.availableDiseases[0][help["diseases"][v]]["room"][0]] = 1;


    function refreshPatient(patientId, with_nurse) {
        console.log(info + "refreshPatient with id: " + patientId);
        if (!patientDiseases[patientId]) {

        getPatientInfos(patientId, with_nurse);

    function updPatientState(patientId, infos, with_nurse) {
        var cured = true;
        var obj = infos.find('div#medi_diseases');

        // is not set with special diseases
        if (obj[0]) {
            for (var w = 0; w < obj[0].childNodes.length - 3; w++) {
                var disease = (/d_(\d+)_50/).exec(obj[0].childNodes[w].childNodes[1].getAttribute("class"))[1];

                if (obj[0].childNodes[w].childNodes[1].firstChild) {

                    patientDiseases[patientId][disease] = (/(.+) (.+)/).exec(obj[0].childNodes[w].childNodes[1].firstChild.getAttribute("class"))[2];

                    if (patientDiseases[patientId][disease] == "notreatment") {
                        patientDiseases[patientId]["unhealable"] = 1;

                    if (patientDiseases[patientId][disease] != "cured") {
                        cured = false;
                    else {
                        patientDiseases[patientId]["room" + Global.availableDiseases[0][disease]["room"][0]] = 0;
                else {
                    patientDiseases[patientId][disease] = "";
                    patientDiseases[patientId]["room" + Global.availableDiseases[0][disease]["room"][0]] = 1;

                    cured = false;
        else {
            //special disease
            for (var disease in patientDiseases[patientId]) {
                if (!isNaN(disease)) {
                    patientDiseases[patientId][disease] = "cured";

        // nurse
        var canddiv = infos.find('.minitreatment');
        patientDiseases[patientId]["m"] = 4;

        for (var v = 0; v < canddiv.length; v++) {
            if (canddiv[v].style.backgroundImage == "") {
                cured = false;

        if (with_nurse) {
            for (var v = 0; v < canddiv.length; v++) {
                if (canddiv[v].style.backgroundImage == "") {
                    var help = Global.refPatients.get("p" + patientId);
                    if (!( Select("treatment" + help["room"]) )) {
                        unsafeWindow.MedicalRecord._onclick(canddiv[v], patientId);
                        console.log(info + "Applying medicine number: " + v + "to patient with Id :" + patientId);

        if (cured) {
            patientDiseases[patientId]["state"] = 5;
        else {


    function calcPatientState(patientId) {
        var help = Global.refPatients.get("p" + patientId);
        var help2 = null;

        if (help) {
            help2 = Global.refRooms.get(help["room"]);

        if (patientDiseases[patientId]["state"] != 5) {

            if (Select("p" + patientId)) {
                if (Select("p" + patientId).getAttribute("class").search("waitingpatient") != -1) {
                    patientDiseases[patientId]["state"] = 0;
                    patientDiseases[patientId]["room"] = 0;
                else {
                    if (help2) {
                        patientDiseases[patientId]["state"] = ( help2["roomid"] == 6 ) ? 1 : 3;
                        patientDiseases[patientId]["room"] = help2["roomid"];
                    else {
                        patientDiseases[patientId]["state"] = 1;
                        patientDiseases[patientId]["room"] = 6;
            else {
                if (help2) {
                    patientDiseases[patientId]["state"] = (help2["roomid"] == 6) ? 2 : 4;
                    patientDiseases[patientId]["room"] = help2["roomid"];
                else {
                    patientDiseases[patientId]["state"] = 2;
                    patientDiseases[patientId]["room"] = 6;

    function plotPatient(target, currPatientId, showCured, minipic) { //(target) , (target,showCured)
        if (!isNaN(currPatientId)) {
            if (typeof(showCured) != "boolean") {
                showCured = true;
        } else {
            if (typeof(currPatientId) == "boolean") {
                showCured = currPatientId;
            else {
                showCured = true;

            currPatientId = parseInt(target.getAttribute("name"), 10);

        if (typeof(minipic) != "boolean") {
            minipic = false;

