Youtube Theater Fill Up Window

make theater mode fill up window

< Youtube Theater Fill Up Windowについてのフィードバック

レート:良 – スクリプトは良好に動作する

IT's crop the bottom of screen. Plz fix it soon

投稿日: 2022/11/17

I think it conflict with other script.
Please let me know if you have used any other scripts that change the size of the video.

I think it conflict with other script.
Please let me know if you have used any other scripts that change the size of the video.

Thank mate, it's conflict with "Tabview Youtube" script. It's hard to choose which one to disable T.T

投稿日: 2022/11/17

Sorry for that I can't solve the issue completely.
In 1.0.3, you can add this line under line 34: position: static !important;
It should fix the conflict with "Tabview Youtube".
But it's just a alternative, it cause some issues without using "Tabview Youtube".
Or you can just choose which script you perfer to.

Sorry for that I can't solve the issue completely.
In 1.0.3, you can add this line under line 34: position: static !important;
It should fix the conflict with "Tabview Youtube".
But it's just a alternative, it cause some issues without using "Tabview Youtube".
Or you can just choose which script you perfer to.

I disabled Tabview. LMAO
Thank for greate support, bro!

