Greasy Fork is available in English.


Display checkboxes and magnet icons on rarbg search result page, you can batch copy magnet links.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         rarbg-magnet-batch-copy
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Display checkboxes and magnet icons on rarbg search result page, you can batch copy magnet links.
// @author       Xavier Lee
// @match        *://*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
  "use strict";
   * Global constant
  const itemCheckboxClass = "rarbg-magnet-batch-item-checkbox";
  const modalWrapperId = "rarbg-magnet-batch-modal-wrapper";
  const modalContentId = "rarbg-magnet-batch-modal-content";
  const selectAllText = "✅Select All";
  const unselectAllText = "🔳Unselect All";
  const copySelectedButtonText = "🧲📋Copy Selected Magnet Links";
  // selectors on the rarbg details page
  const rarbgPageMagnetIconSelector = "a[href^='magnet:?']";
  const rarbgPageTorrentLinkSelector = "a[href$='.torrent']";
  // selectors on the rarbg search result page
  const itemRowSecondTdSelector = "tr.lista2 > td:nth-child(2)";
  const titleLinkInSecondTdSelector = "a[title]";
  const headerRowSecondCellSelector =
    "table.lista2t > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2)";
  const itemRowSelector = "table.lista2t > tbody > tr.lista2";

   * Create control elements
  const createControlElement = function (controlType) {
    const controlDetailsObject = {
      selectAllButton: {
        element: "button",
        innerText: selectAllText,
        attributes: {
          style: "margin-right:10px;",
      copySelectedMagnetButton: {
        element: "button",
        innerText: copySelectedButtonText,
        attributes: {
          style: "margin-left:10px;",
      lineBreak: {
        element: "br",
      itemCheckbox: {
        element: "input",
        attributes: {
          type: "checkbox",
          style: "height: 12px;",
          class: itemCheckboxClass,
      magnetIcon: {
        element: "img",
        attributes: {
          title: "copy magnet link",
          class: "copyManet",
          src: "",
          style: "margin: 0px 5px;",
      torrentIcon: {
        element: "img",
        attributes: {
          title: "download torrent file",
          class: "downloadTorrent",
          src: "",
      modalWrapper: {
        element: "div",
        innerText: "",
        attributes: {
          id: modalWrapperId,
            "display:none; position:fixed; z-index:1; padding-top:100px; left:0; top:0; width:100%; height:100%; overflow:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.4);",
      modalContent: {
        element: "div",
        innerText: "",
        attributes: {
          id: modalContentId,
            "background-color:#fefefe; margin:auto; padding:20px; border:1px solid #888; width:80%; color:#000;",
    const possibleTypes = Object.keys(controlDetailsObject);
    if (!possibleTypes.includes(controlType)) {
      throw `createControlElement function, argument controlType is ${controlType}, expecting ${possibleTypes}`;
    const controlDetail = controlDetailsObject[controlType];
    const controlAttributes = controlDetail.attributes;
    const controlElement = document.createElement(controlDetail.element);
    controlElement.innerText = controlDetail.innerText;
    for (const attributeName in controlAttributes) {
      if (, attributeName)) {
        const attributeValue = controlAttributes[attributeName];
        controlElement.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);
    return controlElement;

   * This function UPDATE the array of rarbgMagnetTorrentItems
   * rarbgMagnetTorrentItems should be something like:
      name: "This.Is.Us.S04E18.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DDP5.1.x264-KiNGS[rartv]",
      pageUrl: "",
      magnetUrl: null,
      torrentUrl: null,
      name: "This.Is.Us.S04E17.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DDP5.1.x264-KiNGS[rartv]",
      pageUrl: "",
      magnetUrl: null,
      torrentUrl: null,
   * Then the function should update the magnetUrl and torrentUrl in each object of the array
  const updateRarbgMagnetTorrentItems = async function (items) {
    const responses = await Promise.all( => fetch(item.pageUrl))
    const htmls = await Promise.all( => r.text()));
    htmls.forEach((html) => {
      const parser = new DOMParser();
      const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html");
      const torrentLink = doc.querySelector(rarbgPageTorrentLinkSelector);
      const magnetIcon = doc.querySelector(rarbgPageMagnetIconSelector);
      const pageName = torrentLink.innerText;
      const magnetUrl = magnetIcon.getAttribute("href");
      const torrentUrl = torrentLink.getAttribute("href");
      const currentName = items.find((item) => === pageName);
      currentName.magnetUrl = magnetUrl;
      currentName.torrentUrl = torrentUrl;
    return items;

   * This function GENERATE one rarbgMagnetTorrentItem obj from the second td in an item row
  const generateRarbgMagnetTorrentItem = function (td) {
    const titleLink = td.querySelector(titleLinkInSecondTdSelector);
    return {
      name: titleLink.innerText,
      pageUrl: titleLink.getAttribute("href"),
      magnetUrl: null,
      torrentUrl: null,

