Twitter Old Logo back -

4/4/2023, 18:52:11

< Twitter Old Logo back - twitter.comについてのフィードバック


投稿日: 2023/04/06

What this software does:
1. Try to set an observer on the body (if it fails, set a timeout to prevent the replacement from failing even if it doesn't succeed immediately).
2. Select all xlinks with document.querySelectorAll('[*|href]:not([href])')
3. Replace the data:image link with the correct one (you can replace the twitter bird with whatever you like, just convert any image to base64).
4. Restart the script if the page location or scroll changes.

Version 1 only worked with setTimeout, page turning and scrolling, also I didn't find the original twitter image so I used a similar one.
Version 2 adds the rest and completes the script.