        Log("plotPatient " + currPatientId + " " + showCured + " " + minipic);
        target.innerHTML = "";


        // diseases
        var usedRooms = {};
        var newdiv;
        var restlicheZeit = 0;

        for (var disease in patientDiseases[currPatientId]) {
            if (!isNaN(disease)) {
                if (showCured || patientDiseases[currPatientId][disease] != "cured") {
                    newdiv = createElement("div", {style: "float:left;"}, target);
                    if (minipic) {
                        if (patientDiseases[currPatientId][disease] == "cured") {
                            newdiv1 = createElement("div", {
                                class: "d_a_15 d_" + disease + "_15",
                                style: "opacity:0.5;"
                            }, newdiv);
                            createElement("div", {class: "treatment_icon_15 treatment_icon_15_1"}, newdiv1);
                        else {
                            newdiv1 = createElement("div", {class: "d_a_15 d_" + disease + "_15"}, newdiv);
                    else {
                        if (patientDiseases[currPatientId][disease] == "cured") {
                            newdiv1 = createElement("div", {
                                class: "d_a_30 d_" + disease + "_30",
                                style: "opacity:0.3;"
                            }, newdiv);
                            createElement("div", {class: "treatmenticons " + patientDiseases[currPatientId][disease] + "s"}, newdiv1);
                        else if (patientDiseases[currPatientId][disease]) {
                            newdiv1 = createElement("div", {class: "d_a_30 d_" + disease + "_30"}, newdiv);
                            createElement("div", {class: "treatmenticons " + patientDiseases[currPatientId][disease] + "s"}, newdiv1);
                        else {
                            newdiv1 = createElement("div", {class: "d_a_30 d_" + disease + "_30"}, newdiv);

                        if (patientDiseases[currPatientId][disease] != "cured") {
                            newdiv2 = createElement("div", "", newdiv, time2str(Global.availableDiseases[0][disease]["basetime"], 1));
                            restlicheZeit += Global.availableDiseases[0][disease]["basetime"];

                            if (!usedRooms[Global.availableDiseases[0][disease]["room"][0]]) {
                                usedRooms[Global.availableDiseases[0][disease]["room"][0]] = 1;
                       = "bold";
        // nurse
        if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]["m"] == 4) {
            if (minipic) {
                newdiv = createElement("div", {style: "position:relative;float:left;"}, target);
                createElement("div", {class: "treatment_icon_15 treatment_icon_15_1"}, newdiv);
            } else {
                newdiv = createElement("div", {style: "position:relative;float:left;margin-left:30px;"}, target);
                createElement("div", {class: "pat_dis1 treatmenticonpa"}, newdiv);
                createElement("div", {class: "treatmenticons cureds"}, newdiv);
                newdiv2 = createElement("div", "", newdiv, time2str(restlicheZeit, 1));
       = "bold";
        else {
            if (!minipic) {
                newdiv = createElement("div", {style: "position:relative;float:left;margin-left:30px;"}, target);
                createElement("div", {class: "pat_dis1 treatmenticonpa"}, newdiv);
                newdiv2 = createElement("div", "", newdiv, time2str(restlicheZeit, 1));
       = "bold";
        newdiv = null;

    function getPatientInfos(id, with_nurse) {
        console.log(info + "getPatientInfos with id: " + id);
            method: "GET",
            url: "http://s" + server + "." + lng + "" + id,
            Cookie: document.cookie,
            //synchronous: true,
            onload: function (response) {
                var text = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
                updPatientState(id, jQuery(text["message"]), with_nurse);
            object: onerror = function (response) {
                return "";

    function highlightPatients(roomid) {
        // Patients
        var canddiv = Select("garten_komplett").getElementsByClassName("patient");

        for (var v = 0; v < canddiv.length; v++) {
            canddiv[v].style.border = "";

            var currPatientId = parseInt(canddiv[v].id.replace("p", ""), 10);

            if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]) {
                //TODO: Emty "if" statement
                if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]["room" + roomid]) {
                    canddiv[v].style.border = "3px solid blue";

