インストールの前に、Greasy Forkは、このスクリプトにアンチ機能が含まれることをお知らせします。これはあなたではなく、スクリプトの作者の利益を目的としてます。
Earn free crypto using this script instantly
- Create your FaucetPay account from faucetpay.io : https://faucetpay.io/?r=3106638
- Enter your FaucetPay addresses
- Save and run script
- Go to https://crab-coins.net/bitcoin-faucet/?r=bleem.rapid@gmail.com and keep it open
- Use AB Link Solver to auto solve ABLink images
- https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/459453-ab-links-solver
- Use Bypass All Shortlinks
- https://greasyfork.org/pl/scripts/431691-bypass-all-shortlinks
- Use hektCaptcha to auto solve ReCaptcha
For Firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/hektcaptcha/
For Chrome , Chromium based , Kiwi and Microsoft Edge https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hektcaptcha-hcaptcha-solv/bpfdbfnkjelhloljelooneehdalcmljb