   * This function GENERATE the array of rarbgMagnetTorrentItems for selected
   * Or for a single item in an array when click the icon directly
  const generateRarbgMagnetTorrentItemsForSelected = function (
    targetTd = null
  ) {
    if (targetTd) {
      return [generateRarbgMagnetTorrentItem(targetTd)];
    const itemRowSecondTds = document.querySelectorAll(itemRowSecondTdSelector);
    return Array.from(itemRowSecondTds)
      .filter((td) => td.querySelector(`.${itemCheckboxClass}`).checked)
      .map((td) => generateRarbgMagnetTorrentItem(td));

   * Select or Un-select all item checkboxes
  const selectOrUnselectAllItems = function (event) {
    const targetButton =;
    const currentButtonText = targetButton.innerText;
    const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll(`.${itemCheckboxClass}`);
    if (currentButtonText === selectAllText) {
      checkboxes.forEach((checkbox) => (checkbox.checked = true));
      targetButton.innerText = unselectAllText;
    } else {
      checkboxes.forEach((checkbox) => (checkbox.checked = false));
      targetButton.innerText = selectAllText;

   * This function showing a message to user

  const showMessage = function (str) {
    const modalWrapper = document.getElementById(modalWrapperId);
    const modalContent = document.getElementById(modalContentId);
    modalContent.innerText = str; = "block";

    setTimeout(() => { = "none";
      modalContent.innerText = "";
    }, 2000);

   * This function get UPDATED rarbgMagnetTorrentItems for selected or targeted
  const getUpdatedRarbgMagnetTorrentItems = async function (event) {
    let targetTdOrNull;
    if ( !== "BUTTON") {
      // means user clicked icon
      targetTdOrNull =;
    const rarbgMagnetTorrentItems =
    await updateRarbgMagnetTorrentItems(rarbgMagnetTorrentItems);
    return rarbgMagnetTorrentItems;

   * This function copy selected items' magnet urls to clipboard
  const copySelectedMagnetUrls = async function (event) {
    const rarbgMagnetTorrentItems = await getUpdatedRarbgMagnetTorrentItems(
    const textToCopy = rarbgMagnetTorrentItems
      .map((item) => item.magnetUrl)
    await navigator.clipboard.writeText(textToCopy);
      `successfully copied ${rarbgMagnetTorrentItems.length} links to clipboard: 

   * This function download the torrent file
  const downloadSelectedTorrent = async function (event) {
    const rarbgMagnetTorrentItems = await getUpdatedRarbgMagnetTorrentItems(
    const torrentUrl = rarbgMagnetTorrentItems[0].torrentUrl;
    const name = rarbgMagnetTorrentItems[0].name;
    const link = document.createElement("a");
    link.href = torrentUrl;
    link.setAttribute("target", "_blank");;

   * Insert UI buttons on top of the table
  const insertUiButtonsOnTop = function (target = null) {
    const scopeDoc = target ? target : document;
    const headerRowSecondCell = scopeDoc.querySelector(
    if (!headerRowSecondCell) {
    const selectAllButton = createControlElement("selectAllButton");
    selectAllButton.addEventListener("click", selectOrUnselectAllItems);
    const copySelectedMagnetButton = createControlElement(
    copySelectedMagnetButton.addEventListener("click", copySelectedMagnetUrls);
    headerRowSecondCell.append(selectAllButton, copySelectedMagnetButton);

   * Insert UI controls into each item row
  const insertUiControlElementsPerRow = function (target = null) {
    const scopeDoc = target ? target : document;
    const itemRows = scopeDoc.querySelectorAll(itemRowSelector);

    itemRows.forEach((row, i) => {
      const itemLinkTd = row.querySelectorAll("td")[1];
      const itemCheckbox = createControlElement("itemCheckbox");
      const magnetIcon = createControlElement("magnetIcon");
      magnetIcon.addEventListener("click", copySelectedMagnetUrls);
      const torrentIcon = createControlElement("torrentIcon");
      torrentIcon.addEventListener("click", downloadSelectedTorrent);
      const lineBreak = createControlElement("lineBreak");
      itemLinkTd.prepend(itemCheckbox, magnetIcon, torrentIcon, lineBreak);

   * Insert model related element for notification
  const insertModelToBody = function () {
    const modalWrapper = createControlElement("modalWrapper");
    const modalContent = createControlElement("modalContent");

   * Setting up the observer when click expanding on tv page
  const setupObserverForTvPage = function () {
    const contentTable = document.querySelector(".lista-rounded");
    const observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
      mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
        if (mutation.removedNodes.length > 0) {
    observer.observe(contentTable, { childList: true, subtree: true });

   * Main entrance