        // in Rooms
        var canddiv = Select("garten_komplett").getElementsByClassName("room");
        for (var v = 0; v < canddiv.length; v++) {
            canddiv[v].style.backgroundColor = "";
            var currPatientId = Global.refRooms.get(canddiv[v].id)["patient"];
            if (currPatientId) {
                if (!Select("p" + currPatientId)) {
                    if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]) {
                        if (patientDiseases[currPatientId]["room" + roomid]) {
                            canddiv[v].style.backgroundColor = "blue";
                    } else {
        canddiv = null;

    function unhighlightPatients() {
        var canddiv = Select("garten_komplett").getElementsByClassName("patient");

        for (var v = 0; v < canddiv.length; v++) {
            canddiv[v].style.border = "";
        var canddiv = Select("garten_komplett").getElementsByClassName("room");

        for (var v = 0; v < canddiv.length; v++) {
            canddiv[v].style.backgroundColor = "";
        canddiv = null;

    function calcCurrDisease(patientId) { // returns current treatment
        // TODO Unhide this
        // console.log(info + "PateintId is: " + patientId);
        var result = null;
        if (patientDiseases[patientId]) {
            for (var v in patientDiseases[patientId]) {
                if ((!isNaN(v)) && (patientDiseases[patientId][v] == "heartbeat")) {
                    result = v;
            if (!result) { // no treatment found, set one
                var currPatient = Global.refPatients.get("p" + patientId);
                var currRoom = Global.refRooms.get(currPatient["room"]);
                if (currRoom) {
                    if (patientDiseases[patientId]["room" + currRoom.roomid]) {
                        delete patientDiseases[patientId]["room" + currRoom.roomid];
                    for (var disease in patientDiseases[patientId]) {
                        if ((!isNaN(disease)) && (patientDiseases[patientId][disease] != "cured")) {
                            for (var roomDiseaseNr = 0; roomDiseaseNr < Global.availableRooms[currRoom.roomid]["diseases"][roomDiseaseNr]; roomDiseaseNr++) {
                                if (disease == Global.availableRooms[currRoom.roomid]["diseases"][roomDiseaseNr]) {
                                    if (result) {
                                        patientDiseases[patientId]["room" + currRoom.roomid] = 1;
                                    } else {
                                        patientDiseases[patientId][disease] = "heartbeat";
                                        result = disease;
        } else {
            result = calcCurrDisease(patientId);

        return result;

    function calcComesNext(patientId) {
        // TODO Unhide this
        // Log("calcComesNext " + patientId);
        if (patientDiseases[patientId]) {
            var currRoomId = null;
            for (var disease in patientDiseases[patientId]) {
                if (!isNaN(disease) && (patientDiseases[patientId][disease] == "heartbeat")) {
                    currRoomId = Global.availableDiseases[0][disease]["room"][0];
            if (currRoomId) {
                for (var disease in patientDiseases[patientId]) {
                    if (!isNaN(disease) && (patientDiseases[patientId][disease] == "") && (currRoomId == Global.availableDiseases[0][disease]["room"])) {
                        patientDiseases[patientId][disease] = "comesnext";
        } else {

    function calcEndTreatment(patientId) {
        //Log("calcEndTreatment " + patientId);
        //TODO Unhide this
        if (patientDiseases[patientId]) {
            var cured = true;

            for (var v in patientDiseases[patientId]) {
                if (!isNaN(v)) {
                    var currDiseaseRoom = Global.availableDiseases[0][v]["room"][0];

                    if (patientDiseases[patientId][v] == "heartbeat") {
                        patientDiseases[patientId][v] = "cured";
                        if (patientDiseases[patientId]["room" + currDiseaseRoom]) {
                            delete patientDiseases[patientId]["room" + currDiseaseRoom];
                    } else {
                        if (patientDiseases[patientId][v] == "comesnext") {
                            patientDiseases[patientId][v] = "";

                        if (patientDiseases[patientId][v] != "cured") {
                            cured = false;
                            patientDiseases[patientId]["room" + currDiseaseRoom] = 1;

            if (cured && (patientDiseases[patientId]["m"] > 3)) {
                patientDiseases[patientId]["state"] = 5;

        } else {

    function do_Patientenblatt() {
        var currPatientId = parseInt((/MedicalRecord\.\_onclick\(this, (\d+)/).exec(Select("msgwindow").innerHTML)[1], 10);
        var currPatient = Global.refPatients.get("p" + currPatientId);

        // diseases
        var canddiv = Select("msgwindow").getElementsByTagName("div");

        for (var v = 0; v < canddiv.length - 1; v++) {
            if (canddiv[v].id == "medi_diseases") {

        patientDiseases[currPatientId] = {};
        var cured = true;

        for (var w = 0; w < canddiv[v].childNodes.length - 3; w++) {

            var disease = (/d_(\d+)_50/).exec(canddiv[v].childNodes[w].childNodes[1].getAttribute("class"))[1];

            if (canddiv[v].childNodes[w].childNodes[1].firstChild) {
                patientDiseases[currPatientId][disease] = (/(.+) (.+)/).exec(canddiv[v].childNodes[w].childNodes[1].firstChild.getAttribute("class"))[2];
                if (patientDiseases[currPatientId][disease] == "notreatment") {
                    patientDiseases[currPatientId]["unhealable"] = 1;

                if (patientDiseases[currPatientId][disease] != "cured") {
                    cured = false;
            } else {
                patientDiseases[currPatientId][disease] = "";
                patientDiseases[currPatientId]["room" + Global.availableDiseases[0][disease]["room"][0]] = 1;
                cured = false;
        // nurse
        var canddiv = Select("msgwindow").getElementsByClassName("minitreatment");
        patientDiseases[currPatientId]["m"] = 4;

        for (var v = 0; v < canddiv.length; v++) {
            if (canddiv[v].style.backgroundImage == "") {
                cured = false;

        if (cured) {
            patientDiseases[currPatientId]["state"] = 5;
        else {

        var maxprice = parseFloat(Select("med_price").getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML.split("-")[1].replace(Global._KH_THOUSANDSEPERATOR, "").replace(Global._KH_DECIMALSEPERATOR, "."));
        createElement("div", {"style": "position:absolute;top:380px;right:130px;color:red;"}, Select("ref_divdetailsbig"), "85%: " + hT_formatgr(0.85 * maxprice) + ", 90%: " + hT_formatgr(0.9 * maxprice) + ", 95%: " + hT_formatgr(0.95 * maxprice));

        var newimg = createElement("img", {
            "style": "position:absolute;top:440px;left:219px;width:16px;height:16px;",
            "src": "",
            "class": "cursorclickable",
            "title": "Adressbuch"
        }, Select("ref_divdetailsbig"));
        newimg.addEventListener("click", function () {
            var newdiv = createElement("div", {
                "id": "refAdressBook",
                "style": "top:70px;width:265px;height:350px;position:absolute;z-index:30;right:0px;background:url('') no-repeat scroll left top transparent;overflow:visible;"
            }, Select("ref_divdetails"));
            var newdiv1 = createElement("div", {
                "style": "position:absolute;left:12px;top:5px;z-index:2;width:15px;height:10px;",
                "class": "cursorclickable",
                "title": "schlie" + sz_de + "en"
            }, newdiv);
            newdiv1.addEventListener("click", function () {
            }, false);
            createElement("div", {"style": "z-index:1;position:absolute;width:165px;top:15px;left:45px;right:15px;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;font-size:medium;"}, newdiv, "Adressbuch");
            newdiv1 = createElement("div", {"style": "position:absolute;width:180px;height:225px;top:50px;left:45px;right:0px;overflow-y:auto;overflow-x:hidden;"}, newdiv);
            var newtable = createElement("table", {"cellspacing": "0"}, newdiv1);
            contacts = explode(GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_contacts", "[]"));
            for (var v = 0; v < contacts.length; v++) {
                newdiv1 = createElement("div", {"class": "cursorclickable"}, createElement("td", {}, createElement("tr", {}, newtable)), contacts[v]);
                newdiv1.addEventListener("click", function () {
                    Select("ref_recipient").value = this.innerHTML;
                }, false);
            newdiv = null;
            newdiv1 = null;
            newtable = null;
            newdiv1 = null;
        }, false);
        canddiv = null;
        newimg = null;

    function do_Quest() {
        console.log(info + "do_Quest");
        if (Select("ga_running")) {
            if (Select("ga_running").style.display != "none") {
                questTime = now + unsafeWindow.GarageOld["ends"];
                GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_questTime", questTime);
                console.log(info + "Current time is: " + now);
                console.log(info + "Quest time is: " + questTime);
            else {
                window.setTimeout(do_Quest, 200);

    function start_Quest() {
        console.log(info + "StartQuest");

        window.setTimeout(function () {
            if (Select("newswindow_badge")) {
                //Success message
                console.log(info + "Finished!");

            window.setTimeout(function () {
                console.log(info + "Search window");
                if (Select("ga_new") && Select("ga_new").style.display != "none") {
                    console.log(info + "Creating new");
                    questcnt = Select('ga_done').innerHTML[0];
                    console.log(info + "Quest number: " + questcnt);

                    if (questcnt < 8) {
                    else {
                        console.log(info + "Eight quests done, job's done. ;)");

                if (Select("ga_running") && Select("ga_running").style.display != "none") {
                    console.log(info + "Still working..");

                window.setTimeout(unsafeWindow.close_page, 500);

            }, 400);

        }, 500);

    function do_Mail() {
        console.log(info + "Start do_mail()");
        var keyMsgShow = /showMessage\(['|\s]*(\d+)['|\s]*,'(.*?)'\)/;
        var keyMsgDelete = /deleteMessage\(['|\s]*(\d+)['|\s]*,\s*this,\s*'(.*?)'\)/;
        var candtable = Select("msgwindow").getElementsByTagName("table");
        var cand = null;
        var help = null;
        if (candtable[0]) {
            cand = candtable[0].getElementsByTagName("a");
            if (cand[0] && (help = keyMsgShow.exec(cand[0].href))) {
                if (help[2] == "inbox") {
                    console.log(info * "inbox");
                    var msgIdIn = [];
                    for (var v = 0; v < cand.length; v++) {
                        help = keyMsgShow.exec(cand[v].href);
                        if (help) {
                    GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "msgIdIn", implode(msgIdIn));
                    cand = candtable[0].getElementsByTagName("input");
                    for (var v = 0; v < cand.length; v++) {
                        cand[v].setAttribute("title", "Alt+Klick um alle Gleichen zu markieren");
                        cand[v].addEventListener("click", function (event) {
                            if (event.altKey) {
                                var cand = this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("a");
                                var cand2 = null;
                                var help = [this.checked, cand[0].innerHTML, cand[1].innerHTML];
                                cand = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("tr");
                                for (var v = 0; v < cand.length; v++) {
                                    cand2 = cand[v].getElementsByTagName("a");
                                    if ((help[1] == cand2[0].innerHTML) && (help[2] == cand2[1].innerHTML)) {
                                        cand[v].getElementsByTagName("input")[0].checked = help[0];
                                cand = null;
                                cand2 = null;
                                help = null;
                        }, false);
            } else {
                cand = Select("msgNavigation").getElementsByTagName("input");
                if (cand.length > 1) {
                    // InMessage
                    help = keyMsgDelete.exec(cand[cand.length - 2].getAttribute("onclick"));
                    if (help) {
                        if (help[2] == "inbox") {
                            var msgIdIn = explode(GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "msgIdIn", "[]"));
                            for (var c = 0; c < msgIdIn.length; c++) {
                                if (msgIdIn[c] == help[1]) {
                            if (c > 0) {
                                createElement("input", {
                                    "type": "button",
                                    "value": "Previous message",
                                    "onclick": "javascript:Messages.showMessage(" + msgIdIn[c - 1] + ",'inbox');",
                                    "class": "cursorclickable msg_input"
                                }, Select("msgNavigation"));
                            if (c < msgIdIn.length - 1) {
                                createElement("input", {
                                    "type": "button",
                                    "value": "Next message",
                                    "onclick": "javascript:Messages.showMessage(" + msgIdIn[c + 1] + ",'inbox');",
                                    "class": "cursorclickable msg_input"
                                }, Select("msgNavigation"));
                if (Select("deleteContact")) {
                    console.log(info + "Contacts");
                    var contacts = [];
                    cand = candtable[0].getElementsByTagName("tr");
                    for (var tr = 1; tr < cand.length - 3; tr++) {
                    GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_contacts", implode(contacts));
        candtable = null;
        cand = null;

    function laden(elemente, i) {

        /* Initialize Object-loader */

        loader.onload = function () {
            if (i < (elemente.length - 1)) {
                laden(elemente, i + 1);
            else {
                /* All elements loaded */

    function do_Notepad() {
        Select("msg_body").disabled = "";
        Select("msg_body").value = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_notepad", "");
        Select("msg_body").addEventListener("keyup", function () {
            GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_notepad", this.value);
        }, false);

    function do_Patientenboerse() {
        console.log(info + "do_Patientenboerse");

        createElement("div", {style: "z-index:0;position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;height:500px;width:250px;background-image: url('');background-position:250px 0px;"}, Select("msgwindow"));
        Select("msgwindow").style.width = "750px";
        Select("ex_bubble").style.width = "";
        Select("ex_bubble").style.zIndex = "1";

        /*var newdiv = createElement("div",{style:"position:absolute;bottom:-70px;left:20px;background-color: white;"},Select("msgwindow"));*/
        var newtab = createElement("table", {
            border: "1px",
            cellspacing: "0px",
            cellpadding: "0px",
            style: "text-align:center;position:absolute;bottom:-120px;left:-100px;width:750px;background-color: white;"
        }, Select("msgwindow"));

        var valShowUncurable = GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valShowUncurable", false);
        var highlightBoerse = {};
        var highlightBoerse1 = {};
        try {
            highlightBoerse = explode(GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_highlightBoerse", "{}"));
        } catch (err) {
        try {
            highlightBoerse1 = explode(GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_highlightBoerse1", "{}"));
        } catch (err) {

        var blockBoerse = explode(GM_getValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_blockBoerse", "{}"));
        //var newdiv1 = createElement("div",{style:"display:block;"},newdiv);
        var tabrow = createElement("tr", "", newtab);
        var tabcell = createElement("td", {colspan: "20"}, tabrow);

        var newinput = createElement("input", {
            "id": "valShowUncurable",
            "type": "checkbox",
            "checked": valShowUncurable
        }, tabcell);
        newinput.addEventListener("click", function () {
            GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_valShowUncurable", this.checked);
        }, false);

        createElement("span", {}, tabcell, texte["showUncurable"]);

        tabrow = createElement("tr", "", newtab);
        tabcell = createElement("td", "", tabrow);

        for (var r in Global.availableRooms) {
            if (Global.availableRooms[r].diseases.length > 0) {
                tabcell = createElement("td", "", tabrow, Global.availableRooms[r].name);

        /*var newdiv1 = createElement("div",{style:"display:block;background-color:green;"},newdiv);
         var newdiv2 = createElement("div",{style:"display:block;background-color:yellow;"},newdiv);
         var newdiv3 = createElement("div",{style:"display:block;background-color:#900;"},newdiv);
        var newrow1 = createElement("tr", {style: "background-color:green;"}, newtab);
        var newrow2 = createElement("tr", {style: "background-color:yellow;"}, newtab);
        var newrow3 = createElement("tr", {style: "background-color:#900;"}, newtab);

        tabcell = createElement("td", "", newrow1, "Hervorheben 1");
        tabcell = createElement("td", "", newrow2, "Hervorheben 2");
        tabcell = createElement("td", "", newrow3, "Verberge");

        for (var r in Global.availableRooms) {
            if (Global.availableRooms[r].diseases.length > 0) {
                tabcell = createElement("td", "", newrow1);
                newinput = createElement("input", {
                    "id": "hl" + r,
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "checked": highlightBoerse[r],
                    "title": Global.availableRooms[r].name,
                    "style": "margin-right:0px;margin-left:1px;"
                }, tabcell);
                newinput.addEventListener("click", function () {
                    highlightBoerse["hl", "")] = this.checked;
                    GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_highlightBoerse", implode(highlightBoerse));
                }, false);

                tabcell = createElement("td", "", newrow2);
                newinput = createElement("input", {
                    "id": "hl1" + r,
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "checked": highlightBoerse1[r],
                    "title": Global.availableRooms[r].name,
                    "style": "margin-right:0px;margin-left:1px;"
                }, tabcell);
                newinput.addEventListener("click", function () {
                    highlightBoerse1["hl1", "")] = this.checked;
                    GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_highlightBoerse1", implode(highlightBoerse1));
                }, false);

                tabcell = createElement("td", "", newrow3);
                newinput = createElement("input", {
                    "id": "bl" + r,
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "checked": blockBoerse[r],
                    "title": Global.availableRooms[r].name,
                    "style": "margin-right:0px;margin-left:1px;"
                }, tabcell);
                newinput.addEventListener("click", function () {
                    blockBoerse["bl", "")] = this.checked;
                    GM_setValue(lng + "_" + server + "_" + username + "_blockBoerse", implode(blockBoerse));
                }, false);
        var candtable = Select("msgwindow").getElementsByTagName("table");
        candtable[0].style.width = "650px";
        candtable[0].setAttribute("class", "hoveryellow");
        var candtr = candtable[0].getElementsByTagName("tr");
        var candtd = candtr[0].getElementsByTagName("td");
        candtd[5].innerHTML = "Kaufen";
        createElement("td", {style: "text-align:right;"}, candtr[0], "Differenz");
        createElement("td", {style: "text-align:right;"}, candtr[0], "Restzeit");
        createElement("td", "", candtr[0], "");
        for (var tr = 1; tr < candtr.length; tr++) {
            candtr[tr].setAttribute("onmouseover", "");
            candtr[tr].setAttribute("onmouseout", "");
            candtd = candtr[tr].getElementsByTagName("td");
            var restlicheZeit = 0;
            var help = null;
            var uncurable = false;
            var buyable = false;
            var unwanted = false;
            var mark1 = false;
            for (var c = 0; c < candtd[2].childNodes.length; c++) {
                var disease = Global.availableDiseases[(/d_(\d+?)_15/).exec(candtd[2].childNodes[c].getAttribute("class"))[1]];
                help = candtd[2].childNodes[c].firstChild.getAttribute("class").slice(-1);
                if (help != "1") {
                    restlicheZeit += disease["basetime"];
                    if (help == "2") {
                        uncurable = true;
                    else if (help == "0") {
                        buyable = true;
                        if (highlightBoerse[disease["room"][0]]) {
                            candtd[2].style.backgroundColor = "green";
                        if (highlightBoerse1[disease["room"][0]]) {
                            mark1 = true;
                        if (blockBoerse[disease["room"][0]]) {
                            unwanted = true;
            if (uncurable) {
                candtd[2].style.backgroundColor = "red";
                if (unwanted || !buyable || !valShowUncurable) {
                    candtr[tr].style.display = "none";
            } else {
                if (unwanted || !buyable) {
                    candtr[tr].style.display = "none";
                else if (mark1) {
                    candtd[2].style.backgroundColor = "yellow";
            var priceMax = parseFloat(candtd[3].innerHTML.replace(regDelimThou, "").replace(regDelimDeci, "."));
            candtd[3].innerHTML = "&nbsp;" + number_format(priceMax, 2);
            candtd[3].style.textAlign = "right";
            candtd[4].style.textAlign = "right";
            candtd[5].style.textAlign = "right";
            var price = parseFloat(candtd[4].innerHTML.replace(regDelimThou, "").replace(regDelimDeci, "."));
            candtd[4].innerHTML = "&nbsp;" + number_format(price, 2);
            candtd[5].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].innerHTML = "&nbsp;" + number_format(100 * price / priceMax) + "%";
            candtd[5].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].addEventListener("click", function () {
                clickYes = window.setInterval(function () {
                    if ((Select("dlg_message").style.display != "none") && (Select("btn_yes"))) {
                }, 50);
            }, false);
            createElement("td", {style: "text-align:right;"}, candtr[tr], "&nbsp;" + (price > priceMax ? "+" : "") + number_format(price - priceMax, 2));
            createElement("td", {style: "text-align:right;"}, candtr[tr], "&nbsp;" + time2str(restlicheZeit, 1) + "h");
            createElement("td", {style: "text-align:right;"}, candtr[tr], "&nbsp;" + (price > priceMax ? "---" : number_format((priceMax - price) * 3600 / restlicheZeit)));

        var canddiv = Select("ex_navi").getElementsByTagName("div");
        canddiv[1].addEventListener("mouseover", function () {
   = "blue";
        }, false);
        newdiv = null;
        newselect = null;
        newselect1 = null;
        candtable = null;
        candtr = null;
        candtd = null;
        canddiv = null;

    function do_Shop() {
        var cand = Select("dropzonesource").getElementsByTagName("div");
        for (var v in cand) {
            if (cand[v].addEventListener) {
                cand[v].addEventListener("mousedown", function () {
                    Select("dropzonetarget").style.border = "2px solid red";
                }, false);

                cand[v].addEventListener("mouseup", function () {
                    Select("dropzonetarget").style.border = "";
                }, false);

        cand = null;

    function do_login() {
        console.log(info + "do_login");
        var loc = reg2.exec(document.location.href);

        //Auto backing to login page
        if ("logout") != -1) {
            window.setTimeout(function () {
                document.location.href = "http://www." + lng + "";
            }, 100);
        else {
            try {
                var logindata = explode(GM_getValue("logindata", "[]"));
            catch (err) {
                var logindata = [];

            Select("login_div").style.zIndex = "20";
            Select("login_div").getElementsByClassName("kh_btn")[0].addEventListener("click", function () {
                var currServer = Select("l_server").value;
                var currUser = Select("l_loginname").value.toLowerCase();
                GM_setValue(lng + "_" + currServer + "_username", currUser);
            }, false);

            function submit_login(currUserNr) {
                Select("l_server").value = logindata[currUserNr][1];
                Select("l_loginname").value = logindata[currUserNr][2];
                Select("l_password").value = logindata[currUserNr][3];

            var newdiv = createElement("div", {style: "position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:412px;padding:10px;background-color:#999;-moz-border-radius:10px;"}, Select("login_div"));
            var newbutton;
            for (var v = 0; v < logindata.length; v++) {
                if (logindata[v][1] != "0") {
                    newbutton = createElement("button", {
                        type: "button",
                        class: "cursorclickable",
                        id: "autologin" + v,
                        style: "width:200px;height:20px;margin:3px;"
                    }, newdiv, texte["server"] + " " + logindata[v][1] + "." + logindata[v][0] + ": " + logindata[v][2]);
                    newbutton.addEventListener("click", function () {
                        submit_login("autologin", ""));
                    }, false);
            newdiv = null;
            newbutton = null;

    // Rolling the dice
    if ("rubbellos.php") != -1 && valPickAutomatic) {
        Rubbellos.rubbeln(getRandom(valMinRand, valMaxRand));

    // Skipping the announcements
    if ("readannouncement.php") != -1 && valSkipAnnouncement) {
        document.location.href = Select('continue').href;

    // Adblock
    if (Select("sky") != null) {
        console.log(info + "Removing ads");

}, false);